Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1737: All the girls see Chen Zu together!

These newcomers!

If it's headed by the Divine Condor Master!

I don’t think there is anything weird about it!

But at first glance, the owner of Shenjiu Palace actually stood at the far left!

How could Princess Condor as the strongest and most noble stand at the leftmost position!

Shouldn’t the Divine Condor Lord be guarded by the other three people with their hearts on the moon!

Everyone is puzzled!

"This should be the owner of Shenjiu Palace in the ups and downs. Isn't the owner of Shenjiu Palace bringing these people to the Eternal Demon Mountain? If it is true, the owner of Shenjiu Palace still gives up. There are already many outsiders. Entering the Magic Mountain of the Ancients, those extraterrestrial creatures are extremely tyrannical, and their means of magic are extraordinary. Among them are several women who have captured the power of other gods. Even if the Divine Condor Master is against them, I am afraid they are not The opponent. Especially one of them has a female sword repair, which is even more terrifying, and its one sword is afraid to cut the trail ancestor. As for the few people around you, whether it is Golden Immortals or Heavenly Immortals, it is only the cannon fodder in the cannon fodder. "

A blue robe monk groaned.



Inside the Eternal Magic Mountain!

There was a loud noise!


next moment!

A horror roar came out!



There is another horrible shock in the Magic Mountain of the Ancients. From the burst of strength, it can be speculated that there is fear of fighting in the inside, and what a terrible devil woke up!


At this time!

Among the magical energy!

I saw a snow-colored knife light up!


There was a terrible tear in the magic energy!


"This must be the means of the female sword repair, she wouldn't cut the awakened devil's head!"

"Eternal Magic Mountain's demon qi is stronger, it seems that a large formation has been formed, blocking us all out, and even the half-walk ancestors may not be able to enter now!"



Outside the Magic Mountain!

Almost everyone stared at Vanguard Mountain!

Although Shennian cannot penetrate into it!

But everyone is still staring at the Magic Mountain!

At this moment, I hope to see the terrifying battle inside!


Heavenly monk!

Local monk and other local monks!

This war should be the most terrible war in the evergreen world ever!



Now the devil qi is more powerful!

Shennian cannot penetrate even the outermost circle of the most ancient magic mountain!



A strange scene appeared!

The magical energy that shrouded the ancient Magic Mountain came out!

"what's the situation!"

"Quick withdrawal!"


Everyone exclaimed, but it was only after retreating, one by one, that they settled in place again, because the magical energy that enveloped the ancient Magic Mountain all rushed in one direction!


Less than three interest time!

The rolling magical energy that enveloped the ancient magic mountain all poured into one person's body!


Everyone saw this scene with their own eyes, and their eyes widened one by one, and the eyes were full of unbelievable, because the person who devoured the devil qi was the golden fairy young man in the strange four-person group just now!


A golden fairy took a few breathing hours to swallow the thick magical energy that enveloped the ancient Magic Mountain!


Is he still human?

Is he disguised as a horror devil!

The Divine Condor Palace Lord was forced to come to the Eternal Magic Mountain by the horror demon head!

"Fake fake"

"Really! It's not fake! Vanguard Mountain has no magic energy to block. We can see clearly the creatures in Vanguard Mountain. Those monks outside the sky, the female sword repair, the female sword repair, the white boy just now, and The Lord of the Evergreen Immortal Palace, they can all see!"

"Oh my god, the master of the Evergreen Immortal Palace actually broke an arm. Was it torn off by the devil's head!"

Everyone was shocked!



The depths of the ancient magic mountain without the magic energy!

The war broke out again!

Visible to the naked eye!

Many people are besieging a demon with a height of hundreds of feet!


Those female nuns from abroad did not participate!

Those female nuns from outside the sky are all staring out of the ancient Magic Mountain!

And it seems that they are all staring in the same direction!


More than just the same direction!

Still staring at the same person!

All the celestial female nuns stared at the golden fairy young man who devoured the magic energy that enveloped the ancient magic mountain!

Could it be!

These days the nuns know this golden fairy!

Or that this golden fairy swallowed the magic energy and was regarded as the demon head by these monks from these days!

These days the monk is going to kill this demon!


Deep in the Magic Mountain!

Another horror roar!

I saw that the demon with a height of hundreds of feet suddenly turned into a black awn, and flew out of the eternal magic mountain, and then turned into a demon, fell in front of Chen Zheng, and kneeled at Chen Zheng. Then he shouted, "The Lord will save me!"


What do you mean!

Demon Lord!


How did the tyrannical demon head of Vanguard Magic Mountain suddenly flew out, how did he suddenly give this golden fairy ghost, and ask this golden fairy for help!

Demon Lord!

Is this golden fairy disguised as a terrible devil!

"Demon Lord!"

"Humph! Whoever you are, I must destroy him!"

"A golden immortal, dare to call the demon master, your devil is afraid that the mind is insane!"

Inside the Eternal Magic Mountain!

A cold drink sounded!

Boy in white!

Lord of the Evergreen Immortal Palace!

The ten masters are waiting to come!


Several people stood in the air!

The breath locked Chen Zheng's side!




Almost at the same time!

The rest of the monks from outside the Magic Mountain also stepped forward!

"This kid is over!"

"The Lord Condor Palace will be affected!"

"Unfortunately, the female sword repairer next to this kid, with his peerless appearance, will also be affected by the fish pond! That female sword repairer outside the sky can kill them with a single knife!"

Everyone saw this scene and shook their heads one by one!

"Bai Nishang meets Chen Zu!"


In the next second!

In their eyes, the extremely powerful female sword repairer stepped forward to Chen Zheng for a step!

"Cangsheng meets Chen Zu!"

Immediately afterwards, the girl holding the Excalibur came to worship!

"God sees Chen Zu without tears!"

A noble nun dressed in red also took a step forward!

"Wu Qingyan meets Chen Zu!"

Another stunning woman stepped forward to worship!

"Qi Ruyi visits Chen Zu!"

In the eyes of everyone, the tyrannical female sword repair also stepped forward to worship!

"Ji Chunyu meets Grandpa Master!"

At this moment, a noble woman stepped forward to worship Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu!"

There is also a stunning woman opening ~ Bing Lan Shenguang around, this is a frost beauty!

"Cough! Chen Zu! What a fate! Do you remember the demon!"

At this time another sweet laughter was heard, and another stunning woman spoke, and blinked at Chen Zheng!

In an instant!

Silent and silent in front of the Everlasting Magic Mountain!

The creatures watching outside were dumbfounded!

These eight heavenly female nuns plundered the power of God!

These eight heavenly female nuns all knew that golden fairy!


One by one shouting Chen Zu!

This situation changed in a moment!


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