Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1770: 9 coffins in the emperor's mound

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When the three demons followed Chen Zheng into the emperor's tomb, the boulder fell down with a bang and blocked the escape route!



There was a low growl in the dark emperor's tomb!




There are lights on!

The lights flickered and beat like souls!

"How come you have become so weak, this is how much cultivation, fifth-order golden immortals, it seems that the fifth-order golden immortals have only recently become. In your eyes."

Immediately afterwards, a light laughter sounded!


The three demons stared at it!

This sound seems to come from the middle of the nine hanging coffins!

"Isn't there just one coffin, how come nine coffins popped out?"

The demon whispered.


There was a cold response in an instant, this came from the leftmost coffin, and this cold hum was the cold hum that sounded before. As for the soft laughter before, the demon could distinguish Chu from one moment, that is, he followed Chen Zu Jindi The demon he saw before!

At first!

There is only one man in this emperor's mound!

To be precise, it is a living person!

"You all underestimated the coffin. This coffin can be arbitrarily shuttled, as long as the creatures in the coffin simultaneously urge the formation, no matter where they are in the world, they can shuttle to the same place instantly."

The devil's head in the middle coffin chuckled again.

"Why don't you guys leave the Emperor's Tomb directly, but summon the other eight coffins!"

The devil asked.

"Why? Of course I am not reconciled. Why am I also the first-generation owner of Emperor Demon Mountain? I finally became a half-step Taoist ancestor in the Emperor's Tomb. I was really suppressed by Chen Zu."

The light laughter sounded again.


The first generation owner of Emperor Demon Mountain!

The creature in the middle of the coffin turned out to be the first owner of Emperor Demon Mountain!

Youxuan evil emperor and female demon emperor froze!

The first generation owner of Emperor Demon Mountain!

Wasn't it said that the crossover had fallen long ago!

Didn’t you say that even the clothes tombs didn’t stay?

"Unwilling? So you guys summoned the other eight coffins and stayed in the emperor's mound. You just waited for Chen Zu to come to the emperor's mound again. You want to get revenge on Chen Zu!"

The devil snorted!

"I don’t mean to avenge my vengeance. After all, Chen Zu saved my life at that time, but later suppressed me again. I was a man of principle. Chen Zu saved me and could not kill Chen Zu. Chen Zu's millennium or ten thousand years can be regarded as an obsession."

The light laughter sounded again!


This time it sounded!

Nine floating dungeons startled!


next moment!

Nine floating dungeons open!


Nine Dao gas rushed out, and the connection became a dark shackle, rushing towards Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu!"

You Xuan Xie Di exclaimed!

The female emperor frowned!

"What is this!"

The devil asked coldly!

"The shackles of the dark origin, and at the same time urge the shackles released by the nine coffins, according to the inheritance records in the coffin, with the realm of our nine people, urge the shackles of the dark origin, enough to suppress all the souls under the ninth realm, I think I should be able to suppress Chen Zu, who has only fifth-order golden fairy mana. Of course, Chen Zu is Chen Zu after all, and he was invincible at the time. Although reincarnation was restored, I don’t think it will be suppressed for long."

The laughter of the creatures in the middle of the coffin passed over.


"What Chen Zu, but so!"

"Jiu桜, you played too hard before. If this kid was really invincible, then he will definitely not be so weak after reincarnation!"

Among the other coffins, a voice came out, full of contempt and disdain!


These contempt and disdain have not passed away!

The manic coffin suddenly seemed to be frozen!

The breath inside the Emperor's Devil's Mound has become extremely violent, but now it seems to be frozen and frozen!


The shackles of the dark origin hit Chen Zheng!

Nothing happened!

Instead, the shackles of the dark origin were absorbed by Chen Zheng!

At the moment, Chen had a faint smile on his face, and the palm of his right hand was spread upwards, and the black air was surging in his palm. It was the shackles of the dark origin, but it was only reduced to half the size of a slap!

"Jiu桜, if you have thought about it for more than two thousand years in the Emperor's Devil's Mound, you would think of using this method to deal with me, then you are really a pig brain."

Chen Zheng turned it around, and the shackles of the dark origin disappeared. He looked at the middle coffin and smiled at the creatures in the coffin.


The coffin moved!

But the creatures inside are silent!

"Haha! Fool! Jiuhua Devil Emperor, you weren't the one who hadn't seen Chen Zu at first. What dark shackles did you use to deal with Chen Zu? You are too stupid!"

The devil laughs!


Youxuan evil emperor and female demon emperor are silent, Jiuhua demon emperor, that is the first generation of emperor demon mountain, now it seems that the creatures in the coffin are really the first generation of emperor demon mountain. It will become like that, just because of the first-generation owner of Emperor Demon Mountain.


do not know!

Master, is there any help!

"Jiu桜, did you hide something from us!"

In the leftmost coffin, an indifferent and ruthless sound rang at the moment, questioning Jiuhua Devil Emperor!

"I... remembered that year...what the witch said..."

In the middle of the coffin, the deep voice of Jiuhua Devil Emperor sounded!

"What did you say!"

Indifferent and inexorably asked!

"The devil said... Chen Zu... Chen Zu is the source of all evil, the beginning of disaster and the source of darkness... so the shackles of the dark source can't deal with him, the dark source Shackles is equivalent to sending him mana..."

The Emperor Jiuhua said intermittently, his voice getting deeper and lower, and almost inaudible at the back!

"Root of all evil!"

"The beginning of disaster!"

"The source of darkness!"

"He is clearly a personal race!"

"I do not believe!"

Sounds sounded, and the coffins shook, but it was also in the shock. These coffins suddenly became empty and transparent, and then they will forcefully travel through time and space to get rid of the emperor's devil mound!

"People can go, let the coffin stay."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and hit a black mango, and the black mango instantly turned into a shackle. The shackle was the shackle of the dark origin. This shackle firmly locked the nine coffins in place!


"You use our means to deal with us, my mother-in-law's dissatisfaction! You have a way to unlock the shackles, let's go heads-up, I'm single-headed and never afraid of anyone!"

"You are shameless!"

The coffin was shocked!

"If you are stupid, don't blame others, blame yourself." Chen Zheng shook his head gently said and smiled at the middlemost coffin: "Jiu Bang You are asking me to invite you Come out, or you come out yourself."



The Emperor Jiuhua has responded!

Among the coffins!

A black awn flew into a person!


The demon glanced, frowning!


You Xuan Xie Emperor and Emperor Demon Emperor looked dumbfounded!


The ancient portraits inherited from the Emperor Demon Mountain are not the same!

Even the gender has changed!

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