Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1693: The ancestor of the murderer returns!

  Eastern people. Mobile phone https://

   There is an ancient sea at the beginning of the day.

   Today, the powerful people of all ethnic groups in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands are almost here.

   But basically watching on the coast.

   Because the fighting creatures are too strong and terrible.



  In the early days of the ancient sea, there was another great wave!

   That is a stone ape!

   A stick hit and stir the ancient sea at the beginning of the day!



   Although this stone ape is strong!

   is not as good as the huge murderous creature that I have never seen before!

   The murderous creature shattered once the roar!

   Strong as a stone ape was also blasted into the sky!

   "Vicious beast, you never want to open that place!"

The stone ape slammed and was hit with a stick, and only heard a tremendous loud noise, and the tens of thousands of waves only rose. This tens of thousands of waves seemed to be higher than the sky, but unfortunately the murderous thing was another roar, stone The ape was flying again!


   Stone Ape Spurting Blood!

   The blood ejected suddenly turned into countless small stone monkeys!

   These little stone monkeys carried the sticks one by one like a hundred thousand soldiers pounced on the murderous creature!



   The murderous creature raised a claw!

   Only listen to a scream!

  All stone monkeys are destroyed!

"Longevity God Ape, you are not an opponent of this thing at all. This thing is an extremely ancient murderous creature. Although you are the God Ape among the God Apes, don't try it in vain. Be careful to put yourself in! What's more, you can start from Out of Tian Yuan, it is also because of this evil beast that broke through the Tian Yuan's ban, all of which are days! You, the longevity **** ape, will have to rebel against the days!"

   An indifferent female voice sounded, that was a woman in a palace dress, with a phoenix **** feather suspended behind him, it was the nine-day demon phoenix, not the demon god, it was the nine-day demon phoenix deity!

"Longevity **** ape, no one from the net female line has come, without that woman's secret method, you can't beat this evil beast. Still letting this evil beast open that place is good for you and me. You know it well , Although our souls in Tianyuan are free from Tianyuan, the deity still can’t leave the ancient land of Eight Wastelands. The path of spiritual practice has been blocked. Don’t you want to go any further? Although you are known as the Longevity God Ape, there is also a limit to Shouyuan. You can live up to ten years, right."

Beside the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix, a man’s voice sounded, this person was just making a forget. At this moment, the deity came to the ancient sea at the beginning of the day. He looked at the stone ape and moved his gaze to the ancient chariot of Shenhuang: "What’s more, there is a Godhuang The Emperor of the World is here, even if you block the evil beast, the Emperor of the World has suppressed the ancestor of the murderer. From the ancestor of the ancestor of the murderer, I know the way to open that place. God Emperor? Isn’t this seat fooling you? This seat has seen the other artifacts that day. The Emperor of the World has that artifact in hand, but the Emperor of the World can’t hurt the Emperor.

   "Zhen Wang Tian Zun has won the prize."

On the quaint chariot, the Emperor Shige smiled faintly.


  The upper stone ape responded coldly!


On the coast, the king Chen Huang, the barbarian, the demon lord Di Mulang, the princess of the nine wilderness, the ominous beast, the female red moon of the ominous beast, the dragon emperor, the dragon emperor, the ghost and the emperor Yin Xiaodie, the spirit desolate spirit Ji Yuwei, etc., their faces are all sinking, they do not believe that the murderer's ancestors were suppressed by the gods of the world!


   The situation now!

   can only be silent!

"The murderer's ancestors are very powerful. A Qinglian dharma has shocked the entire eight wilderness ancient land, even related to the legendary chaotic Qinglian. However, it has not been suppressed by the gods of the world, you stone apes are so powerful, really You will be suppressed when you encounter the gods outside the world!" Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix sneered, staring at Princess Di Mulang, and then sneered again: "Some small things, I thought I found it. It’s a big backer, but it’s short-sighted and ruined one’s future! If it’s not for today to uncover the ultimate secret of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, this palace must squeeze you little things!”


  Princess Di Mu Lang and others looked so heavy!

   "The ancestors will not be suppressed!"

  Shui Ling is beside him, the little girl Shui Bingyue is also there, shouting with a cold face at the moment!

   "Hmph! Linghuang little girl, do you really think that the murderer's ancestor is invincible? You little girl, if someone around you is killed later, don't cry nose!"

   Nine Heavens demon phoenix glanced over and looked at the little girl with a joke on her face!

   "I won't cry my nose, and when the ancestors show up later, they will suppress you all!"

   The little girl went back!


  Nine days' demon phoenix looks cold!

"Be careful!"

  Shui Qingyi was shocked and blocked by the little girl!

   Ji Yuwei's brow furrowed, and his body lighted up to protect Shui Qingyi and the little girl!



  In an instant!

   Body aura is destroyed!

   "People are arrogant!"

  People Wang Chenhuang shouted at the moment!

   "Longhuang Ancestor!"

   Tianlong Emperor also snorted!

   "Fantastic ancestor!"

  Dimu Wolf stepped out in one step is also a growl!

   "Ghost Ancestor!"

   There was a bite of Yin Xiaodie from the back of Yin!


   The spirit of the five prisoners of ghosts was surprised!


   is broken!

   The general trend of Chen Huang's ancestors broke down!

   can't stop!

   can't stop it at all!

   "Huh! You are all related to the murderer ancestor, right, so this palace will send you on the road! Without you flies, you can clean a lot!"

  Jiutian Yaohuang is extremely disdainful sneer!

this moment!

   The remaining creatures are silent!

   No one dared to stand up!

   These nine days of demon phoenix is ​​terrible!

   "The Power of the Barbaric Ancestor!"



   Manzun stood up!



   One face to face!

   Manzun was blasted!

   "Mr. Master!"

The monks on the side of the Eight Wild Ancient Gates, such as Kui Que's ancestors and others, subconsciously exclaimed! Why is Lord Manzun so bad? It provokes the terrible banshee phoenix, and the ancient doors of the Eight Wastelands are afraid to take it in!


   couldn't stop the woman's terrible means!

   The woman only came with a breath and crushed everyone here!

   "Let's disappear together!"

  Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix sneered again!



   A crisp slap sounded!


   The horror of Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix was crushed to Chen Huang and others in an instant!

   at this moment!

   The face of the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix!

   One more slap print!


  What happened?

   who secretly shot nine days of demon slap!

   "Who! Who fights the main palace! Is Su Jinxiu You have already come, right, you give this palace out!"

   The nine-day demon phoenix froze for a moment, and screamed after reacting!


   I forgot to raise my eyebrows, and felt that I didn't feel the breath of the other big forces of Tianyuan, it was the hands of the longevity **** ape. He glanced at the longevity **** ape, the longevity **** ape did not look at this side, the longevity **** ape only stared at the murderous creature in the ancient sea at the beginning of the day.

   is not the longevity **** ape, who would it be, the creatures present, who else could slap the nine-day demon phoenix silently?

   "It's so lively."


   Quietly passed for a while!

   An ethereal voice sounded!


  Nine days of demon phoenix stared at the past, the voice came from the simple chariot of the emperor!


  The Emperor Gaishi looks a little bit sinking!


next moment!

   beside him!

   Two figures appeared!

   "Chen Zu!"


   "The murderer ancestor!"

   On the coast, Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, Emperor Tianlong, Di Mulang and so on, then exclaimed!

   "Ooooooooo! I said, how could you suppress the ancestors!"

   Little girl Shui Bingyue was stunned, and then cried out!


   City has lived for billions of years

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