Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1640: Wash the sword in years!


This Nima!

Disturb him for years!


What is the time?

It seems that this is not the point!

The point is that this guy squeezed the Daozu ghost body of the swallowing ghost emperor with one hand raised!

Swallow the Ghost Emperor!

The first person in the ghost town!

After the great changes in the world of the Eight Wastelands, the ghost ancestors!

Even if there is no blessing from the ancient city of Yangu!

It is definitely the top creature in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!


Today, a human race Xuan Xian gave the Taoist ancestor a crush!

In the ancient city of Yan!

Ghosts are all silent!


The demon clan in the courtyard opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything at the moment! Although the demon demon clan also gave birth to the ancestor, and even got the title of demon lord, but the lord lord is the second ancestor of the second realm. For some past reasons, the demon lord sent nine princesses to ghost desert to form an alliance with the ghost clan!

at the moment!

It seems that there is no need for alliance!

If true alliance!

The monster is afraid that there will be a big disaster!

"Human race... Xuan Xian... this back... really..."

Nine Princess looked at the figure on the head of the city and whispered at the moment.

"Sure enough, the swallowing ghost emperor is strong enough, beyond the realm of the great holy lords, and the realm that the great holy ancestors could only look up to. But in front of this man, it was still not enough. Look! There are some old things, thinking that this man was the strongest first ancestor, but in fact this man... This man broke the formation of the three great ghosts in the ancient city of Yan Gucheng. How could it be just the strength of the first ancestor of the first realm! Even more terrifying is that after more than two thousand years, this man has returned, and it seems that only Xuan Xianxiu is in order, but he still squeezes the ancestor of the ancestor easily! Those old things, now I definitely know the situation here, but I am afraid that I am all ready to escape from the ghost!"

The sound of the Five Prison Ghost Beads Spirit sounded in Yin Xiaodie's ears.

"What the years are..."

Although Yin Xiaodie heard it, she only thought of one question. The son said that he was looking at the time, but what is the time, is it the time avenue or something else?

"Who knows what the years are, and it was the same in those days. He said that he was watching the years, when the ghost clan patriarch turned out to be a huge ghost body and wanted to swallow him, but he would be shot dead with a slap!"

The clever voice sounded again.



Swallow the Ghost Emperor Yuanshen with a roar!


In the temple of the ghost race in Yan Gucheng!

A dark sarcophagus flew out!

One fell in front of the swallowing ghost emperor Yuanshen!


"One of the three holy objects!"

"Soul Eater! This is Soul Eater! It is the Soul Eater coffin of our ghost race! This thing can devour the soul of all creatures in the world!"

The ghost clan exclaimed from the dark sarcophagus!


next moment!

Swallow the Ghost Emperor Yuanshen!

The black sarcophagus smashed towards Chen Zheng!



This moment!

In the ancient city of Yan!

Almost all creatures knelt down with the horrible breath of the black sarcophagus. All these creatures also held their breath and stared at the smashed black sarcophagus. At the moment, there was only one thought in their minds, that is whether this holy weapon could suppress that human clan. Fairy!




The gravel splashes all over the sky!

Ghost races dumbfounded!


Sacrificial device smashed past!

That person did not move at all!

The holy weapon was shattered!

It seems that the holy objects still touch that human race!

I am obedient!

How can that guy's flesh be so terrible!


Yan Gucheng!

All creatures are silent!


There is a kill!

At first they thought that this killing was the breath of the broken soul-eating coffin, but soon their face changed again, because they saw something coming from the dark earth!

what is that!

How does it feel like a terrifying force!

But it seemed as if I could see something faintly!

"Come to wash my sword."

Among the doubts of these creatures, I heard a murky voice, and then heard a sound of a sword screaming, and I saw a ghost sword shadow rising from the body on the city head!


This Nether Sword Shadow!

Why does this Nether Sword Shadow feel more horrible than the horror that comes in!

Just raised his head and glanced, the ghost clan shuddered up and down. This sword is much more terrible than the ghost clan artifact. This is a magic weapon that surpasses the treasure!

"Sword... how could it be a sword, isn't it the Scarlet Gun..."

Innocent ghost bead device spirit doubt.


Huang Quan Shenglong, who retreated into the black gas, also showed a doubtful color, because he had never seen this sword, and only saw a **** sharp gun, and a murderer wearing blood armor used that **** color. The sharp gun, three or two times, the ghost of the ghost clan will be pierced!

"This scary!"

"Is this a treasure... seems to surpass the treasure, this sword feels like it can destroy the world!"

"Who is he, with terrible fighting power, unrestrained physical strength, and such a sword!"

In the courtyard, several demon whispers.

"Sister Sword should have seen..."

With a sigh, Princess Nine thought of something.


Several demon races are forced.

Ever seen the princess?

When did the Grand Princess meet?

The princess has never left the holy land of demon demon clan from the moment of birth!

Has this human race ever been to the holy land of demon demon clan!



It was like the breath coming from the farthest place in the dull earth. At this moment, it had already flowed to the front of the ancient city of Yan. The instincts of the upper and lower necks of the ghost races backed away, and they were staring at the breath of terror. The breath even condensed a human figure!


Why are you still a woman!


The woman's figure seemed to pay a tribute to the human race above the city!


Between the consternations of all beings, the human figure formed by the condensed breath of terror spread out and turned into a breath of terror, and then these terror breathed up into the sky, swallowing the ghost sword shadow suspended in the sky!


Not devoured!

It is a package!

That terrifying breath surrounds the ghost sword shadow like flowing water!

What does this mean?

Is this what the human race said about washing swords?


What does this mean?

All creatures are more puzzled!

"Nine Nine Reincarnation!"


Swallow the ghost Emperor Yuanshen once again burst into tears!

His primordial spirit turned into a huge ghost!

At this moment, the Nine Nine Reincarnation vision appeared behind the giant ghost!


The huge ghost opened his mouth!

This is to swallow Nether Sword Shadow!

"Master Ghost Emperor!"

"Nine Nine Reincarnation!"

"Supreme Secret!"

The upper and lower eyes of the ghost clan lit up, and now I saw hope again!


Ghost Sword Shadow is still!

The breath of horror surrounding the ghost sword shadow is also still!



That breath of terror passed away like running water!

Ghost Sword Shadow lit up at once!

At this moment it is like a start!

I saw the brilliant sword light up!


The huge ghost roared!



In an instant!

Fly to smoke!

The spirits of a city are completely insulted!

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