Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1749: Demon in the Devil

The 1746th chapter of the demon supreme demon (three more)

This is the devil!

The last second was fierce!

In the blink of an eye, why did she run to the foot of that human race Jinxian like a puppy!

And how is that action exactly the same as Ling Chong showing to his master!

"Master Demon, what's wrong with you!"

Yan Sheng patriarch Shen Sheng asked!

"Huh! You idiots, what kind of human being Jin Xian, this is the demon supreme demon, you don't even know this adult, you idiots have too bad eyesight! You Yan Mo family have seen the devil in the first time. Did the devil's guys all fall, or did those guys never tell you about the devil's devil? You're too lazy to tell you, anyway, you are all idiots!"

The slap-sized demon turned his head, swept his eyes with Yan Mo patriarch and others, and then continued to rub Chen Zheng's calf.


Patriarch Yan Mo waited for a moment!

What magic?

What's the magic?

What supreme?

Isn't that a human race golden fairy?

That guy has no devilish breath!

Even if it is practiced to return to the original, it is not right!


"Master Patriarch..."


Several elder Yanmo secretly voiced!

Yan Mo patriarch's expression changed for a while, and he grabbed that Heaven Smiting Talisman into his hand, and his thoughts flashed quickly, staring at the Demon Spirit: "Master Demon, you should be very clear, who is the only master in the big dark sky now, you It is a demon born from Yin Demon Spring. You are extremely old. Then you must also know the origins of Heaven Smiting Devil Mountain and Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. I think that the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect can be called the Devil in the Devil Supreme! Lord Ling, the Yanmo ancestor of our Yanmo clan has entered the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain, and has become a Taoist ancestor, and he still practiced the Taoist ancestor of the Triple Pagoda!"

"Cut! You idiot want to threaten this baby with Heaven Smiting Devil Sect? Ha ha! This baby may have been scared before, but today the demon returns, will this baby still be afraid of those foreign guys? These guys are just one It’s just a matter of immortal Taoist remnants. It’s nothing more than doing something to deal with Heavenly Dao in this world. However, you idiots and those guys don’t understand it at all. Your conspiracy is not worth mentioning in front of Chen Zu! You idiots! You all know the four major forbidden places, and how terrible are the depths of the dead places where the old corpses guarded! Hey! This baby went to the four major forbidden places with Chen Zu, the predecessor of this baby was extremely evil, and Chen Zu taught the baby. , This baby will become kind! Otherwise, you foolish people, think that you can enter the Yin Demon Spring to absorb power by relying on a Heaven Smiting Talisman?"

The slap-sized demon turned his head again, this time revealing a disdainful color, and said that he flew up and floated on the side of Chen Zheng. I saw that the emperor's black awn flashed on the body, and the slap-sized body suddenly changed. , Turned into an ordinary person in black robe!


Patriarch Yan Mo waited in amazement!

The black robe smiled yinxie!

"The baby's predecessor was called the nine-yin evil spirit. When the baby was at its peak, in addition to Chen Zu in this dark day, who was the baby afraid of! The girl in the world, even now is not at the peak of the baby!"

This Yinxie smile!

There is an unspeakable evil in the invisible!

Yan Mo patriarch and other Yan Mo clan's primitive spirit shuddered involuntarily!

"Hey!" The black robes flashed on the black robe and returned to the size of a slap. He flew down to Chen Zheng's shoulder and lifted Erlang's legs. "Don't you stupid people still want to suppress the book by the Heaven Smiting Talisman?" Baby and Chen Zu, are you thinking about those guys from the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect to suppress this baby and Chen Zu, then you are too naive! Idiot, idiot, you don’t understand what Chen Zu is, you don’t know this Dark Sky is the same as Chen Zu's back garden!"


The people of the Yanmo family are silent!

"I don't believe that he is not a demon at all, he is a human race!"

But soon an elder Yan Mo shouted!

"Unbelieve?" The slap-sized demon glanced at the elder Yan Mo, then smiled mysteriously, and lifted a small hand to the boiling Yin Demon Spring, and a lot of Yin Demon Spring water poured out!

"Be careful!"

"Yin Demon Spring!"

"This power... so scary!"

Yan Mo clan exclaimed, one by one to avoid, although the Yin Demon Spring water contains immense power, but they dare not directly contact the Yin Demon Spring water, because Yin Demon Spring water has terrible corrosion power, their physical body Can't hold it, even if it can hold it, it's impossible to absorb such a majestic force! The elders of Yan Mo, relying on the Heaven Smiting Demon Charm, just absorbed a few drops of Yin Demon Spring Water!

As for the Yanmo patriarch, it is just absorbing up to a small bowl of Yinmo spring water!

At this moment, Yan Mo patriarch waited, staring at the Yin Demon Spring that had been recruited by slap-sized demons. At first, there was some doubt, but soon he understood what the demons were going to do!

"He is a golden fairy, it is impossible to absorb so much Yin Demon Spring!"

Yan Mo patriarch opened his mouth coldly!

"I'll do it myself."

At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and raised his right hand to catch the Yin Demon Spring that was attracted to the demon. The Yin Demon flew over and was swallowed by him instantly. The Patriarch Yan Mo and others haven’t recovered yet. Chen Zheng grabbed the Yin Demon Spring, and suddenly a stream of spring water poured out. In a blink of an eye, the spring water changed a lot, and this spring water was instantly changed by Chen Zheng Devour.


This time!

People from more than Yan Mo clan are shocked!

Slap-sized demons are also amazed!


The reasons for the consternation are different!

"Huh? What's the matter, Chen Zu swallowed more than half of the Devil's Fountain. Why does this mana seem to have only been improved a little, and even a small realm has not been broken, why is it a second-order golden fairy?"

Slap-sized demons winked at Chen Zheng for a while!

"Yin Demon Spring...Since the big dark sky has changed, there is no need for this Yin Demon Spring to exist. I will change your house for this little thing."

Chen Zheng smiled and faced Yinyin Spring again. The remaining spring water was even swallowed by Chen Zheng, and after this swallowing, Chen Zheng's mana increased significantly.


Fairy light flashes!

Successful breakthrough!

"Third-tier Golden Immortal... It's just not right, this Yin Demon Spring has existed from the moment when it was opened from the big dark sky. With so many years of demon spring and source accumulated, how can Chen Zu be promoted? A small realm?"

The slap-sized demon blinked again.

"It's already good."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Haha! Tier 3 Golden Immortal! Waste! What if you swallowed the Yin Demon Spring all over, you are just a Tier 3 Golden Immortal, you have no power of a battle in front of the Great Devil of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, you are not at all. .....!"

Yan Mo patriarch suddenly laughed!


The laughter stopped abruptly!

Chen Zheng glanced indifferently!


Yan Mo clan chief's body is directly destroyed!

Even if there is a Sky Sorcerer's Charm, it cannot protect you!


Heaven Smiting Demon Runes into Smoke!


Yan Mo clan chief Yuan Shen froze for a Then he showed a terrified color, because the big demon who gave him the magic charm said that Dao Zu can destroy the magic charm, but Dao Zu cannot completely destroy the magic charm!


The magic charm was completely destroyed by the human race in front!



Countless doubts!

At this moment he was born with countless doubts!


He had no chance to solve the puzzle!


After the magic rune disappears!

His primordial spirit also disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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