Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1729: Advance by leaps and bounds

"Wait, wait a minute. Isn't this your identity exposed? You're done. These guys know my identity. Will they kill me? Should I leave this place now and go directly back to Xiaoxuanjie?"

Qi Hao suddenly recovered, and quickly glanced at all the practitioners, and found that all the practitioners closed their eyes and practiced, which made him slightly relieved.

"Hum ants like creatures, even if you have memories of previous life, haven't you been pressed to death like a ants like you, do you really think you are a child of destiny, think so many use farts?"

A cold and ruthless voice suddenly sounded in Qi Hao's mind

"The Will to Stop"

Qi Hao was shocked

"Your kind of thing is not unique. You really think that you can have the memory of the previous life in this life with the memory of the previous life. You have the memory of the previous life. What do you think of fighting against that kind of creature, do you really think that kind of creature is a fool? Before, there was a guy like you who also had memories of past lives. He brought in a so-called book of Saint King's villain and regarded himself as a Saint King's book. The protagonist in the book of people, but when he left, he stopped and fell shortly."

Indifferent and merciless sounds again

"Aren't you restarted by Brother Chen?"

Qi Hao was shocked again

"My master woke up, the one who restarted me is indeed my master's old confession, so I can do it for myself"

For the third time, the indifferent voice of time will stop


Qi Hao's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but want to ask, if the owner would be interested in accepting himself as a younger brother, but the will of the stopping place seemed to be completely hidden, he said. Sigh, I could only find a place to sit down and start practicing.

Qingyun Realm.

Yinyuexian Dynasty Palace.

"It's done."

Chen Zheng looked at the magic instrument suspended in front of his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the place where Chen Zu made"

Longhuang Battle Banner asked curiously.

"The place of time-stop should be a creature creation familiar with a certain identity of my first life. Although I don't know who he is, but the structure of the place of time-stop is as familiar as instinct, based on the sand of time, creating It’s not difficult to come out of nowhere."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Well, isn't that the little master's cultivation in the future can soar"

The sound of the Longhuang Battle Banner rose loudly.

"Although there is no upper limit in theory, but how much cultivation can be increased, depending on your physical fitness, you a few advanced people try it."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved across Zhengyue girl, Ye Qingcheng, ghost fox old lady and ghost bu.


Zhengyue girl flew in at once


Ye Qingcheng also flew into it

"Thank you Master"

Gui Bu revealed his excited color, and after a deep prayer to Chen Zheng, Huaguang flew into the magic weapon.

"Thanks to Chen Zu"

The old ghost fox also worshipped, and Huaguang flew in.

"I won't go in this anyway. Anyway, I will only follow the little master. I want to upgrade the grade of this kind of spirit, unless Chen Zu refining me."

The Longhuang Battle Banner did not enter.

"Tell me later."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Upon hearing the Longhuang Battle Banner, he immediately smiled, since Chen Zu had spoken, then there must be a chance in the future. If the young master becomes a holy ancestor in the future, and even becomes the ancestor of the Dao, and even the epoch overlord, if he is still just a Taoist, wouldn't it reduce the force of the young master. Chen Zu is so good to the little master, I believe that he will not forget to upgrade his grade.

time flies.

Yixiang incense is less than time.

The old ghost fox came out first.

Although it was the first one to come out, the old ghost fox was even more excited than before, because she now has the magic power of the golden fairy level, which is really unbelievable.

"Awesome magic weapon"

Longhuang Battle Banner exclaimed.


Yixiangxiang time passed

Guibu comes out of the magic weapon


With a sigh, Gui Bu bowed deeply to Chen Zheng, although he already had the power of the Taoist level, but this was already his upper limit, and he was a little disappointed with himself

"It's already good, Daojun's mana, consolidate and become Daojun in a short time."

The Longhuang Battle Banner comforted, of course, it is now more looking forward to, what kind of mana can the little master have when he comes out

Time is like a stream of water, fleeting.

An hour passed.

Half a day passed.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.


Three days later, a figure flew out of the magic weapon, it was Ye Qingcheng.


"Mana's Mana"

"Which is it?"

The old ghost ghost and ghost fox exclaimed, and the Longhuang Battle Banner was also shocked.

Lying trough

This mana fluctuates

Seems to be above the ancestors


Ye Qingcheng bowed his head slightly.

"Half-walking ancestors are the ultimate, and it's already pretty good. When you cultivate into this realm, your unparalleled sword can really threaten the ancestors at the level of the ancestor.

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Cut Dao Ancestor"


The ghost ghost and ghost fox are horrified


At this moment

In the magic weapon

A figure flew out

"little Master"

Longhuang Battle Banner shouted

Several people looked at it, and this time they widened their eyes, because at this moment, Princess Zhengyue's mana had already surpassed Ye Qingcheng. Isn't this the mana of the Taoist Realm?


This is too fierce, right?



Above the sky

Thundercloud vibration

The eye of heaven punishment emerges

"Hee hee"

Zhengyue girl grinned, Huaguang flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart, and Longhuang Battle Banner also flew into Chen Zhengyuan god.

Above the sky

The eye of punishment disperses


The old ghost ghost and ghost fox opened their mouths and looked at the floating magic weapon.


It's too bad

If a certain force got this magic weapon

Strength must rise in a short time

This magic weapon may not have any active lethality

But this magic weapon can make Daozu

Although His Highness Zhengyue is not yet a true ancestor

But is it still far away with the Taoist ancestor level of mana?

Therefore, this magic weapon refined by Chen Zu is even more powerful than Treasure.

"The election of the sons of the heavens should start. The time when this instrument came out. When the election of the sons of the heavens begins, you can also go to participate in the election and try the sword."

Chen Zheng handed the magic weapon into the floating land inside the road map ~ ~ The next thing was naturally done by Seven Princesses. He glanced into the sky, revealing a mysterious smile.

"The sons of the heavens are choosing this alluring city and have heard the selection of the sons of the heavens, but the last time the candidates of the sons of the heavens were not eligible to participate."

Ye Qingcheng groaned.

"The person in charge of the election should still be him, just say it to him."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Who is the person in charge of this son of the heavens?"

Guibu couldn't help asking.

"Holy King Plate."

Chen Zheng spoke three words casually.


Suddenly, the body shook, but opened his mouth and found that there was only a throat agitation, and he could not say anything at the moment.


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