Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1777: Gas Palace

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"Oh shit!"

"This bone-like guy can't kill him!"

"This fellow is a little stronger than the ancestor. My demon fire can even burn the ancestor Yuanshen. How can it be useless to face this guy? In the end, what is this guy? Isn't this man's flesh comparable to Taoist ancestors, although we have seized this man, knowing that this man is a man with a witch's head, it's useless!"

"Although Lao Tzu can't kill you, Lao Tzu is tortured until you collapse. Believe it or not, Lao Tzu will now use all the thirty-three tortures of the ancestral dragon dynasty!"

"I don't believe you bones can't kill you!"



A louder than a loud!

In front of the World Demon Palace!

Hundreds of magic repairs in the air!

These are the disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

In order to deal with the monstrous magic palace!

Heaven Smiting Devil Sect sent hundreds of disciples!

Of course, it is also the task of hundreds of disciples to win the World Demonic Palace!

"Chen Zu Chen Zu, when are you coming!"


There is a prison!

There is a bone shelf in the cage!

At this moment Wang Tian sighs!


Only a long sigh!

The bone shelf is broken!


Healed almost instantly!

"Don’t waste mana, go directly to the thirty-three tortures of the Zulong Holy Dharma. I’m not good at repairing, but my bones are hard! You are said to be immortal Taoist disciples from outside the world. One by one means is not ordinary, even if the guy with white eyes only had the ancestor's early cultivation skills, he can hang me casually, but he can't do that by killing me! Hey, white eyed brother, your white eyes should be a kind of **** pupil Well, I know a person called Chen Zu. Chen Zu also has a magical pupil. What reincarnation eyes, what blood pupils, what golden pupils, what purple pupils, I can’t call it the full name, anyway, basically there is the magical pupil Chen Zu that exists between heaven and earth It's all! So if you fight against Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, you let me out and I introduce you to Chen Zu as a disciple!"

The bone rack shook his head for a while, and said that flesh and blood grew out of it, and turned into a handsome man, and he looked handsome. This man was a bone carving.



His countermeasures were unsuccessful!


The white-eyed young magic pupil swept over, and the flesh he had recovered was gone, and it broke into bones in an instant!


The problem is not big!

The white-eyed youth can't kill him!


White light flashes!

The bone shelf is restored!

"Brother White Eyes, you don't believe me, do you think I'm bragging? I have never bragged. Chen Zu has just passed on an idea to me. He has come to the dark sky, and he's on the way to the Gazebo You don’t take the last chance, Brother Bai-Eye, wait for Chen Zu to come later, but there is no chance! To be honest, Brother Bai-Eye, I think you are a talent for creation, and I told you so much You see, your brothers and sisters, I’m too lazy to take care of it! Don’t miss the so-called passing by."


The bone carvings were broken before they were finished!

This time it's not a shot of a white-eyed youth!

But another purple pupil youth!

"Humph! Are you bragging enough to believe it? You only think that Jiu Wudao's white eyes are Shentong, don't you really put my purple pole magic pupil in your eyes!"

Purple pupils sneer!

" be honest, it’s not that I don’t look down on you, but I remember Chen Zu said that although the Ziji Motong sounds very powerful, in fact, the upper limit is not high, not everything is brought. The word Zi is very bullish and can be compared to Hongmeng Ziqi. Seaweed also carries a Zizi, but it is just a very common dish. You should have all heard of seaweed. If you don’t know seaweed, I can I’ll give you a lesson and give a good introduction..."

Bone Eagle was talking while recovering his flesh, but he hadn't finished talking yet. He was swept away by the young pupil of the purple pupil, and it was broken again!

"Shut up! You're talking about tuberculosis, do you know that you are very annoying!" Zitong Youth stared at Gu Dadiao with a cold eye: "Don't you say that Chen Zu is coming, so we'll wait for Chen Zu to come , When he comes, I will use the purple pole magic pupil to verify the authenticity you just said!"

"Uh... about me being a tuberculosis, actually..."

The bone carving had just recovered, and he spoke subconsciously.

"Mom shut up!"

The young pupil of Zitong burst into tears, cast a secret method, and placed an enchantment to block the hanging cage where the bone carving was located. This is not to isolate the mana, but to isolate the sound!


Zitong Youth really can't stand it!

"Okay, wait for Chen Zu to come."

The body of the bone carving in the prison has been restored. He sensed the soundproof enchantment and shrugged. However, he secretly said in his heart that these guys did not understand how to appreciate their art of speaking. They not only bragged, but also sang. What civilization they were locked in for hundreds of years, they secretly learned a song called Fifth. Elemental Divine Comedy.



These guys have no chance to appreciate!

"Welcome Chen Zu!"

The thought flashed in my heart, and the bone carving yelled into the sky in the cage!


Although the sound barrier is there, disciples of White Eyed Youth, Zitong Youth and other Heaven Smiting Devil Sects immediately saw the bone carvings looking up, and they also looked up. When they saw a human race and a little demon slowly falling down above At that time, they were stunned for a while, followed by various laughter!

"This golden fairy is Chen Zu?"

"Haha! Hahaha! Jinxian! Chen Zu! Ridiculous! Real Nima Ridiculous!"

"Dare this kind of ants also call their ancestors?"


The young pupil of Purple Eyes was disdainful and erased the soundproof enchantment. He stared at Chen Zheng and the demon in front of the Gazebo. Then he gazed at the bone carving in the hanging cage: "This golden fairy boy Is that what you said about Chen Zu who has all the pupils?"

This question!

Extreme mocking!


Bone Eagle only responded with a smile!

"Humph!" Zitong Youth snorted coldly, Zitong moved, and looked down at Chen Zheng: "That bone shelf says you have all the **** pupils, let me verify how many kinds of **** pupils you have, Chen Zu, who is a golden fairy."


The words fell!

Purple pole magic pupil is fully open!


The purple devil slammed down with the magic power!

"Purple Eye Magic Eye?"

Mo Ling slightly raised his The underworld of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect really has a lot of background. The disciples sent out by these sentiments are not even the devil, but many guys are very talented. In the dark days, it can be called a first-class or even a genius!

"Come! Let me see your **** pupil!"

Zitong Youth is another roar!



The magic flame is raging!

"Start your show!"

"I have set the stage for you, you have to seize the opportunity!"

"Don't let us down, let us down. Your end will be extremely miserable!"


Many Heaven Smiting Devil Sect disciples sneered!

They are all ready to watch the show!

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