Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1773: No one dares to move!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!


It's really coming!

That human race Jinxian has stepped into the dead!

If it was before!

The dead guards have long gone up to kill this human race Jinxian!

But dare not move at this moment!

Because it is so coincidental!

The seven ancestors, a group of elders and the **** son suddenly disappeared, and the golden fairy of this human race fell outside the dead ground. This coincidence was not so terrible if it was changed before, but the eight ancestors just fell in the Nine Nine Forest City, this time period is so special!

and also!

Look at the look of this human race Jinxian!

Does he come to die?

Seven ancestors suddenly disappeared!

Mostly it is related to this human race Jinxian!


Some people opened their mouths subconsciously, but immediately shut up, because the slap-sized demon glared over, and the eyes were saying don't shut up if you don't want to die!


Don't dare to move!

The rest of the dead corpses dare not move!

"It runs fast, but it is also an old man, anyway, don't you want to see me?"

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.



What old friend?

The dead corpses in the dead heard the words all stunned!

"These guys didn't seem to know Chen Zu, but they were right. At the time, Chen Zu directly fell in front of the burial pit of the dead ancestor. Except for those guys, maybe only the descendants of those guys knew that Chen Zu had been here."

The demon raised his eyebrows and swept his head nodding.

"The old people are reluctant to see each other, which makes me a little sad."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


The dead corpse heard this sentence in the dead place, and then he was stunned for a moment!


This human race said sad?

Did not see any sadness at all!

How does this human race feel evil at the moment!

He will not suddenly shoot out all his own people!

"Running out of the dead ground, I can really run away from this world, but I think you should be unwilling, or you should stay in this world, you still have a little thought in your heart, so you went to the land of killing the road, Go to Heaven Smiting Devil Sect."

Chen Zheng walked deep into the dead, and said with a faint smile. The dead corpse watched him step by step, step by step, step by step.


More and more uneasy!

Deeply afraid that Chen Zheng suddenly shot!

When Chen Zheng had reached the entrance of the ancestral burial pit deep in the dead ground, the dead corpse breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said that this human race should not be able to deal with himself and others, and he should be saved!

When this human race came to death, one wanted to see the ancestors, and the other should be for the things in the forbidden place at the deepest part of the death. These little ones are worthless to mention, this human race simply disdains to shoot!


Chen Zheng suddenly stopped!


The dead corpses instantly held their breath and stared at Chen Zheng's back one by one, and at this moment they dared not release any breath!


Don't turn around!

Don't turn around!

Many dead corpses cried in secret!

"Is the small reincarnation still there?"

A fluttering voice sounded.



The dead corpse was stunned for a while, and then they were all relieved, as long as they didn't turn around, as long as they didn't do anything to themselves!

"Hui... Master, the little samsara goddess was picked up by a mysterious woman 1,500 years ago. No one knows where she went, because the mysterious woman is just a dress, but it is also a mind I suppressed the old ancestors of the dry sea! Since the adult mentioned the little samsara, it should be known that the little samsara is not our dead corpse, although she is not a human corpse, although some are like our corpse!"

The middle-aged corpse was silent for a moment, and bit his teeth and opened his mouth!

"Little reincarnation goddess? Was it the stone-like girl Chen Zu said at the time? I thought that girl was a special corpse that mutated in the dead. Did the girl have a lot of luck?" The demon was stunned and stared. The middle-aged corpse: "If you have seen the mysterious woman you said took the small reincarnation, you can use magical power to reproduce that scene!"

"This... is just a corpse of a monarch in the next time, and there was a celestial corpse at that time. Although I saw the mysterious woman in person, I could not see the face of the mysterious woman at all. ......The figure of the mysterious woman cannot be reproduced in the next time, but the clothes of the mysterious woman can be reproduced, and 90% of them should be similar!"

The middle-aged corpse groaned and secretly cast a secret method, and saw a water curtain appearing in front of him. There was a thing appearing in the water curtain, not a person or a demon, but a piece of clothing!

"This...this is a uniform? Blue girl used to show me a lot of costumes with secret methods. Among them there are these. She said that she would open a fairy clothing store in the big dark sky and change the big dark sky. Feminine aesthetic! Is the mysterious woman from the same world as the blue girl? No! It cannot be from the same world. The blue girl’s previous life was a mortal. The mysterious woman can suppress the dead ancestor with a single idea. That is more than a thousand. The Great Dark Sky years ago, the woman’s body was at least the Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm and even stronger!"

The demon glanced, and his brows were locked!


The middle-aged corpses uttered these words in a dumb face, and the remaining corpses were even more ignorant.

"A bit familiar."

Chen Zheng turned around and glanced at the clothes in the water curtain, vaguely remembering where he had seen the white robe-like clothes.

"Master Saint!"

At the moment in his mind, the sound of the little doll made sound!

"A bit like it, but it should not be her, maybe another zero."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Who is Chen Zu talking to?

The demon blinked.

The dead corpses are also very ignorant.

"Huh? Why?"

The little doll asked coldly!

"Because the physique of the small reincarnation is somewhat similar to my physique, although it is not a detached body, it is at most one level worse."

Chen Zhengyuan returned to the saying of little doll.

"Huh? Since that little reincarnation constitution is so special, why don't you take it away, but stay in the dead corpse?"

Questioning the little doll!

"The habit of not taking away. I had pointed out so many kids and girls, and I didn't really bring anyone around."

Chen Zhengyuan responded lightly.

"Thin and indifferent!"

The four-character commentary of Taohua Xiaowa actively disconnected Yuanshen.

"Chen Zu..."

Then the demon shouted.

"You are destined to see you again, regardless of her."

Chen Zheng said casually, turned around and stepped into the burial pit of the dead ancestor.


this moment!

The dead corpses were relieved again!


Just relieved!

These creatures again showed terrified looks!



The burial pit of the dead ancestor was not cracked!

But the forbidden ground deeper is cracked!

Vaguely visible!

In the dark!

There seems to be a giant corpse!

Although I only saw the tip of the iceberg!

But there should be nothing wrong!

There seems to be a corpse that is bigger than the dead in the forbidden land!

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