Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1688: Incomplete core of primitive flood

"I wait......"

There are old things that open their mouths, but they are stunned by just one mouth, because Chen Zheng at the top of the cliff disappeared directly, and the Tianlong Emperor and Mo Xin disappeared together.


The black and white enchantment enclosing the Wuhuang Tiankeng is also broken!


The old things on the cliff of Wuhuang Tiankeng, you look at me and I look at you, and then all breath out at the same time!


"It seems that the most recent events in ghost wasteland, monster wasteland, human wasteland, spiritual wasteland and dragon wasteland are related to the murderer ancestor!"

"This... the murderer's ancestor is just a title, his true identity is the holy teacher in the mouth of the nether earth runner!"

"Maybe the saint is just a title!"

"In the scene of the open sky, there was a green mango that fell into the wild land, and later turned into a green lotus, and also turned into a human... just did not see the person clearly, but the murderer was just old. The ancestor sacrificed the Qinglian Dharma, so... so the Qinglian that fell into the wild land in the ancient pictures is... its body?"

There was silence for a moment, and all kinds of voices sounded. These old things were discussed in a low voice, but there was no discussion about it, and finally shook his head and dispersed.

at the same time.

God ancestral land

Inside that ancient temple.

There are only two figures left at this moment.

One of the figures is the emperor sitting on the throne, the other figure is from Tianyuan, and it is the deity of Tianyuan’s soul-making.

"It's a miserable defeat. Isn't your emperor uncomfortable? Didn't expect the law you spawned to be destroyed at once?"

With a faint smile on his face, he looked at the emperor on the throne.

"The murderer's ancestor... its body was originally related to the chaotic Qinglian. I, along with the Fa-phase generated by the gods outside the heavens, was not pure at first, and it was normal to be knocked out by the Qinglian Fa. It is normal for Tianyuan to forget , I know what you want, I can let you try."

The Emperor smiled faintly.

"Are you sure that it is the ancestor of the murderer, if it is someone else? And you dare to let me try that thing?"

Forgetting and laughing.

"Only after you have tried it, you will understand that some things can be controlled by strength, and some things are by chance and life, even if your abyssal forgotten body is already a half-step overlord."

The corner of God Emperor's mouth lifted slightly, and he summoned something.

"Heaven's supernatural beings!"

Forgetting distracted glanced at the thing, raised his hand violently, and caught it at the thing!



Inside the Ancestral Dragon Court.

"This... is also amazing, a broken stone contains the open sky, and it can also regenerate the innate **** and demon, and make the innate **** and demon become congenital chaotic demon, the realm has been raised by more than one level. !"

Emperor Tianlong exclaimed that at that moment, he had realized the view of the sky again. The thing that reproduces the view of the sky is the broken stone suspended in the Longting Hall, the so-called gods dug out by the two corpses and witches.

"This is the incomplete core of the primitive flood, and it can be regarded as the core of the whole world. It can be normal to reproduce the scene of the sky, the battle between the dragon and the phoenix in the flood, and the battle between the two lich."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"The primitive flood crippled core!"

When Tianlong Emperor heard this, he exclaimed again, and he had to exclaim.

Primitive flood!

That was the original world!

That was the first world that the Holy King Pangu opened up from chaos!

Now the heavens and the world!

No matter what level of the world!

Whether it is inside or outside the world!

It is said that they all evolved from the primitive flood explosion!

Of course there may be exceptions!

But that is definitely one of the few!

But it is certain that more than ninety-nine percent of the world in this world has evolved from primitive floods!

No wonder!

No wonder this broken stone is so magical!

It turned out to be a part of the core of the original floodland!

This thing is equivalent to a part of the origin of the heavens and the world!

"Then... Hongmeng Tiantian should be the core of most of the core after the destruction of the original flood..."

Emperor Tianlong thought a little, and looked at Chen Zheng to ask.

"That's right."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Ah? Can it only be regarded as true? Hongmeng Tiantian has the deepest background in all the worlds. The Zixiao Palace, the ancestor of the original Dao Hongjun, is said to be too far beyond the 33rd Tianhe River. That’s right. The Taoist palace is above all Taoism, but the Taoist Temple is built on Taishangtian instead of outside the world or the Taixu world. It is also because Taishangtian is the core of the original floodland."

Emperor Tianlong was slightly startled, and then thought about it.

"That's right."

Chen Zheng smiled, the same three words just now.


Hearing these three words, Emperor Tianlong was stunned for a moment. There was no secret in his heart. However, he didn't continue to ask, because Chen Zheng recruited half of the stone tablets, and also hit the broken original core of the wilderness on the half of the stone tablets.


What is this for?

Emperor Tianlong showed curiosity.


Only the incomplete primitive core and the half-stone were in contact, and the incomplete core and the half-stone were cracked at the same time!

"Huh? Are they mutually exclusive." Chen Zheng frowned slightly, separating the incomplete core and half of the stone tablet. The seven colors of light in his eyebrows hit him, sweeping over the incomplete core and half of the stone tablet, and then a smile: "I thought I could Get an ultimate creation out, and now it seems hopeless. The two things are mutually exclusive, and they will collapse when they are forcibly merged."

"This...what is this half stone tablet?"

Emperor Tianlong asked with a deep voice.

"A unidirectional teleportation array can teleport our universe, creatures or things outside our universe."

Chen Zheng explained.

"Ah? Is it so magical? this half stone tablet also regarded as a supernatural creature?"

Emperor Tianlong widened his eyes and asked subconsciously.

"Heavenly artifacts... These half-stones are not ordinary heavenly artifacts. I took the fragmented primitive core of the wilderness and merged with this thing. One was to make an ultimate creation, and the other was to confirm something by the way. "

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Emperor Tianlong blinked, some didn't understand.

Mo Xin's face was cold all the way from the beginning to the She was a little ignorant at the moment, and she didn't understand.

"This small piece of primitive flood crippled core, which encountered this half of the heavenly stele, was not devoured, nor unilaterally collapsed, but cracked at the same time, indicating a problem, that is, the primordial flood core and the sky outside One level. This half-stone is considered something other than the Great Reincarnation, and it is not very simple, it is not an ordinary thing. The core of the original wilderness is what is inside the Great Reincarnation. The half-stone is logically higher, but the result is The two belong to the same level. From this, we can draw a conclusion that this thing was not created by Hongmeng Tribulation Lord, it was created by a higher level of creatures than Hongmeng Tribulation Lord. It is even possible that our universe is all Others planted it."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Hongmeng Lord... Our universe is planted by others..."


Emperor Tianlong is ignorant!


Can the universe grow?

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