Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1697: It’s all small???/a>


  Chen Zheng walked to the center of the ruins with the crowd, and the crowd was teleported before they even responded. When they came back to God, they were stunned one by one, because what they saw at this moment was very different from what they saw before!

   The heaven and the earth like the pure land of Xianguang and Shenguang are gone. At this moment, there is only one broken and dull heaven and earth, not even a larger and complete land, only one piece of suspended stone platform!

   You Shenshitai hooked up into a dangling sky step, and a vaguely visible stone chair leading to the dark sky dome!

   "The Emperor of the World!"

   "That was the stone ape before!"

   "That is Tian Yuan's creatures forgetting!"

   "And... Hey? Where did the evil beast go before, how come the huge black shadow rushed out of the abyss disappeared from the monster, has it fallen?"

   "Who is that old man in black robe? Was it the former purple mang?"

   A deep voice sounded, and the stone ape that I hadn't seen before was also on the stone platform in the middle. At the moment, his face was pale, and the stick that could hit the ancient sea from the early days of the sea with a single stick supported the body! On the stone platform below, there is a **** emperor of the world, and Tianyuan creatures make forgetting. At this moment, it is difficult to climb up by pure white jade!

As for the evil beast that the stone ape wanted to stop before, it was gone. Instead, there were dozens of stone platforms above the stone ape, and there was an old black robe who had never seen it before. Climb up!

   Are they all for the stone chair hanging at the top of the sky scale!


  Where is the evil thought!

  Where was the evil thought that had ripped the nine-day demon phoenix and other heavenly creatures!

   Didn’t you just follow the world **** and creation and forget this place!






  Vicious thoughts surrounded Chen Zheng and others!


Manzun's double pupils shrank sharply. To tell the truth, he saw the nine-day demon phoenix was torn down by these evil thoughts. He was really afraid of these monsters. The nine-day demon phoenix was at least the seventh-level Taoist ancestor. I am afraid that it will be torn into a **** after a photo!


   It seems!

   These evil thoughts seem hesitant!

   It seems to be unsure whether he can break the pale blue mystic enchantment under Chen Zubu!

  Chen Huang, Emperor Tianlong, Ji Yuwei, Yin Xiaodie, father and daughter of Ominous Beast, etc., are also frowning at this moment, but at the next moment, these evil thoughts suddenly flew towards the sky!


   Manzun and others were relieved!

Only the appearance of Chen Zheng, Valkyrie and Mo Xin has not changed from beginning to end. Although Mo Xin is not very strong, he can poke the ancestors by relying on the power of the bloodline and the blood gun, which is not as good as the barbarian. Such a ancestor, but she is not afraid of those evil thoughts at all, but has a feeling. Those evil thoughts seem to be a little afraid of her. More precisely, they are afraid of the power of the blood in her body!

of course!

  Mo Xin said nothing but stayed beside Chen Zheng silently!

"The evil beast is the black robe. Never let the evil beast get on the stone chair. Once you let it touch the stone chair, the shackles in its body will be completely unsealed, and no one can suppress it! "

At this moment, the stone ape drank, and the stick that supported its body jumped suddenly, forcibly propped it up, suddenly caught up with the old man in black robe, and then slammed in the air, forcibly lifted the stick towards the black The old man in the robe is smashed!


   The old man in black robe was about to climb up the stone platform above him. At this moment, he was disturbed by the stone ape, and suddenly turned around. A human head turned into a terrible beast head, and he roared at the stone ape!


  The stone ape was blasted!




   Those evil thoughts rushing to Shitai changed their targets instantly, and all rushed towards the stone ape!


  Chen Huang was surprised!

   "Come here."

  Chen Zheng raised his hand casually, grabbed the stone ape, and the stone ape himself didn't react. He was caught by Chen Zheng and fell in front of Chen Zheng!


   Turned his head with evil thoughts, a pair of fierce pupils stared at Chen Zheng, and then a grin of teeth, and he wished to swallow Chen Zhengsheng alive, but despite the fierce appearance, he did not flutter!


   These evil thoughts roared up in the sky, turned around again, divided into two, and rushed towards the forgetting and the **** emperor!


  The world **** emperor and the forgetting crawled on the net with pure white jade. When the evil thoughts came to a halt, the white light of the pure white jade flashed, and those evil thoughts were set in the air, and they dared not pounce on them again!

"Fuck things, that guy had come in that year, and you must have suppressed you, then you don't tear the guy, come to see me what to do! This guy is your enemy, I'm not your enemy, this guy's realm fell, you Don’t take this opportunity to get revenge, but when will you wait!

  Forget to sweep the evil thoughts around the stone platform, raise your hand to Chen Zheng is a finger!


   Those evil thoughts did not move!

   only surrounded the stone platform where the forgetting was!

   "I have Nine Heavens God Jade in hand, you monsters can't hurt me, don't waste time around this seat, there is a guy already on the top, you are not going to stop that guy!"

   On the other side of the stone platform, the emperor of the world was also cold!


   Did not move those evil thoughts!

   "Chen Zu... The Emperor Zihuang Nazhang just came in, but there is no trace of that Zui now, and the Zui may be hiding in a dark place..."

At this time, the Emperor Tianlong opened his mouth and thought of the Purple Emperor of All Ages. The Purple Emperor of All Ages was originally a creature that was abandoned within nine days. He just came in, but now he has disappeared. It can’t be swallowed by evil thoughts. It must be hidden somewhere Or find something to restore and repair!

   "He's just a little chatter."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"Thank you... Daoyou only rescued each other." At this time, the stone ape bowed to Chen Zheng and pondered slightly: "I am the Longevity God Ape, and I am instructed to guard the evil beast in the abyss, that evil beast Although it is not the soul within nine days of being abandoned, it is also a terrible murderous thing between heaven and earth. The evil beast is suppressed in the heavens and abyss. Although one shackle is freed, there are eight other shackles in the body. If you let it touch the abandoned The stone chair on the top of the Nine Heavens, the other eight shackles in its body must be unlocked, and when the time comes... this evil beast must be able to return to the peak and become an era dominance! Although the era overlord is not allowed to be in Taixu In addition, it is not within the limits of nine days of abandonment, so if you don’t stop this evil beast, I’m afraid it will be..."

   "This is also a little nice, don't worry about it."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.


   The stone ape froze for a moment.

  Little hello?

   That horrible beast turned out to be just a little bit in the eyes of this young man?

   and other evil beasts to unlock the shackles are the real era overlord!

   And this abandoned nine days extremely special era overlord will not be subject to any restrictions!

  Who can stop this evil beast!


   Somewhat ashamed!



   A horror roar came from above!

  The stone ape raised his hand to look up and then his face changed dramatically!

  The old man in black robe because of the evil beast has touched the stone chair!

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