Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1627: What's the point!


Isn't this the son who opened the fabulous ancient fairy in Fangshi?

But now the Seventh Palace Demon is staring!

Simon's defeat may not help him!

A monk recognized Chen Zheng, and at the moment his thoughts flashed, saying that the change of Dayu Mountain was related to the stunning ancient immortal, and this stunning ancient immortal was derived from this mysterious father from the seal stone, if it was from beginning to end In this game, the Seven Palace Demons are afraid of bad luck!

Is it really just the game of this Xuanxian Gongzi cloth!

"Son son, or immortality, now use mystery to bring my son back to Qingjue Xiancheng? Although the Seven Palaces are powerful, the old mystery can still run the first time!"

Simon's face for defeat fell, and secretly voiced. Qigong Mo can't figure it out, but it's okay to run. Although he initially slaughtered Chen Zheng as a fat sheep, but he still had to do things after collecting money, he was still a bit professional.

"Physical training? I am really a self-cultivator, you have good eyesight."

Chen Zheng smiled and stepped out in front of the lotus demon in Dayu Mountain.

"Young man, you may be a disciple of a noble family outside the realm, but in the ancient world of Qingyue, our fierce family is not afraid of you outside the realm! Your tone makes me a little uncomfortable, I hope you can open the way for us to succeed, to Otherwise hehe!"

Qigong Mo Yin Xie smiled!

"Should you come in with me?"

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, facing the Seven Palaces.

"Go in with you? Does your kid dare to do anything with this seat? Haha! Ridiculous! This is the Seventh House Demon, the three kings of the fierce demon family in the ancient moon and moon. Go in? Your kid is so god..."

When Chen Zheng started, the monks of Ximen and other human races were shocked. The seventh house demon and the fierce demon were showing ridicule, but the voice of the seventh house demon stopped abruptly!


Chen Zheng grabs it!

Capture the Seven Palace Demon directly!

"Damn! What are you gonna do!"

Qigong Mo suddenly recovered, and he roared at Chen Zheng, but unfortunately it was too late. He, the so-called three kings of the fierce family, was thrown directly by Chen Zheng towards the refining demon ahead!


Next second!

Howling sounded!


The seventh house demon was devoured by lotus demon!


Terran monk!

Ferocious family!

Shocking away!

At this moment, staring at Chen Zheng!


Evil gate!

A mystery!

Caught the Seven Palaces at random!

Then he threw the Seven Palace Demon to Lotus Demon!

A peak ancestor was swallowed like this!

This is too evil!


Simon's throat agitated for defeat, and there was only one thought in his heart at this moment, that is to return the Taoist weapon he had received before to Chen Zheng! He was a little scared. The little fat sheep in his eyes was a terrible murderous creature!

This Nima!

Grab the Seven Palaces and feed the Lotus Demon!

This method is also a little stronger!

"Is it so strong..."

"So what happened in Fangshi..."

"Is it really his layout..."

Those monks who had seen Chen Zheng in Fangshi before, whispered at the moment, and the previous thoughts came up again. At this moment, the Seventh Palace Demon was caught and fed to the lotus demon. It seems to verify the previous guess!

Excellent ancient fairy!

Change of Daewoo Mountain!

Wonderful scene of Qing Emperor!

I am afraid it is the layout of this mysterious son!

What's the point of this son?

"You guys still want to eat me?"

At this time, Chen Zheng's eyes were swept away, and those succulent lotus monsters were staring at him. These lotus monster pupils stared at him. It seemed that it was not enough to swallow a Seven Palace Demon. It seems that as long as Chen Zheng advances a few steps, these lotus monsters Will swarm!



Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!

Almost at the same time!

Lotus demon moved!


At this moment, the Terran monks from Qingjue Immortal City all held their breaths and blocked their ears, because the lotus monsters suddenly made a strange scream, and that scream can disturb the monk's mind!



A face-to-face!

The lotus demon was all blasted!

And all exploded into scum in the air!

No flesh!

Only lotus fragments!

This scene!

There is an inexplicable strangeness!

"Lian Yao...When did Qinglian become a demon."

With a whisper, Chen Zheng entered Dayu Mountain.


The human monks and fiends swallowed their saliva here, and suddenly felt a little illusory in extreme consternation. Was the young man disguised as a Xuanxian or might!

"Which... shall we enter Daewoo Mountain? Now we can be sure that the preeminent ancient immortal entered Daewoo Mountain, the master of Qingjue Xiancheng entered Daewoo Mountain, and some powerful monks from outside the field entered Daewoo Mountain. It’s such a strange and terrifying lotus demon outside Daewoo Mountain. Daewoo Mountain doesn’t know how many dangerous things are hidden.

"Go inside, you have already come to the Dayu Mountain, always go in and see what happens!"

"The ancient world of Qingyue is related to the Qing Emperor. I want to meet the Qing Emperor, even if it is just a divine thought!"

After a brief silence, a whisper of discussion, some of the monks gritted their teeth, and Huaguang flew into Dayu Mountain.


Simon asked for thoughts before defeating, and finally gritted his teeth into Dayu Mountain.

"Go and invite the Eight House Demons and the Nine House Demons!"

There was a whisper from the family of fiends over there, and some fiends escaped directly into the ground.


"Life is dead, wealth is in the sky!"

"My ancestor was once a man under the leader of the Blue Moon. Later, the lord of the Blue Moon disappeared. My ancestor annihilated the other men of the Blue Moon and became the lord of the Qingjue immortal city! At this step, this seat has no retreat, you No one wants to stop this seat! As long as this seat absorbs this blue pearl, this seat can get the original inheritance of the Lord of the Blue Moon, which is the inheritance left by the Green Emperor of the Five Emperors, and this seat can also be like the Blue Moon. The Lord enters the land of eternal life!"

"As for you, this ancient immortal, dare to kill the son of this seat, dare to destroy the city's main palace, this seat will let you know what is painful and undesirable, life is better than death!"

Mine in the deep Daewoo Mountain!

A mess and a mess!

Raymond flashes in the air!

That's the power left over by the thunderous bombing of Thunder Avenue!

At this moment in the mine, the only person still standing is the lord of Qingjue City. The rest of the ancient immortals and foreign monks are almost all lying on the ground, either with bleeding at the corner of the mouth, or with a pale complexion!

And above the head of the Qing Jue Xiancheng city, there is a green pearl suspended, and the green pearl demon mantle is circulating, as if telling all the creatures here, as long as you get it, you can get real longevity!

"Dr. Zhuo, don't you really take my Wenren family into your eyes!"

With a low roar, it was Wenren Haoyue who had once gambled with Chen Zheng in the city of Fang, staring at the master of Qingjue Immortal City at the moment!

"The Ziji dynasty Wenren family is indeed a tyrannical noble family, but Wenren Haoyue, you made a mistake. This is the Qingyue ancient world. This is not a party outside the territory. This is the master of Qingyue! The Lord is not here, and my Zhuo Family is the Lord of this realm! Besides, this realm is not a place where foreign ancestors can come at will. Why should the city's lord take you to your family? This time, no one can stop the city's lord, the city's main Go to the land of eternal life!"

The master of Qingjue Immortal City dismissed a smile, said a low growl, raised his hand to the magical blue pearl above it was a catch!


It was also at this moment that a figure swept by and the person coming was Chen Zheng!

"It's you! How did you come in!"

Wen Renhaoyue looked subconsciously and saw Chen Zheng stunned!

"This son..."

Wen Renyi sat cross-legged on the ground. At this moment, he saw Chen Zheng, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes!

"Xuan Xian? You can actually come in? Why do you even a Xuan Xian want to stop the city master!"

The host of Qing Jue Xiancheng stared at him with cold eyes!

"I just want to remind you that You can't absorb this stuff."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Haha! You can also bluff the city master!"

The master of Qingjue Immortal City immediately laughed loudly, raised his hand to Qingzhu above, and swallowed Qingzhu with his mouth open! After swallowing the green pearl, the host of Qingjue Fairy City showed a terrible color, and raised his hand to catch Chen Zheng!


His right hand was raised!

He was frozen all over!


A terrible tear sounded!

I saw a thing stabbed out of the heart of Qing Jue Xiancheng city master!

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