Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1709: The waste that semi-pillars can't sustain!


  Does this golden mask man know Chen Zu!

   Longevity **** ape, Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, Tianlong Emperor and other looks slightly changed!

these people!

   These eras will dominate the will!

   came suddenly at this moment!

   is obviously not for Chen Zu!

   apparently came for the great reincarnation game in the Unknown Temple!

   And it should have been perceived that the phantom was awakening in the Temple of Unknown, so it would come almost at the same time!

  What is the big reincarnation game!

   These epoch overlords voluntarily lower their avatars for it!

"You... you are one of the most powerful epoch overlords in Taixu, the overlord among overlords, you actually...were weak to this kid! This kid has a special physical body, he That golden fairy mana, can it threaten you to fail!"

At this time, the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall's will incarnation frowned, staring at the golden mask man, Shen Sheng asked, and the other two will avatars, at the moment, his brows were also frowned, and his eyes flicked back and forth on the golden mask man and Chen Zheng back They also don’t understand!

Because this man with a golden mask is huge, and he has always been overbearing. No one in the Taixu dare to say that he can stabilize his head. Even the supreme demon, the eternal dragon, and even the Lord of Taiyin can’t suppress gold. Mask man deity!

   is now available!

   He actually bowed his head to a golden fairy mana waste!


   Really puzzled!


The golden mask man spit out two words indifferently, an invisible overbearing was released, the people on the star trembled, and the faces of the innocent pagodas such as the net girl and the Valkyrie dimmed instantly. , As for the incarnation of the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall of the Supreme Master, the moment's incarnation was also momentarily congested!

  Dare not refute!

   The Lord of the Reincarnation Hall did not dare to refute!

   Several other avatars also chose silence!

   "You are quite majestic."

   In silence, Chen Zheng smiled.

   "I just want a chance, and your measure should give me this chance!"

  The golden mask man said in a deep voice.

   "Opportunity? Do you want an opportunity? I will give you this opportunity, but if you lose too much, you will change your face later."

  Chen Zheng still did not look at the man with the golden mask at the rear, and now looked at the Temple of No Name faintly.


   Change a face?

What does it mean?

   Everyone showed their doubts, and did not understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

   "Okay! I promise you!"

  The man with the golden mask responded quickly.

"go in."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


   The man in the golden mask turned into a divine light and flew into the Temple of Unknown!

"let's start."

The phantom in front of the Unknown Temple smiled and entered the Unknown Temple. Everyone was still thinking about the sentence Chen Zheng said to make the golden mask man change his face. Then he saw the seven-color **** light in the unnamed temple light up, and then the seven-color **** light turned into A magical scene like a cosmic galaxy!

   And the ghost and the man with the golden mask sat in the magical scenery of the universe galaxy, a chess board appeared between the two, but there were no chess pieces on the chess board, only a vein!


   Is this the Great Reincarnation game?

   How come there are no black and white pieces!

   Xingcha Shang!

   Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, Heavenly Dragon Emperor, Xiu Zhao Beast, Yin Xiaodie, etc. showed consternation. The disciples of the Phaseless Tower on the other side of the road were basically shocked because they couldn’t understand!


   Just glanced at the void chess board and I couldn't stand it!

  Dare to take a closer look at that void board!

   "Great Reincarnation Game..."

  Jing stared at the void board, and at the moment whispered, taking her half-step era as a major, as she looked at the void board at the moment, she felt a little dizzy, but still barely supported!

   "Great reincarnation..."

  The goddess Su Jinxiu whispered, she stared at the void board, she looked at the veins, and her double pupils became a semi-null state.

   "No wonder... No wonder... The epoch overlord will choose to come at this time..."

  The longevity **** ape saw some ways, although it knew that it was only a glimpse of a ray, but it also instantly understood why these epoch overlord avatars would come at the moment when the phantom appeared in the nameless temple!

   These guys!

   These era lords!

   is all for the great reincarnation game!

  If you can crack the big reincarnation game!

   These era overlords can definitely break through!

   This great reincarnation game is a great opportunity for these era overlords!


  Why only these few era overlords will come in person!

  Era Overlord has already been called the top level of the souls between heaven and earth!

   But more than ten eras have been destroyed in the past!

  Each era also has a certain number of era overlords!

   Those era overlords are basically in Taixu!

   Therefore, there are also twenty of the era overlords in Taixu!

  Don’t other era overlords such as their masters not know the existence of this unknown temple!

  If your master knows the existence of the Temple of No Name, he should also drop his will incarnation!



   Inside the Temple of Unknown!

   The stargazing scene of the universe galaxy is broken!


   Next second!

  Golden mask man's mouth is golden blood squirting!

   "You are defeated, your avatar is weaker, if the deity comes in person, it may still last for a while, but unfortunately you epoch overlords, the deity does not dare to come out from that place."

   The voice of the phantom in the Unknown Temple also sounded at this moment.


   Is this defeated!

   It seems that the man with the golden mask didn't even support the time of the semi-pillar incense!

   Xingcha Shang Chen Huang, Emperor Tianlong and other people flashed in surprise!

   "You... actually lost..."

The reincarnation of the Taishang Reincarnation Lord lowered his voice, and several other incarnations were silent, because they all understood that they were not as good as the men with golden men with golden masks couldn't hold up Juxiang time, it is even more impossible for oneself and others to survive half of Zhuxiang time!

and so!

   This day's great opportunity is in sight!

  But how can you not catch it!

   "The waste that semi-pillar incense can't sustain, I hope you can honor your promise and change your face to your face."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

   The man with the golden mask is silent!

  While the rest of the people heard this sentence, they were more curious at the moment. Why did Chen Zu want this golden mask man deity to change his face? Is there anything wrong with that face of the golden mask man deity?

"Okay, you are crazy about a golden fairy, we are waste, then what are you! I gave up, now please show us your hand, let us see how long you man of golden fairy mana can last !"

   Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord will incarnate, a face suddenly becomes extremely gloomy, staring at Chen Zheng's back is a roar!




   Several other involuntary avatars looked at each other, and stared at Chen Zheng's back, shouting in unison!



   The majestic trend is coming towards Chen Zheng pressure!


   has no eggs!

  Even Chen Zheng's hair was not alarmed!

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