Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1747: That person is me

Chapter 1744 That Man Is Me (One More)

"Yan Mo clan, you once had a patriarch on your ancestor. In order to seal the Yin Demon Spring, you died in the Yin Demon Spring. Don't you forget this matter?"

On the dark cliff, the human race Jinxian is Chen Zheng. He glanced at the Yan demons at the entrance of Yin Demon Spring and said lightly.


"Humph! Times have changed! The Great Dark Sky has undergone earth-shattering and dramatic changes, not to mention that our Yanmo clan has received the supreme mystery, and if we have the supreme mystery, we can absorb the power of the Yin Demon Spring at will!"

"As for the patriarch, we will naturally remember him forever!"

Yan Mo tribe responds!

"What happened?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Human Jinxian, maybe you have some powerful means, maybe you know the big dark sky, but the big dark sky is different today, I advise you to leave the big dark sky and don't do much business, otherwise you will die! We are guarding The clan at the entrance of Yin Demon Spring is not too strong, the patriarch and the elders have entered the Yin Demon Spring, and they will soon be able to break through the border!"

A Yan Mo coldly said!

"Human Jinxian, you want to know what happened to the big dark sky, okay? Okay! I tell you! First, the ultimate female devil practiced the chase, the ultimate female devil's devil's palace became self-proclaimed, and then the Sky Slayer Demon Mountain came, The demon ancestor Luo Su rebirth, the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor appeared in this world, the demon ancestor Luo Su has submitted to the Heaven Smiting Demon Emperor... In a word, now the Heaven Smiting Demon Emperor is the biggest in the dark days, when the Dao Devil Emperor of the Heaven Smiting Demon Emperor lays down the ultimate female devil The Demon Palace, captured the ultimate female devil, and all forces related to the ultimate female devil must be destroyed! Did you know that the Dao world in Daqian world does not allow Daozu deity to stay in Daqian world, but this time is different. The head of the Taoist ancestors is different! I have said so much, you should understand, you still have time to go now!"

Another Yan Mo opened his mouth!

"The Heaven Smiting Devil Sect... Why haven't you heard it."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Hum! You are just a golden fairy. I haven’t heard that the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect is normal. The Heaven Smiting Demon Sect is immortal Taoism! Do you want me to explain to you what is immortal Taoism? Huh! Forget it! I don’t have to explain it to you. Indestructible Doctrine, as long as you know a little, the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain is related to the origin of the Devil! Luo Ai is called the Mozu, but when he went to the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain, he voluntarily surrendered!"

The third Yan Mo sneered!

"The demon ancestor Luo Ji... Is that demon ancestor Luo Ji the deity?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


All Yan Mo raised their brows!

Weird thing!

This human race Jinxian already knows the changes of the big dark sky, and already knows the existence of Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain and Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. This guy didn't show a little bit of fear and didn't say it, instead he paid attention to whether the deity Luo Zuo was the deity!

Why is this guy's concern so strange? According to common sense, a human race should turn around and run after knowing the existence of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

"It seems that you know that the ultimate female demon once brought a magic repair back from other worlds, and you know that the magic repair is related to Luo Zu, the deity! Huh! Luo Zuo, the resurrected deity, is not the devil, but the deity's deity! The magic repair brought back by the ultimate witch head was just a thought of the demon Luo Sui, and one got rid of the idea of ​​Luo Sui's control! Our elders calculated that someone wanted to cultivate Luo Sui's uncontrolled idea into a big one The devil even wanted to let that thought devour the Luoshou deity! It's a pity that the demon repaired by that idea met the great demon of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, and that Moxiu had been suppressed by the great devil of Devil Sect, although it is still alive, but Sooner or later, it will be dead! It's really a fool to think of the guy who made Luo Sui run out of control and devoured Luo Sui's deity. How could a thought devour the demon Luo Luo Sui! If the fool I saw, I slapped him!

After a brief silence, a Yan Mo stared at Chen Zheng with a sneer!

"A coincidence."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"What a coincidence!"

Then Yan Mo asked coldly!

"That person is me."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the Yan Mo.


The Yan Mo was stunned, but in a moment he understood what Chen Zheng was saying, and he didn't know what happened. His body suddenly shook, and then he stepped back involuntarily!



Just stepped back!

This Yanmo turned into ashes!


"you you you!"

"What secret method are you using, do you know the ultimate female devil, who... who are you!"

The rest of Yan Mo shuddered, and then they slammed coldly, trying to scare away the golden fairy of this human race, but it seemed to be useless at all. This human race seemed to know the ultimate female devil, and this guy seemed to come to the dark sky!

And the idiot mentioned by Yan Mo, who was just erased, and the idiot trying to devour Luo Sui's uncontrollable thoughts seems to be this guy in front of him!


This guy is not a fool!

This guy is a little scary!

"We... our Yan Mo clan has already submitted to the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, you have killed two clan of our clan, if you come to chase against us again, you will definitely have to pay a miserable price!

"I... I have secretly reported to the patriarch and elders in Yin Demon Spring. The patriarch has successfully absorbed the power in Yin Demon Spring. The patriarch is already... already a Taoist ancestor, have no time to escape now, if the patriarch or elders come out of Yin Demon Spring, you can’t escape if you want to escape!"

"You... don't bully too much!"

There was a short silence again, these Yan Mo stared at Chen Zheng growling!

"Don't bully people, are you humans?"

On the dark cliff, Chen Zheng asked softly.


A crowd of Yanmo instantly confided!




There was a loud noise inside Yin Demon Spring!



The magic of the majestic evil poured out!

"The patriarch has successfully controlled the Yin Demon Spring, we can enter the Yin Demon Spring!"

"Go! Don't worry about this kid, let's go to Yin Demon Spring to improve our cultivation!"

"Haha! The rise of the Yanmo family is unstoppable. Isn't that the human race Jinxian very powerful? You have a way to enter Yinmo Spring with us!"

At the entrance of Yin Demon Spring, a group of Yan Mo showed a happy look instantly, staring at Chen Zheng fiercely, and turning into black light one by one into the Yin Demon Spring!

"Master Yinyin Spring?"

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, raised his right hand to the entrance of Yin Demon Spring, and only heard a loud bang. The hill-like rock formations that sealed Yin Demon Spring to suppress the seal exploded into dust!


The dust is gone!

A big pit is here!



Deep in the pit!

Moqi scroll!

In the blink of an eye!

Devil qi rises like a torrent of time of the three breaths is less than this, and this torrent of devil gas links up and down to form a majestic enchantment, completely sealing the surrounding of the big pit!

"what's the situation!"

"Damn! Who is it! Who completely destroyed the blockade!"

"It's him, that human race golden fairy, seems to be the human race golden fairy on the cliff!

Inside the big pit!

In the magic gas!

Yan Mo clan exclaimed!

(End of this chapter)

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