Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1793: God-given opportunity? You think too much!

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and so!

What is the situation now!

What did the mortal do to the One God!

"It should help the awakening of Gong Shizu...According to the qualifications of Gong Shizu, it is reasonable to say that it should have soared to the Zhongqian world thousands of years ago, but it seems that the past years have not been cultivated... Hmm? Someone is here again!"

The old man in the red robe secretly said that he suddenly felt some fluctuation of spiritual power, and suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the fluctuation of spiritual power!


A dark warship emerges!

Seems to be suspended from the foreign land at this moment, suspended above the imperial city of Xuanyu Dynasty!


Everyone stared at me below!

What kind of person is this?


How does that wolf-headed flag on this dark warship feel familiar?

"This is... the banner of Jiuyan Youxin Sect of Jiuyan Mountain thousands of years ago, this is the remnant of Youxin Sect!"

The old man in red robe glanced, froze for a moment, and the next moment was Shen Sheng drinking!


"Youxin Sect!"

"The **** monk who was destroyed by the patriarch of the palace thousands of years ago was the elder Yuxinzong. After the elder Yuxinzong fell, the dynasty leveled the Jiuyan Mountain and leveled the Youxinzong, did you still escape? !"


"Youxin Sect!"

When Xingcha heard Qi Hao beside Chen Zheng, he was subconsciously surprised!


Thousands of first evil forces in the second world thousands of years ago!

Once a evil alliance was established to blame this world!

At that time, You Xinzong's transcendent cultivation was slain by the Xuanyu dynasty princess as a Yuanying monk!

That princess is a woman in a palace dress hanging like a stone carving at the moment!

It is also the only God in this world!



The man on the dark warship, who didn’t know where he was killed, was also a monk!

That violent spiritual power is much stronger than the real person of the Xuanyu Dynasty State Division Fire Palace!

and so!

At this moment, the monk Youxin Sect reappears in this world's revenge!

"Hahaha! God-given opportunity, this is really God-given opportunity! Gong Lingsu, you woman who killed my elder Xinxinzong elders, and hurried to kill Jiuyan Mountain, you woman is really poisonous enough. But you didn’t expect that someone from Youxin Clan had escaped, and you can’t think of it. The boy who had escaped had killed him, and he just happened to be seriously injured! Gong Lingsu, I, Li Yunfei, beheaded you today Revenge the hatred for the elders and the dead souls of the upper and lower ancestors!"

Get started!

Start talking before you do it!

The young man in black robe on the dark warship burst out laughing!

Raising her hand against the stone-carved woman in a palace dress hit a black mans!


That black mang suddenly turned into a beast!

A huge mouth will devour a woman in a palace dress!

"Master Gong!"

"The only God!"


Shout and scream!

The people of Xuanyu Dynasty are horrified!

The old man in the red robe, the Taoist of the Fire Palace, gritted his teeth and flew up, as if to forcibly block the evil beast, but he just flew up, and the evil beast was at least twenty feet away from the woman in the palace. Disillusionment in the air!


The beast is gone!


What happened?

Who saved the only God!

The Fire Palace Taoist and the rest of the Xuanyu dynasty stunned, then moved his gaze and looked towards Xing Cha, who was above, all looking at Chen Zheng at this moment! They subconsciously thought of Xingcha on this mortal, but this mortal did not show any signs!


Could it be someone else!


This mortal didn't need to raise his hand at all to just wipe out the evil beast!


Very foolish!

"What are you, you..."

On the dark warship, the young man in black robe raised his head as if he noticed the existence of Xingcha at this moment. He subconsciously opened his mouth to anger, and then shut up after half of the words!

He perceives that Xingcha is not simple, Xingcha is more than one level higher than his dark ship!


Then a mortal and a foundation kid!

There seems to be no threat!

Is it!

The creatures in this warship!

"Under Li Yunfei, I don't know which powerful person your Excellency is in the upper realm. In the lower master, it is the upper realm..."

The thought flashed, and the young black robe asked in a deep voice!

"The God-given think too much. Today is not a God-given opportunity, nor is it coming in the future, and there is no God-given opportunity. How can you be her opponent if you cultivate this way."

Chen Zheng chuckled lightly.


Hearing this sentence, the young man in black robe locked Chen Zheng with indifferent eyes, and then whispered after staring at Chen Zheng for a few times: "Are you a mortal, do you have to teach me this monk monk? Are you a me monk monk?" Is it fake! This seat is asking you to teach your elders, don’t you, a mortal, know that you should shut up in this situation!"


this moment!

Qi Hao, old man in red robe, and many people in Xuanyu Dynasty!

Actually, I want to remind the youth in black robe!


No need for that!

Because I only hear a thorn!

The black warship of the black robe youth, its flesh and Yuanshen suddenly burst!



Qi Hao, the old man in red robe, etc. instantly dumbfounded!

Oh my!

Did not see the hand raised!

Did not feel any aura fluctuations!

Youxin Sect's inspiring monk is gone!


Is this the means of this mysterious mortal!

If it is really a mysterious mortal means!

That's too scary!

"That... Brother Chen, your magical power is too strong, we... we are all scared!"

Qi Hao took a deep breath and then smiled, then he didn't think that there was any hidden power to destroy the Youxin Cultivation Monk, it must be Brother Chen who directly killed the Youxin Cultivation Monk!

There is no mana, but there is such a horrible means, if you have learned this means, wouldn’t it be invincible!

"She's Gong Lingsu?"

Chen Zheng did not respond to Qi Hao, his eyes moved to the real person of Huo Gong.

"Go back to Immortal, Gong Shizu is called Gong Lingsu, the princess Lingsu of the Xuanyu dynasty thousands of years ago. When Yuan Gongxiu was a princess of Lingsu, Yuan Yingxiu killed Youxinzong The elder of the Huashen God, and after the millennium of Xiaoxuanjie, only Gong Shizu was a Huashen monk, so he was called the only Huashen."

The Fire Palace Taoist immediately bowed his head and replied.


Chen Zheng read these two words again, then shook his head with a smile.

"This... Lord Shangxian, are there any taboos?"

The Fire Palace Taoist saw this scene and asked in a low voice.

"There is nothing to I have a daughter called Lingsu."

Chen Zheng casually said.


The Fire Palace Taoist froze for a moment and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daughter? Brother Chen has a daughter?"

Qi Hao asked curiously.

"She has seen me from the future of time."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The future of time...this..."

Qi Hao dumbfounded.

"Time is long..."

The Fire Palace Taoist heard the four words of time, and his heart was shocked. He secretly said what the origin of this mysterious mortal, his daughter could come across to see him!

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