Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1757: Law of the World

Chapter 1754 The Law of World Extermination (One More)


That terrible Hong Mo was killed in seconds!

Why did the blue girl suddenly become so powerful!

Is this the power of the immortal silkworm!

Or is it just the power of the insignificant blooddrop!

That drop of blood was flying out of the Wuwu Temple!

Whose blood will it be!

Could it be that Chen Zu's real blood!

In the Nine Serenities City, all living beings looked at the blood awn that traversed the whole world, and they could not help thinking of Chen Zheng. When they thought that the blood drop was Chen Zheng’s real blood, each one was trembling! That Chen Zu was still in the state of falling to the level of the golden fairy, but a drop of real blood would allow the blue girl transformed by the immortal silkworm to kill the Hong Demon. The flesh of the evil young man just said was in the fifth realm. Hong Mo!


How strong Chen Zu used to be when he was at its peak!


At this time!

Blood Mansions disappear!

Lanbaoer, transformed by the immortal silkworm, once again turned into a silkworm cocoon, and flew into the Wuxian Temple at once. The people quickly looked at the Wuxue Temple. The gate of the Wuxue Temple was not closed. Everyone wanted to enter the temple to ask the truth. , But dare not go in!


Finally, there was only a sigh.

In the Temple of No Mistake.

The Kuzhen Taoist and Yin Tianzong said nothing, at this moment they were looking at the undead silkworm suspended in front of Chen Zheng. Both of them were full of doubts. Whether it was the power of the undead silkworm just now, or the power of the real blood that Chen Zu fought, Or that the combined power of the two killed that Hong Mo.

"Is this girl successful?"

The demon looked at the immortal silkworm and asked.

"It was a success, but the immortal silkworm was missing something that year. Although this girl can absorb my real blood, it needs to sleep, and it should be a good medicine to return to the origin of the immortal silkworm."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Place of origin?"

The three demons showed doubts.

"The undead silkworm knows where it is, and now it has the power of my real blood, and it also knows the way back." Chen Zheng said a word, and then said to the undead silkworm: "When the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is destroyed, you will return to you. The origin of this family. The blue girl has absorbed my real blood. I think you know how to treat her differently from your previous hosts."


The gray light of the immortal silkworm flashed, it seemed to be responding to Chen Zheng. The demon spirits also showed curiosity in their eyes. They wanted to know who the former hosts of the immortal silkworm were. It must be a name in the history of the dark sky. Great man!

"Chen Zu... did you go directly to Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain?"

The thoughts of Kuzhen Taoist flashed through his heart, and he asked in a low voice.


Just this question!

A voice came from outside the temple!

"what's up!"

Yin Tianzong frowned!

"Informing the city's lord, only the magic purpose came from the magic eagle!"

People outside the temple quickly responded!

"Law Purpose? Whose Law Purpose?"

Yin Tianzong raised a brow!

"The purpose of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!"

People outside the hall said in a deep voice!


Yin Tianzong's face sank, and he raised his hand and grabbed the black dharma held up by the people outside the hall. The black dharma flew over at once, but he reached out and grabbed it, but did not grasp the dharma dharma!


A streamer flashes!

The black law was transformed into black letters!


Yin Tianzong swept across the black characters, his face more heavy!

"Principle of World Extermination!"

Bitter Zhen Taoist read it out!

"Destroy the world? Are these guys also worthy?" The devil hummed, swept over the law, and hummed coldly: "A good law for the world, a deadline of the last half-month, a ray of life, these foreign magic repairs I really think of myself as the master of this world!"

"The purpose of this law is that... Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain flew to the killing land among the four forbidden places, except for the people under the door sent before, and the people under the door will not be sent out in the next half month However, within half a month, if the spirits in this world had not entered the land of killing before the deadline, the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect would be destroyed!"

Bitter Zhendao whispered in a deep voice!


The black word is broken!

"So according to this law, Jiuyou Senluo City will no longer suffer revenge from the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, but it will have to enter the Land of Killing Dao within half a month, otherwise it will usher in the World Tribulation! The land... The quasi-holy are difficult to pass through the innocent and inanimate road, only 90% of the ancestors hope to go through the innocent and inanimate road. Apart from the monk, all the souls in the dark world will be destroyed..."

Yin Tianzong spoke in silence for a moment, and said that he looked at Chen Zu. He couldn't do anything about this game. He, the city master of Nine You Senluo City, didn't dare to say that he was sure to pass the innocent road.

"This law... Jiuyou Senluo City will be safe for the next half month, but the colorless sea, Wuchao Mochao, Emperor Demon Mountain, and the World Devil's Palace, etc., are still dead. The corpses, the Yanmo clan, and the Sisters of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect siege... I used to think that the Sect of Heaven Smiting Deity was to make all the creatures in this world surrender. Now, Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain flies to the Land of Killing Dao again, that place... that place only knows when it has been there, it is a place that is more terrible than the deepest forbidden place in the dead corpse! , What exactly do they want to do!"

Bitter Zhen Dao is Shen Chen again.

"The land of the Dao Dao, isn't there a Heavenly Dao cut off in that place?"

The demon revealed his doubts.

"The place of killing the road was a bit puzzled, but now it is all solved."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The three of them looked over, their faces full of puzzles, and wanted to know the answer at this moment.

However, Chen Zheng did not continue this topic. He just put the immortal silkworm into the Yuanshen and got up and walked outside the hall: "Half a month ago, you will go to a few places with the devil."

"Ah? Yes!"

The demon froze for a moment and quickly followed.


Chen Zheng and the demon swept out of the temple of innocence!


Yin Tianzong looked at the temple several times and turned his head to look at the Kuzhen Taoist.

"Chen Zu...should have to go to the Colorless Sea, Emperor Demon Mountain, Wuchao Mocha, and the Shimo Demon Palace, and maybe even go to the other three forbidden places. There should be hidden in these places. An ancient thing that can restore Chen Zu's mana! Those ancient things we can't absorb or merge, or only a small part of fusion, but it is not a problem for Chen Zu! Yin Demon Spring Water should be absorbed by Chen Zu! Wait in Jiuyou Senluo City, and wait for the half-month deadline, Chen Zu should take us to the Land of Killing Dao and the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect to an end!"

Bitter Zhen Taoist was Chen Zu's situation? "

Yin Tianzong thought and asked again.

"Which situation is really hard to say, I know that Chen Zu has been to the four major forbidden areas and has almost traveled all over this world. It is Chen Zu who brought the world to the ultimate female devil, the master. That year... At that time, the ultimate female devil was only a little girl. Speaking of adults, there was an older brother called Gai Tian. Anyway, Chen Zu didn’t even give the face of the dark sky. When Chen Zu was in the land of killing Dao, he was dark Heavenly Dao incarnate as a person. Chen Zu only said a word at the time, and the dark Heavenly Daoist person rolled away."

The Kuzhen Taoists looked out of the temple, as if they were remembering the past, at the moment they spoke in an ethereal voice.


When Yin Tianzong heard it, he opened his mouth, and at this moment there was only dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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