Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1622: 5 Emperor Realm Gate


what's the situation?

Before the Purple God Fire, it was something the owner Yong Ye Di wanted, this guy didn't want it, but gave a little girl in her tens!


Isn’t this a riot?

Nine evils are forced again!

"Master, Yan Luo has absorbed the Divine Fire, go back and continue to practice first."

Before the ten-breath time came, the girl opened her mouth and turned into a fairy light, and fell into Chen Zhengyuan.

"Absorbed... This is impossible! She has nothing to do, how can she absorb this magic fire, this magic fire is before the ages!"

The stubborn man did not believe it!

"Nine of you can continue to be firewood."

Chen Zheng lightly glanced at Mang Han and said that he would raise his hand.


"I beg you to destroy me, I really don’t want to be firewood!"

"I would rather die!"

Nine evil looks sinking!

"In addition to the secret in the Temple of the First Ancestor, there is another secret among the embers. I said that secret, and I only asked you to give me a death!"

Scary wicked one gritted his teeth!

Instead of being firewood!

It's better to die!

However, Chen Zheng only wiped it away, and all the nine evils turned into the underground. The next moment I heard the thunderous thunder coming from the underground!


"When you leave the land of embers, the master will come to save us!"

"You bastard!"

An angry than an angry!

Unfortunately, there is no egg!

Chen Zheng laid down an enchantment, covering the first ancestor's crown, unless the power above the Taoist ancestor, the ninth realm of Taoist ancestors could not break this enchantment. The souls above the Taoist ancestors, in the true sense of the era overlord, are basically within the Taixu, even if the Yongye Emperor is stronger than the era overlord, the deity cannot fall to the land of embers.

Of course, this is not absolute. In fact, Chen Zheng is very clear. Those epoch overlords in the Taixu can also come by force, only one will be targeted by Heavenly Dao, but they are afraid of being targeted by Hongmeng. Those guys are not afraid of heaven, those guys are afraid of Hongmeng.

"That... Old Desolation has heard something. It seems that there is a mysterious world gate in the ember land, which is related to the Five Emperors. The Five Emperors have existed in a very ancient time, and it does not refer to the Red Emperor and the White Emperor in the heavens. Emperor, etc., but five other extremely tyrannical creatures, all said to be beyond the existence of the era. The five emperors in the heavens are likely to be the will of the era and the five emperors, of course, this is just an old speculation. But just nine evils The other secret mentioned should be the boundary gate."

The old man in black robe groaned.

"Five Emperors Realm Gate...Era Emperor Five Emperors... I heard people mentioned that the Five Emperors are related to a mysterious place." Chen Zheng nodded his head, looked away from the temple, and then shot out his brows. A seven-color divine light swept across the land of embers in an instant.


The old man in black robe and others showed curiosity. Although they did not understand it, they may feel the extraordinary light of the seven colors.

"This ember land has only grown a little. Is it so unbranded?"

Chen Zheng raised his brow slightly.


The old man in black robe and other people are puzzled. Something has only grown a little. Although the land of embers is not a big world, there is the temple of the ancestor in the land of embers. The initial fire is here, and the status is definitely not under the big thousand world.

Chen Zheng did not explain that he swept the ember land with the cantilever of the universe, and only increased a little bit. The previous number was fifty-nine, but now it is sixty. As for the so-called boundary gate, there is nothing to escape from it at a glance, he already knows where the boundary gate is.

"Sixty, it's still forty short of perfection. Cantilever, cantilever. You must not let me down, but you should not let me down."

Chen Zheng whispered and stepped out. The old man in black robe and other people doubted his figure and disappeared.

"Your Mightiness!"



The old man in black robe and other people reacted and screamed and chased out. Of course, after chasing out, I only saw a green mountain in the southernmost part of the embers, and there was a fairy gate in the green mountain!


"He found the boundary gate!"

"How could it be so fast!"

"His method is terrible. When he meets the strong enemy we can only look up to, he will kill him at will. The ancestor crown is also repaired at will. The initial fire is ignited at will, and the nine evils are suppressed at will. He’s just a Xuanxian mana! Xuanxian mana, this is not powerful at all, but he can reverse the number of days with Xuanxian mana, if he has Daozu mana, can he just wipe it out casually? Other creatures between heaven and earth have even suppressed heaven and earth!"

"I don't know, I can't imagine!"

Everyone looked at Qingmang and saw a figure stepping into the hidden fairy gate, leaving only emotion!




Fairy light.

"It's getting stronger again. I don't know what they are in the fairy palace. It should be above the Huashen."

Xiao Peng whispered.

"Hua Shen... You are too small to look at this fairy palace, this fairy palace has a big beginning, and it merges with the imperial palace that came to the upper realm. Its owner is at least the heaven emperor realm, this It's just superficial cultivation, and its combat power should not be weaker than those of the ancestors and even saints in the world."

A woman in a sacrificial robe shook her head gently. She was a taco priest of the Pangu saint. In the spirit world, Chen Zheng was ordered to move the Pangu ancestral land to the earth.

"I don't know if this immortal palace will soar... These days, there seems to be a strange appearance in the spiritual world, and a red fairy gate has appeared in the Antarctic land. With my current Yuanshen Xiu as an investigation, it actually turned out Nothing can be detected."

Lin Zhengdao was also there, whispering at the moment.

"Da Chen Chen said that he would come back after three years. Now that half of the time has passed, I don't know where Chen Da is now. If the three-year period comes, will Da Chen Chen come back."

Xiao Peng thought a little.

"The lower bound of the earth... The earth can only be regarded as a small thousand world, but the energy fluctuations from the earth's core in recent times, according to the Tassel Great Witch Festival, those few energy fluctuations far exceed the power of the big thousand world level. In the heart of the earth, are there terrifying creatures sleeping?"

Lin Zhengdao thought of another point, could not help but looked at the tassel.

"Maybe when Chen Zu comes back, it will be three years, and the creature will wake up."

Tassel nodded.

"Who would it be? Why sleep in the heart of the earth? It seems a little unreasonable?"

Xiao Peng asked three questions in a It was related to the original flood, which I only discovered recently. As for the creature in the earth's heart, I can't spy on it, let's not think more about it, and everything will be explained when Chen Zu returns. "

The tassel whispered.


At this time!

The fairy palace has another bright eruption!


next moment!

The fairy palace rises to the sky!

Break away at once!


Xiao Peng was dumbfounded!

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