Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1664: Water ice moon

? "Huh? What's wrong with Aunt Rong?"

The little girl noticed this and asked curiously.

"You you you are you"

The woman stared at Chen Zheng and said several you in a row, but it seemed too panic and did not say why.

"Aunt Rong knows him?"

The little girl asked curiously again.

"Deacon Shui Yingrong, you know who this kid is!"

Huo Piao stared at him coldly.

""The woman did not respond to the fire, but looked at Chen Zheng several times, and then said: "Your Excellency is back at this time. If you are looking for the green snake and the white snake, then you may have come in vain. The green snake and the white snake are early. I left Nanmeng Xianling Lake more than two thousand years ago, and it is said that I also left the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. But if you remember my sister, I can ask my sister to come out and see you!"



Isn't that the patriarch of the water spirit family of Nanmeng Xianling Lake?

"My mother?"

The little girl blinked and looked at Chen Zheng more curiously. She thought that Chen Zheng was just a descendant of a certain powerful tradition, but now it seems not at all. This guy who looks a few years older than himself seems to be an old monster!

This guy!

Came to Nanmeng Xianling Lake more than two thousand years ago!

Also know your mother!

But why should you pretend to be tender?

"Deacon Ying Rong, haven't you heard what I said, who is this kid! Who is Linghuang now? You should be very clear, Nanmeng Xianling Lake is only a branch of the water spirit, you ignore my question, yes Would you like me to invite the heavenly angel to come!"

Huo Piao looked colder, staring at the woman to drink coldly and ask again!


The woman ignored the flames and looked at Chen Zheng at the moment, it seemed that she just wanted to get a response from Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Then please wait a little while, and I will invite my sister to come out. The sister is going to retreat. If it is not retreating, the sister should immediately feel that you are back. After all, the water spirit people in Nanmeng Xianling Lake only had a sister. I have seen your true face."

The woman nodded again and again, saluted Chen Zheng, and then plunged into the suspended water village on the lake.

"Damn!" Huo Piao snarled, and his eyes fixed on Chen Zheng again: "No matter who you are, I want to remind you that this is the spirit wasteland boundary, and now the Fire Spirit Lord in the spirit waste has the final say! I am the envoy of the Fire Spirit Lord, you dare to chaos in the spirit wasteland, you will definitely die! Fire Spirit Lord is already a Taoist ancestor, you should know what concept the Taoist ancestor is!"


Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at him!

"The beautiful view of West Lake in March, but this is not West Lake and it is not March now."

Chen Zheng looked at Nanmeng Xianling Lake and said casually.


What West Lake?

This is Nanmeng Xianling Lake!

Everyone showed doubt again.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Huo Piao drank coldly and smashed a rune in secret. He knew he couldn't hold back the scene, so he had to ask Tianling to suppress it!

"Do you really know my mother?"

The little girl moved her eyes and asked. 35xs

"Your mother's spiritual talent is a little ordinary."

Chen Zheng turned around and nodded lightly.

"Ah? How can anyone who knows like this say?"

The little girl frowned slightly when she heard the brow and stared at Chen Zheng.

The other members of the Water Spirit family were stunned for a moment, and they were a little displeased in their hearts. How could the Patriarch of the Underworld also be one of the nine patriarchs of the Water Spirit family? Now they hope to step into the quasi-saint level.

"Huh! Pretend! Continue to pretend!"

Huo Piao sneered, he had already received the response from the Celestial Envoy, and at most half the incense time, the Celestial Envoy would send over! When the time comes, the angels will come, even if the patriarch of Nanmen Xianling Lake Shui is really old with this kid, he can't protect this kid! The status of the celestial ambassador is only under the ancestor of the spirit clan, and a branch chief of the water sect of the sect is still in the ground. When he sees the celestial ambassador, he must not kneel!

This kid dared to ignore the Great Dharma!

Today, he must be slashed!



Among the water villages!

Two immortal lights glanced!

Turned into two women, one of them was the deacon of Shui Yingrong before, and the other woman was obviously more expensive than Shui Yingrong, releasing an imperial power invisibly!

Heavenly Realm!

This woman is a monk of Heavenly Realm!

"My dear!"

When the little girl saw the woman, she immediately shouted!


The other Shuiling tribes on the shore paid their respects to the woman!


The woman did not respond to the little girl, nor did she respond to the Shui Ling tribe. At this moment, she only looked at Chen Zheng on the light boat. For a time, she seemed to be in a divine spirit, and she seemed to remember a lot of past things!

"Huh! Patriarch Shui Qingyi, you are a member of the Ling clan, this kid is a human clan, this kid does not respect the decree passed down by Lord Huo Ling, do you want to protect this human clan from success!"

Seeing the fire, the anger was burning, and it was a cold drink to the woman!

The woman seemed to be awakened by this drink, but instead of looking at the fire, she bowed to Chen Zhengying: "Over two thousand years ago, you did not expect your old man to come to Nanmeng Xianling Lake!"

With emotion!

The tone is full of emotion!


The patriarch actually called this young man your old man!

Is this young man disguised as an old monster?

The people of the water spirit family are a little ignorant!

"Don't you kiss this guy"

The little girl's eyes lit up, and she felt that there was a smell of grievance in her mother-in-law's tone. At this moment, she couldn't help guessing.

"Eight wilderness is upgraded, you are also a celestial emperor. Your talent for practice is indeed ordinary."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Old friends want to see you!

Why did you mention the spiritual talent again?

How does this young man feel like an elder is reviewing juniors!

Everyone was shocked to hear this sentence!

""Women stunned Then sighed softly: "If Qingyi's talent for practicing is not ordinary, he would worship under your old man's door."

In tone!

Seems with a little bit of bitterness!

"Patriarch Shui Qingyi, you are still inking with this human race who does not abide by the decree of the Fire Spirit Lord, I am a holy land to make the fire float, I command you to take this son!"

Huo Piao can't stand it anymore, a roar at the moment!

"Are you a fool?"

It's a pity that the woman only glanced at it with a faint glance, and her face changed, and she fell to her knees, which was suppressed by Diwei released by the woman!

"You dare to do it to me, all the Shuling Lingzuns of your Shuiling family have been imprisoned, and a tribute patriarch in your area dare to do it to me!"

Kneel on the ground and roar with fire!


"Shui Ling Dazun is imprisoned?"

"What's going on?"

The people of the water spirits exclaimed!

"Oh." The woman chuckled, waved at the little girl, and then looked at Chen Zheng: "The ancestor is my daughter. Her name is Shui Bingyue. Her name is based on the old ancestor who gave the white snake and green snake. The heroine in the transformation story said that the ancestor thinks about the talent of this girl, are you interested in accepting it as a disciple? Although this girl has been born for hundreds of years, but she is not an adult in the spirit race, it is almost the same. As for the little girl in her tens, it can still be cultivated."


The little girl was stunned. Was her name related to the mysterious guy in front of her?

"Shuibingyue, you will take the name."

Chen Zhengyi smiled when he heard it.

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