Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1654: I am watching reincarnation

?"No matter who this kid is, he should be sentenced to capital punishment in accordance with the rules! The deputy lord of the king palace, the king’s altar has always been under your lord’s control, and directly urged the magic circle to kill this kid! That girl, that girl wiped it out together! The king altar, how can two trampling ants be trampled! Besides, it is the most critical moment to select the man who is a wasteland. If this kid's behavior makes the king altar appear In some special cases, it is not as simple as breaking the rules!"

Northern Moon Royal Prince Yan cold drink!

"Not at all."

The deputy hall master of the King of Man King nodded his head, and raised a hand to play a fairy tactic. The naked eye could see the fairy light flying into the enchantment of the King Altar.

"Vice Hall Master shot!"

"That kid is done!"

"That girl is done!"

The voices of everyone below lay down.


At the moment when Chu Xian, the deputy master of the People's Palace, shot, he actually wanted to remind him, but when he thought that the deputy master was the master of his biggest competitor before, he was silent.


This is an opportunity!

An opportunity of your own!


There is a sky of heavenly prestige rising from the altar!

The creatures in the ancestral ancestral city instantly showed the color of awe!

Tianwei is now!

The broken boy and girl will be erased soon!


Tianwei seemed to freeze suddenly!

Then it's gone!


what's the situation?

How did Tianwei disappear!

Why didn't the kid and the girl get erased?

The souls in the ancestral city are a little ignorant!

"Did the deputy owner release the water?"

Bahuang Gumenkui's ancestor raised his eyebrows and looked at the deputy shopkeeper of Ren Wang Dian. 35xs

"Drain? How could this seat release water! This seat has already urged the King's Palace magic circle, but I don't know what the reason is, the magic circle suddenly failed, this is not the seat is releasing water! This seat does not know this kid and this girl at all. , How could this seat release water!"

The main hall of the main hall of the King of People is cold!

"Tianwei has been released just now, and it's impossible for the deputy lord to release the water. Tianwei suddenly disappeared, could it be that there is a tyrannical magic weapon on this child? Is this child from the Qitian royal family? The weapon can withstand Tianwei, but the magical instrument disappeared after the Valkyrie left! Huh! At that time, the major royal families of all major roads suspected that it was the North Moon royal family. Now it seems that the truth is clear, it is just Qi The royal family is self-directed and self-directed. This son must be the Qitian royal family! Today is the most critical moment for selecting the lord of the human shortage. No one from the Qitian royal family is selected, so this kid came out!"

The Northern Moon royal prince Yan thought deeply, and then Jing Mang flashed coldly in his eyes!


"Is this son of the Qitian royal family?"

"Haotian Shenyu of the Qitian royal family was stolen, was it self-directed?"

"Is this true?"

"This should not be the case. The Emperor Qitian prospered for the first time because of the Valkyrie, but also decayed because the Valkyrie left. The Emperor Qitian will not make a self-directed performance."

Prince Yan spoke with supernatural power, so the creatures in the ancestral city basically heard it, and almost all of them were puzzled at the moment.


When Chu Xian heard it, his heart moved, and the Prince of the Northern Moon Royal Family suddenly came out like this, which should be done intentionally. At that time, the Qitian royal family's Haotian Shenyu was stolen. The mastermind may be the North Moon royal family. The prince Yan took advantage of this opportunity to deliberately evade.

This trick!

Really tall!


The prince Yan chose the wrong target for wrongdoing!

That young man did have a relationship with the Qitian royal family, but not with the current tribes of the Qitian royal family, but with the Qitian royal family and even the most powerful woman in the entire history of the barrenness!

Is related to the Valkyrie Su Jinxiu!

This time!

This prince Yan is going to suffer!

It's not just the prince Yan who will suffer!

The northern moon royal family is afraid of suffering too!

Today may be able to reveal the truth that Haotian Shenyu was stolen!


Chu Xian gave birth to an expectation!

Expect the young man on the altar to pull out the truth!

"The patriarchs of the various avenues are in charge of the temple master, etc. At this moment, the candidates selected by the major royal families are evaluated in the temple of the master, and it has reached the most critical moment. It is not convenient to show up at this moment. Although the deputy hall master is not qualified to serve King altar, but can urge the formation, then please the deputy hall master to urge the formation again, and consume the mana of this child! Even if there is Haotian Divine Feather on this child, as long as the mana is exhausted, it will naturally not be able to sustain it! "

Emperor Yan's eyes moved, and Shen Sheng said to the Vice-President of the King's Palace.

"It's nothing more than that."

The deputy hall master thought for a moment, then nodded lightly, then raised his hand again, and said another fairy tactic.



The magic circle is back!

Tianwei reappears!



Tianwei appeared for a while and then disappeared!


The deputy hall master's brows were instantly locked!

"Haotian Shenyu really on this child?"

Ku Kui's ancestor frowned!

"It must be on this child, this child is so unscrupulous, and ignores me directly, absolutely relying on Haotian Shenyu!"

Prince Yan drinks cold!

"Ignored me and waited! This little boy, a little Xuanxian, ignored this seat from beginning to end, really regarded this seat as air! Please continue, Deputy Lord, this seat does not believe that this boy Xuanxian mana can hold one. Youxiang Time!"

Ku Kui's ancestors growled!

"it is good!"

The deputy hall master focused on the head again, and once again played the fairy tactics, the instantaneous array appeared, and Tianwei reappeared, but this time, within a blink of an eye, Tianwei was destroyed!


What is the situation?

Is Haotian Shenyu really in this child?

Was it true that the Qitian royal family Haotian Shenyu lost it was the self-directed performance of the Qitian royal family?

One more thing!

This child has been looking at a direction since he went to the altar of the King of People. That direction seems to be the ancient sea area in the East of the Wilderness. It is said that there is a big secret in the ancient sea area. It is said that many years ago, the first generation King Ren also once stood on the altar of King Ren to see the ancient sea area!

Is this kid imitating the first generation king?

Does this kid think that he can become the master of human shortages?

All kinds of thoughts of the spirits in the ancestral city come out!

"Come again!"

The deputy lord shouted, and once again played the fairy once again Tianwei appeared, but unfortunately Tianwei wilted!

"I don't believe me!"

The deputy lord roared and madly played the fairy tactics. Tianwei appeared again and again. Tianwei shattered in the blink of an eye. The time for the incense stick was not enough. The deputy lord wilted and his power was exhausted!

It is not so simple to urge the altar altar of the king, and he, an ancestor, can't hold it!


Ancestor Kui Que opened his mouth and looked extremely low.

"This kid"

Prince Yan gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Zheng on the altar.

"Why are you all looking at me, I don't seem to have any flowers on me?"

It was also at this time that Chen Zheng's eyes were taken back from the altar of the King of People, and he swept through the vast ancestral city of the ancestral ancestor at this moment, and smiled faintly.


This kid!

How dare you laugh!

Everyone's face sank!

"You are the blood of the Qitian royal family, but you have Haotian Shenyu, what are you looking at!"

Prince Yan gritted his teeth and asked!

"What are you looking at? I'm watching reincarnation. Do you know what reincarnation is?"

Chen Zheng glanced over and asked with a slight smile.


The prince Yan was suddenly speechless!

More than prince Yan!

The Vice-President of the People's Palace and others are also at a loss!

Look at reincarnation?

Is this kid watching reincarnation on the altar?

Is this true or false?

Or is it just an excuse for this kid to make up?

For a while!

Not sure about everything!

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