Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1735: Do you think she is the master


This will throw out the everlasting world!

A golden fairy threw out a demon boy with half-track ancestors!


How does this feel like an illusion!

Near the Condor Palace!

The monks of each avenue dumbfounded!

"Chen Zu"

Lonely Junqing shouted, he has only one thought now, that is to wonder how strong Master Shangxian is!

"Chen Zu"

The owner of the Palace of the Condor Palace in a feather coat underneath said these two words at the moment. She returned to her mind and the thoughts flashed quickly in her heart. She felt that this was an opportunity. Chance to leave the evergreen world!


For a while!

She is still a bit tangled!

Can't decide for a while!

"That lord seems not to be a monk in the world of ups and downs. The power of God just appeared in the field of the ups and downs. Then I think that according to the meaning of heaven, it should be given to the creatures in the field of the ups and downs. Absorb, but give it to the women around you, will it break the rules?"

A middle-aged monk asked in a whisper at the moment when Yun Cang was on the golden warship.


The rest of the people heard it, their hearts moved, and their eyes brightened, but the next moment dimmed! The young man of Jinxian, with the help of God, took away the gods and demons of the half-walk ancestral realm out of the evergreen world, and it was boring to tell him the rules!

"Yun Cang Shangzong is evil."

Hundreds of feet above the Shenji Palace, Chen Zheng asked lightly.


What does it mean?

The monks of various avenues were shocked to hear this question!

"Informed to Chen Zu, although Yun Cang's Sect sounded extremely decent, it was actually one of the three demon sects in the domain of Fuchen Dao, and it is also called the peculiar Taoist Buddhism!"

Lonely Junqing froze for a moment and quickly replied!

"Why? Your Excellency asked this question, but you still want to destroy our Sect of Yun Cang?"

On the golden warship, the middle-aged monk's face sank!

"Your means is against the sky, but if you see it well, you just accept it. How can our ancestor Yun Cang also be a strong sect with a background? It's not so annoying! If you are an lord, I will now take the people around me to leave the ups and downs! There is a saying that ants can also bite an elephant. Your lord gave the power of God to the women around you. Your lord should understand the situation of the woman!"

At this time, the Xuangu ancestor who tried to conquer the power of the sky was flying, and at the moment opened his mouth!


Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Your lord knows!"

Xuangu ancestor thought that Chen was giving in, subconsciously opened his mouth, but only before the words were finished, Xuangu ancestor's double pupils showed fear!

"Do not!"


Ancestor Xuangu screamed!



There is no sign!

The golden battleship of the upper sect of Yun Cang turned to ashes!


Everything turned to ashes!


Xuangu Patriarch and other monks are gone!


As if it was directly erased!


The pupils of the major monks of each avenue shrank, their necks shrank back, and their faces were full of surprise!


What happened just now!


Yun Cang's ancestors!

Who wiped out the monk Yun Cang?

Is that the golden fairy young man!


What is this means!

It seems that the young man didn't do it at all!


Du Gu Jun Qing was beside Chen Zheng, his body could not help shaking, although Chen Zheng didn't see it, but he knew that the one who wiped the golden warship of Yunzong Shangzong must be Lord Shangxian!

Lord Shangxian just glanced at the golden battleship of Yunzong Sect a moment ago, it must have erased the golden battleship with that glance!


The condor of the Condor Palace is silent, but a decision has been made in my heart at this moment!

"Although our Ups and Downs Road is also one of the three major demons, but we are not the same as the Heavenly Sect, Yun Cang Shang Sect. We seldom take the initiative to attack other Daoist lines. Your Excellency should not destroy our ups and downs?"

After a long silence, a green robe monk said in a green warship.

"What he said is true and false."

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"This is indeed true. The ups and downs are also one of the three major demons, but they never take the initiative to attack other sects. They are just the disciples of the ups and downs. They are basically other monks who rebelled against the sect."

Du Gu Jun Qing quickly responded.

"Let's go."

So Chen Zheng said lightly.


On the green warship, the green robe monk gave a sigh of relief, bowed his head to Chen Zheng, and drove the warship to leave the Shenji Palace!



"Let's go too"

The remaining Taoist monks whispered.

"There is a question next!"


A person in a wooden armor suddenly opened his mouth to Chen Zheng!


Originally the monks of the major roads were ready to disperse!

At this moment all eyes are on!

"Be bold and ask, is the extinction of the Peerless Religion, one of the three major demons, related to your Excellency!"

The Mujia monk clenched his fists in both hands, and worshipped Chen Zheng again!


Could it be!

The sudden disappearance of Peerless Religion is also related to this young man!

The other Taoist monks heard this question and looked at Chen Zheng again!

at this point!

They also want to know!

"This" Du Gujunqing saw Chen Zheng didn't seem to answer the idea, biting his teeth and saying, "Peerless Religion is not annihilated by Chen Zu, Peerless Religion was annihilated by Ye Niang. Not long ago, Ye Niang was exterminated 100,000 miles away. Peerless Religion!"


"Who is Ye girl?"

"Is it girl Ye?"

The monks of various avenues froze for a moment, then their eyes moved, looking at Ye Qingcheng, who was closing his eyes beside Chen Zheng and absorbing the power of the heavens.

Peerless teaching!

Was it actually destroyed by this woman!

Thousands of miles away to exterminate heavenly religion!

What level of sword repair is this?

Isn't this woman who is not so powerful under the perception a peerless sword ancestor!

"Shen Jiu would like to recognize Chen Zu as the master!"

At this time, the main owner of Shenji Palace flew up and flew into the air in front of Chen Zheng, and he kneeled at Chen Zheng!


What does the Condor Master mean?

The monks of the various avenues were shocked again!


Dugu Junqing saw this scene, his eyes widened, his heart shouted at the trough, and the kneeling in front of him was the Lord of the Condor Palace. This is one of the top creatures in the ups and downs. Does he actually recognize Chen Zu as the master? !

"Acknowledge the Lord? You have good blood power, but unfortunately you can't get into my eyes. You think that the Allure City is the master. Even if the Allure City does not absorb the power of the heavens, there will be no small achievements in the future. Shame on you."

Chen Zheng glanced at the Lord of the Condor Palace and smiled Lord of the Condor Palace was startled.


As for the people of all majors, they are stupid!

Look down!


Divine Condor Palace Master actively recognizes the Lord!

The young man of Golden Fairy is still looking down!

The young man said that the God Condor Palace Master could not get into his eyes!


The problem is coming!

What kind of creature can get his eyes!

What kind of creatures deserve to be his master!


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