Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1620: Your name is food!


Everyone hasn't recovered yet!

Nine evils all fell to the ground!

"Nine evil... defeated..."

The dry-faced old man shuddered, and then the whole person fell from the back of the trembling corpse beast. After counting the interest, it fell to the ground, and then there was no interest! The living dead are not immortal, the living dead will also die, and the dead old man is scared to death!

There are several other living dead people on the left and right sides of the Wusheng White Bone Palace. At this moment, the body is also oscillating, and dare not make a sound! As for the creatures on the land like the giant swords in the land of embers, all are silent at the moment!

Nine evils are actually gods enshrined by these creatures. In their minds, they are the supreme gods, but God was suppressed by a young man in an instant!


Not invincible!


On the life and death promenade, some living people froze for a moment before opening their mouths. The rest of the living people were awake and fell into silence.

Nine evils!

Nine terrible creatures sealed in the Ember Land!

Also suppressed by the mysterious young man!


Why do you feel that the breath released by the young man is more fierce than the evil evil?

Why do you feel this young man is evil in evil!

"Era Yoke!"

"You even have the yoke of epochs, you are a reincarnation of a terrible creature who refined the yoke of epochs!"

"The era shackles, someone really refined the era shackles! Rumors are indeed true, once the era shackles are refined, even the turn of the century yuan shackles are still there!"

Nine evils on the ground have been silent for a long time, and several of them looked at Chen Zhengshen snarling at the top!

"The yoke of the epoch... You **** pig and eat the tiger, your life can even refine the yoke of the epoch, even stronger than our master! It turns out that you have such terrible means, why not be the first Time to come up with this kind of means, if you take this kind of means the first time, Lao Tzu... how could I do it for you!"

The reckless man gritted his teeth!

"The era of shackles...Your life is really terrible, but your life is not strong enough, although relying on the era of shackles can suppress us, but it is also limited to this! Second sister, you can hook up the master, please master Come on, now is the best time to ask your master to come!"

The face of the scarred man in Nine Evils changed for a while, and he shouted at the goddess demon!

"Please come master..."

The goddess frowned as soon as she heard it.

"This son is only relying on the yoke of the era to suppress our nine evils. Although we can't break free now, but he can't kill us. Rather than stalemate, it is better to ask the master to come! This ember land is not in the world of thousands, even if the master only comes together. The incarnation of the will will never extinguish the power of the ninth realm! The ninth realm will definitely extinguish this child! This child has the yoke of the era, and once was a terrible creature in a certain life. The owner also said that that kind of terrible Most of the creatures have enmity with him, maybe they are one of the master’s enemies, and the master can just kill the reincarnation of his enemy in the cradle!"

The scarred man is drinking again!

"Huh? You guys are really likely to be enemies of our master. It seems that you can't kill us in this state. Then please come to master to come and get you!"

The reckless man stared at Chen Zheng, his eyes lit up!

"Which situation is your master? If you are not strong enough, please don't invite me. I'm too lazy to see it."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly in the air.



"Damn it's crazy!"

"Second Sister invites the master to come!"

"This kid must be educated!"

A few rude men and scarred men were instantly angry. In their hearts, their masters were the supreme creatures, and no one could be humiliated, even words!

"Please come my Lord!"

The face of the goddess suddenly became very solemn, Yang Tian shouted!


This shout!

The sky of the embers oscillates!


next moment!

It's dark!

The sky dome is completely dim!

The land of embers still had light!

At this moment it seems to be completely swallowed by the darkness!

"Nine Evils and Master..."

"What a terrible creature..."

"Is this coming..."

The dozens of living people behind Chen Zheng held their breath and looked at the sky at this moment, staring at the dark sky dome. When a figure was reflected in the pupils, their bodies were also uncontrollable and trembling!


Someone really came!


This is darkness!

I don’t know why, the old man in the black robe stared at the dozens of living people and only looked at the advent figure, and the same words appeared in his mind!


The coming figure seems to represent darkness or darkness itself!

"My Lord!"

"Meet my lord!"

"Finally, my Lord!"

Nine evils are also looking at the sky, shouting in unison at the moment!



As soon as the figure in the sky fell down, it fell on the same height as Chen Zheng. At this moment, I didn't look at the others, only stared at Chen Zheng!


"He...his prettier than a woman's face!"

"Why is it so strange... Is this a male or a female!"


When dozens of living people behind Chen Zheng and the creatures on the land saw the face of the coming person clearly, they were all surprised! The face of this adventurous person is too delicate, so that he almost forgot his terrible breath!


He seems to be the source of darkness!

"Master, nine of us have been sealed in the embers. These years have been regarded as the fuel of the initial fire. The master let us bear the burden, and finally completed the task today! But I did not expect to encounter this kid, this kid has an era yoke The brand is a terrifying reincarnation of the soul. The master once said that the kind of creature is basically the enemy of the master! This kid uses the era shackles to suppress us. There is no way we can only ask the master to come. The master will make the decision for me to wait!"

Shouts shouted for a while!

"This person is indeed my enemy!"

The voice of the advent sounded, extremely cold and ruthless!


Guess right!

When the wicked and scary face and other wicked people heard it, they instantly showed a happy look. Although the master is only a will incarnation, but the land of embers is not a world of thousands and is not affected by the heavenly way. Even if the master is only a will incarnation, there is an indestructible ninth realm. The combat power will definitely suppress the kid!


Isn't your kid crazy?

Some kind of madness!

"Do you remember who I am!"

The advent stared at Chen Zheng and asked!

"Yong Ye Di, right."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"You just know!" The advent person sneered, looking at Chen Zheng and sternly said: "You are much stronger than when you were in the Shura realm, and your cultivation behavior has also recovered a lot, but it is a pity that you are far from the peak It’s too far, too far! On that day, my will incarnation came to the Shura realm, and was limited by the heavens. Now, the will incarnation comes to the ember land. Although it is far less than the body, there is no way to destroy the ninth realm level! Your physical body is special, I am killing It’s not up to you, but it’s not a problem to suppress you! So I have a question, what do you use to resist my suppression!"

"Although you are called Yongye Emperor, although you claim to be before the ages, although the coming incarnation is the ninth level of Taoist ancestors, in my eyes your incarnation is just a name."

Chen smiled without fluctuation.

"what name!"

Asked by the advent!


Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.



What does this mean?

The advent was shocked, the nine evils were shocked, and the rest of the creatures were shocked, and they didn't understand it for a while!

"Food? Pretend to be a ghost, you can still swallow the master's will to be incarnate!"

Mang Han quickly recovered and stared at Chen Zheng with a disdainful smile!


This is the moment!

A gloomy fly flew out of his pocket!

This ghost was turned into a stone egg hanging in the air!

"Haha! Stone egg? What kind of thing is this? Are there any ancient creatures gestating in it? Then how can the creatures inside still swallow the master's will to become an incarnation!"

Mang Han glanced at it, and smiled disdainfully!



Stone egg moved!

You mang flash!


People who came almost at the same time shouted a word!


Only one word!

The advent is instantly swallowed by the ghost!


The reckless man is forced!

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