Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1651: Right and wrong

"This... that forgetfulness should join hands with the fellows of Shenhuang this time... Shenhuang's celestial supernatural being... It's a bit against the sky, Bahuanggu The earth is upgraded because of that supernatural creature."


After a moment, Di Mulang whispered.


"God of God's Desolation, what is the emperor of the world, the Taoist ancestor of the third realm is added to the extraterrestrial gods, just as he is the Taoist ancestor of the seventh realm and even the ninth realm. The means can still be killed. Moreover, without the gods outside the heavens, he is a waste, not worth mentioning. As for forgetting, it is regarded as a hegemon in Tianyuan’s creatures, but there is more than one hegemon in Tianyuan. He wants to exchange chips for Princess Splendid. , He thought that Fairview Princess was too simple. When I went to famine and spirit fetch some things to restore the mana to the golden fairy level, it wouldn’t be too hard to kill him. It’s a big deal to open that place, he didn’t want to enter that Where? He didn’t know that I wouldn’t let him in. At that time, it was for his good. It was equivalent to saving his life. Unfortunately, after more than two thousand years passed, he still didn’t understand.”


  Chen Zheng wrote lightly.




   Di Mulang was startled.


   "The place that gave birth to the cocoon of the sky should be extremely dangerous. The horror mentioned by the ancestor is that he can kill the ancestor or even the forgotten body just now."


Princess    thought for a moment.


   "Those creatures eroded by evil are basically gone when they are released, and it is difficult for me to kill those creatures completely with my current mana, only to suppress the seal."


  Chen Zheng nodded.


   "Evil...what is evil?"


  Di Mu Lang couldn't help asking.


   "Let's control the opposite side of the world."


  Chen Zheng thought a little.


   "The opposite of the world's control..."


   Di Mu Lang whispered.


"It’s okay to forget, the Nine Heavens demon phoenix, the body can’t break free from the bounds of the Heavens, and the volition will become a god. You don’t have to worry about it. I will use the power of red dust in my body to lay down a formation. Only the heart is in this The cave house is safe and sound, and they can't break through."


  Chen Zheng glanced at Princess Suxin, and he ingested a power at his will.


Although Di Mulang and Princess Nine didn't see clearly, they both felt. At this moment, Jiutian Yaohuang Mountain was shrouded in a strange array, and there was a feeling that it couldn't be said, let alone see through, even the mind could not penetrate. I can't even understand the basics of this formation.


   "Are ancestors going to go to a deserted place?"


Princess    groaned slightly.


   "The guys in Shenhuang should think that they have found something smart, and most of them have already begun to lay out. In the near future, I will give them a big surprise."


  Chen Zheng smiled, his body shone brightly, and disappeared directly from the eyes of the two.






   The two were shocked, and then shouted, but unfortunately there was no response, and the two could only sigh.


  Especially, Di Mu Lang was deeply touched. At that time, the murderer ancestor, holding a **** sharp gun and wearing a set of fierce blood armor, was mysterious and terrible. It was a real Shennong. Now more than two thousand years have passed, the murderer ancestors have returned to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, and it is good to see the murderer ancestors.


   "I don't know if it will eventually evolve into chaos in various races? Is the final battlefield Tianyuan or Shenhuang?"


Princess    thought of a little whisper.


   "Let us wait for our ancestors."


  Di Mu Lang whispered.




  Qinghe Ferry.


  People are in the southwest.


   A Qinghe River has become the boundary between human wasteland and monster wasteland.


  The left bank is filled with demon mist.


  The right bank is light and windy.


   This is because although there is a gap between the two groups of shemales, there are rules established by the Valkyrie and the demon lord Di Mulang thousands of years ago. Therefore, the two groups of men and demon can be considered to be in peace with each other in these years, but they do not communicate with each other.


  Hundreds of meters behind Qingyun Ferry is Qinghe Town. At the moment, people in the town, whether they are practitioners or ordinary people, are almost all in front of the ancient spirit tree in Qinghe Town.


"This child and this girl, although they all seem to be human races, although they do not have any demon atmosphere, but I can see clearly that they all came out of the mist and demon, maybe it was hidden by a special demon race. Demonishness, conspiracy against our human race! And everyone knows that now is the most critical period of human shortage, if there is a mismatch, we must take it in Qinghe Town! So rather kill the wrong than let it go, please Chuxian on the extinct Kill them, just in case!"


   A monk with cold eyes!


   "Isn't it a disguise of the demon clan, in fact, as long as the spirit tree is awakened, although the spirit tree is not high, you can see the disguise of the demon clan at a glance, even if the demon master comes, you can't escape the perception of the spirit tree."


   someone frowned slightly.


   "Awakening the spirit tree will consume the mana of the spirit tree. The spirit tree is the guardian deity of Qinghe Town, or let the spirit tree continue to sleep! As for this boy and this girl, there is no need to distinguish the authenticity, just kill it and finish!"


   "You don't need to kill. You grabbed it and sent it to the ancestral city. Now all the major nobles and all avenues are gathered in the ancestral city. I believe that the power of the ancestral city will be disposed of!"


"The power of Zucheng is afraid that he will not look at these two guys. The power of Zucheng is now busy with the human race, and he will not be distracted at all! Or kill him directly according to the meaning of the chicken Daoren, where is there such trouble? !"


  The onlookers opened their mouths!




   The man and the woman standing in front of the ancient spirit tree did not look at anyone else from start to finish!


   This man and a woman are Chen Zheng and Mo Xin. Chen Zheng looked at the ancient spirit tree and showed a smile from time to time, seeming to be absorbed in the spirit, and Mo Xin was cold with a small face and stood beside Chen Zheng like a stone sculpture.


"The Chuxian is immortal. Although my chicken Daoist is cultivated only at the level of mysterious immortality, he is born with a different power and can perceive the blood of the soul. This girl has a very special bloodline! I can be sure that this girl is definitely not a shortage of us. Which noble family or heir to the Hengdeng system, otherwise it is impossible to come from the demon! I know that Chuxian Shangxian recently failed to compete for the position of the candidate son of the King’s Palace. If you can gain the power of this girl’s bloodline, let alone the candidate son. Even the position of the Son of Son is at your fingertips! I am a Daoist who can't beat this kid and this girl, but the fairy is different. The fairy is Daojun. This time I come to Qinghe Town to relax, this is the chance of heaven! The requirements are not high, don't have any blood power, as long as the fairy clothes on the kid, the fairy clothes on the kid are a good weapon!"


   Thief eyebrow monk secretly voiced.




   The youth called Chuxianxianxian did not respond!


"Chuxian What are you waiting for, don't you believe in me as a chicken Daoren? I don't hide from you anymore, my master is Gui Yizi, you are a disciple of the king's palace, should Know the skill of Gui Yizi!"


   Thief eyebrow monk secretly heard again.


   Young brows raised!


   "Things are right."


   Also at this moment, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and suddenly said four words.




  Right and wrong?


  What does this kid mean?


  This kid has been to Qinghe Town before?


   Everyone's doubts!




   Next second!


   A glimpse of the ancient spirit tree!


   A mottled old face appeared on the trunk!


   "The spirit tree is awake!"


   "See Lord Lingshu!"


   "Week to see the guardian deity of Qinghe!"


   Everyone hurriedly looked at the mottled old face!


   City has lived for billions of years


   City has lived for billions of years

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