Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1766: Beyond the infinite time and space

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Too Motian?

Why is this title so weird?


Why does it sound so magical?

Everyone was shocked!

"Tai Mo Tian... It turns out that you are also an outsider in the Great Reincarnation, and you should have been beaten into Hongmeng, just like me.

The tinkling cat's metallic pupil flashed, staring at the figure who claimed to be Taimotian.

"I don’t want to mention the past, Chen Zheng, you suppressed me, let me out today, if you can really send me out of Hongmeng, I can teach my secret method, besides, I still have something to send Here you can help you resume your cultivation!"

Tai Motian glanced at the Ding Dang Cat, staring at Chen Zheng with a searing gaze, and said a free hand, a stone box appeared in his hand. When Xiao Gu, Chu Hongyi, and Princess Ying looked at the stone box, Tai Mo Tian opened the stone box.


In an instant!

Dazzling divine light!

Suddenly broke through the colorless sea from the depths of the trench!

Rushed to the sky dome!

God fruit!

Everyone saw clearly what was in the stone box!

That is a divine fruit!

"This is beyond the Divine Fruit. I got two at first. You might not believe it. I was banned for mana because I ate one of the Divine Fruit. Later, I met a rival. I was caught by the rival and seized the opportunity. I finally escaped. In this vast universe. Although I can’t absorb this stuff, I believe it’s because my attributes are dark and chaotic, and this stuff represents the supreme solstice and the light, so I will be repulsed. You are not Moxiu, maybe you have practiced the magic law of the devil, but your physical body is definitely different from my physical body, and you can absorb and transcend the Divine Fruit."

With a mysterious smile on his face, Tai Motian said, "That's right, you can't buy it even on those high-level reincarnation ships. This thing can only be produced beyond the domain. Although the head of the transcendent domain has been missing for many years, she laid There is a large array of creators, so basically no one can force into the transcendental realm. From this, we can know that this transcendent divine fruit is much more valuable."

Beyond the **** fruit?

Is this thing so cherished?

The small bone showed a doubtful color, and Chu Hongyi and Sakura also did not believe it. They always felt that this guy who claimed to be too magical was not a good thing!

"Beyond the realm..."

The dingdong cat thoughtfully.

"Master, this man has not lied, beyond the divine fruit is indeed very precious, this is the divine fruit that can be cultivated by the creatures of the creator level!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of Macross Roulette sounded. In addition to the Macross roulette, the dark top and the creator Qingzhu have also moved, and the universe cantilever and the Great Reincarnation Holy Light are calm.

"It's a deal."

Chen Zheng nodded, grabbing beyond the Divine Fruit with a single grasp, and swallowed with his mouth open.



Swallow this one!

The colorless sea is like boiling!

"Lying trough!"

"what happened!"

"What happened to the divine light!"

The creatures in the colorless sea exclaimed!



The divine light did not last long!

God light suddenly disillusioned!

"How do you... restore such a state?"

Deep in the trench, Tai Motian's eyebrows were fixed on Chen Zheng. He watched Chen Zheng devour the power beyond the divine fruit. The magnificent divine light just now proved that Chen had actually absorbed the divine fruit's power. According to his It is speculated that Chen Zheng can at least restore the mana of the fifth realm, but this man seems to have raised two small realms!


What a strange!

Is this guy's flesh too strong!

Is this guy's flesh like a universe!

And beyond the Divine Fruit can only fill a small place in the vast universe!

"got used to."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Your flesh...Forget it, Heavenly Dao in this world has begun to repel me. Although my mana will not be suppressed, I can't deal with Heavenly Dao. I got me from the ancient relics of the Great Reincarnation. The secret is for you. This secret is created by a creator, and the creator is the creator of time and space, so this secret is related to time and space. It doesn’t matter if you cultivate or not, if these girls can understand some, Even if they encounter enemies that are even stronger than the three big realms, they can still break away. For example, this girl is not the ancestor, but if she is smart enough, as long as she realizes a little bit of "Time and Space Infinite", even When I met Daozu, I was able to escape. I was able to escape from the fierce enemy of the enemy, and it was by relying on this "Time and Space Infinite."

Tai Motian took it easy, and a ball of light appeared. He swept over the small bones and others, and gave Chu Hongyi an example.

"Time and space unlimited?"

"Mystery of the Creator?"

"Junior Saint can escape from the Taoist ancestors?"

Xiao Gu, Chu Hongyi, Sakura Princess, etc. showed curiosity.

"The ancient relics of the Great Reincarnation, I heard my former master say about that place, but I was unlucky before I broke free of the Great Reincarnation and was beaten back.

The dingdong cat sighed.

"Then you are out of luck, the creatures of that place can go once in each situation. When you just jumped out of the great reincarnation, you have a chance to go there. If you go to that place, you will be able to pass on your luck."

Tai Motian smiled.


Ding Dong Cat is silent.

"This secret is good."

And Chen Zheng has fully penetrated the "Time and Space Infinite" brought out by Tai Motian. He nodded lightly and slammed a mysterious light into the presence of Tai Motian's soul eyebrows. Come out!

"Lying trough!"

Tai Motian became shocked as soon as he saw the face!

"This thing is...this thing is did you guys get this thing from, I remember very well, you guys are more than two thousand There was no such weapon at all, only the first sword in the world, how could you guys...!


Extremely shocked!

It's just that it's too magical!


Seven-color divine light enveloped him!

In an instant!

Send a deep trench under the sea!

Send out the big dark sky!

Also sent the Hongmeng universe!


Xiao Gu, Chu Hongyi, Princess Ying and so on blinked.

"Take a good look at this "Time and Space Infinite", as long as you cultivate to the fifth level, even if you are not a Taoist ancestor, you can get rid of this mysterious method even if you are a Taoist ancestor in the ninth realm or even a half-step era overlord~www.wuxiaspot. com~ If you can practice to the ninth level, then basically any time and space in the great samsara will look like home to you, if you want to go, go and go. If you can practice to the twelfth level, then it is really infinite Well, no one can kill you unless the extreme creator."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Xiao Gu, Chu Hongyi, Sakura Princess, etc. are silent.

"Which...... Chen Zu has reached the level of?"

Ding Dong thought for a moment and couldn't help asking.

"Enlightenment to the twelfth floor."

Chen Zheng casually said.


The dingdong cat opened his mouth, and he thought that his talent for cultivation was already the best in the reincarnation, but at the moment it felt a little hurt! Because it once jumped out of the Great Reincarnation, its experience and awareness of Yuanshen's perception ability are still there, but it is currently only the fifth level of insight!

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