Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1644: This is genuine!


Who is that?

Hongyue showed her curiosity. She had never heard of any Valkyrie mentioned by her father. It seems that since her memory, her father never mentioned any other woman except occasionally raising her mother. Of course, the Valkyrie must have nothing to do with his father, but with his ancestors.

"The Valkyrie... Princess Splendid? She actually entered Tian Yuan."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Originally, the master once pointed the Valkyrie, and then the master left the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, and the Valkyrie stood at the level of the Eight Wilderness Land and the Eight Wilderness Polar Realm within a few years, but that was only the Eight Wilderness Polar Realm, and Tian Yuan was not included. ! There is only Tao in the mind of the Valkyrie. In order to pursue a stronger Tao, he entered the Heavens! Now 800 years have passed, I am afraid..."

The ominous beast quickly responded, sighing and talking.

He didn’t mean anything to the Valkyrie. He just saw Chen Zheng tearing the God Emperor Tianba and the Corpse Sect with anger, reminding him of the scene that he had seen before. One witness is the Valkyrie, and the title of the master culprit, the ancestor, is the first to be screamed by the Valkyrie, so I feel a little emotional at the moment.

"Speaking of this, the name of the murderer's ancestor was given to me by me. It was always me who gave me the title, but she gave me a title, and she is not an ordinary person. Since she dares to enter the heavens, she should also Still alive, this time back to the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses, I will go to Tianyuan. Chen Huang’s sister should also be in Tianyuan."

Chen Zheng thought of some past laughed.

"Chen Huang? Was it the prince of the ruined country that the master had saved in the desert? He also returned to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands? Hm? I remembered that the old monsters of the deserted people seem to be fighting for orthodoxy, is it Chen Chen? I remember that Chen Huang should be the bloodline of the oldest royal family of the human waste, although the dynasty has long been destroyed, but in this era, it is indeed eligible to compete for the position of the emperor of the human waste. After the revival, the entire eight wilderness ancient areas have been upgraded. Many of the ancient things that we were not qualified to contact have appeared. There is a human king platform or a human emperor station on the side of the human waste, which is related to the emperor.

After hearing the ominous beast, he thought a little and said immediately.

"Chen Huang fell into the universe, and a family was born on an ancient star. Perhaps he moved back to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. If there is no hurry for the people, you should take care of yourself first. After I come back, you will go with me."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"This... the host is going to the holy can I not remember what the master has to do with the demon royal family...Fortunately, I will retreat in Xiezhao Mountain for a while, master I need to summon it anytime!"

The ominous whisper followed by focusing on the head.

"You have a special physique. I heard that something happened with a sin **** beast that fell from the sky, but I really want to quickly improve my cultivation behavior. I just want to do more happy things with that sin **** beast, and wait for the end of the world of the Eight Wastelands. After that, you can take Hongyue to find that evil beast outside the domain."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and hit a cyan light at will, the wound on the ominous beast instantly healed.

"This...that...master...not that I don't want it, but actually..."

The ominous beast suddenly became a bit twitchy.

Chen Zheng smiled, his body flashed, and disappeared out of thin air.

"Ancestor..." Hongyue whispered, and then looked at the ominous beast: "Dad... Why didn't the mother go with her father and Hongyue outside the domain?"

"This... uh... It's hard to say a word, although every time I mention your mother-in-law, the tone is a little uncomfortable, but that's because I was forced by your mother-in-law... In short, it’s good to understand that your mother-in-law is actually for your own good. Outside that domain, it’s a battlefield. There are three holy pilgrimages, and there are ten gods and demons. When we were at the peak of the Eight Wastelands, we could only barely compete with the outside world. During World War I, the territories outside the territory are dangerous. Your mother is a sin **** beast and coveted by major forces, so... When the time is ripe, I will take you to find your mother outside the territory."

The ominous beast said with emotion.

"Like this......"

Red Moon heard another whisper.


Fairyland Holy Land.

Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain.

Rumor has it that a nine-day demon phoenix has come here.

Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix preached here.

Later became a holy place for monsters.

Entrance to the Holy Land at this moment.

A man and a woman were stopped. The man is Chen Zheng and the woman is Mo Xin. She has absorbed the magic fire in the mysterious flame world. At this moment, she holds the blood-mandated sharp gun and stands on the side of Chen Zheng like a maidservant.

If it weren't for the blood-mans sharp weapon, I am afraid that it would not be targeted by almost all the demon clan.


The blood-mans sharp weapon is too sensitive!

"Xuan Xian?"

"Two monks?"

"Haha! Interesting, this girl actually held a scarlet sharp gun. Did this girl think of herself as the heir of that...? It's ridiculous! You two human races, don't know that this is a monster Holy land, don’t you know that the monsters don’t welcome human races? Today is a grand event for demon races. You didn’t invite your human races at all. Do you think this girl brought a **** sharp gun, would you like to scare me to wait?”




"Okay, don't make trouble, you two human races trespassing on the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain. It should have been a death sentence, but this kindness will not kill you. The **** gun in this girl's hand is left, and you two can leave!"

A demon clan old man, at the moment a faint sentence, like alms.


"Guo Lao is right, leaving the magic weapon, you two human races can get out! Dare to come to the holy land, you have to pay some price!"

"Have you two not heard, and quickly put down the magic weapon and leave!"

Around the demon clan!

"This is genuine, why no one believes it."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Haha! You're still pretending to be a ghost! You humans are all tricks, but unfortunately your kid thinks that you can find a little girl to bring a magical tool, and you want to scare us, and you look down on us too!"

"Bloodman's sharp gun, the magic weapon of more than two thousand years ago, no one knows who in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands! It's just that you are too naive, you should find a human race ancestor, not this Little girl! If you find a human ancestor carrying this magic weapon, we might believe it!"

"Your tricks have been seen by us, let go of this magic weapon, or you can't go if you want to go! Today's holy place has great things, don't want to see blood, your boy is lucky to escape!"

When the demon heard it, they sneered again and again!

"Your kid..." The old demon elder also spoke quietly, and only said three words, his face was one sullen, because a figure swept through the old man was facing that figure Yibai: "Turtle Heart Technique meets Princess Nine!"

"Meet Princess Nine!"

"Have seen Princess Nine!"

"Crazy Mountain Demon Clan meets Princess Nine!"

The rest of the demon clan also paid their respects to the coming person!

"Princess Nine... These two human race monks, trying to enter the Holy Land with conspiracy and tricks, have been seen by the old, please princess Nine!"

The demon elder raised his head and stared at Chen Zheng with cold eyes!

"Ajiu sees the son, and asks the son to follow Ajiu into the holy mountain!"


Nine Princess stepped forward!

Respectfully respect Chen Zhengyi!

In an instant!

The entrance to Jiutian Yaohuang Mountain is silent!

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