Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1795: 4 party exclusion order

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"You! What kind of magic weapon are you, why are there so many artifacts in your magic weapon, and who are you! I originally wanted to fight for this artifact, I didn't even need to practice anything, and finally grabbed the artifact to escape Entering this little thousand world, you guys with no power, how could a person have so many gods!"

The old man froze for a moment, and then stared at Chen Zheng with a roar!



Dan Yangzong shuddered for a while!

Danyangzong monk showed horror!

The breath of the old man is far above the **** of transformation!

"You're a little thing, dare to grab the ancestors' artifacts, it seems that you really don't want to live, and don't return the artifacts! It's not about returning the artifacts, it's dedication of your array to the ancestors!"

The young man in white shirt came back to his mind, and was originally puzzled, but now he felt the breath of his ancestors, and he immediately had the courage to secretly say that this kid's means is strange, but there is no magic power, mostly relying on this array to succeed!

As long as he grabs his team!

Then this kid is a thorough mortal!

Now the ancestor Xiu Wei has been restored to the God of God!

And the breath is still climbing crazy!

Will definitely win this kid!

"Don't you hear what this seat says!"

When the old man saw that Chen Zheng did not respond, he shouted again, and said that he raised his hand, and there was a fierce anger surging out, and it was a catch for Chen Zheng! He has the same idea as the white shirt youth, and his realm is far less than the peak, otherwise it is impossible for a mortal to **** the gods against that figure! My self-cultivation is recovering quickly, as long as I grab the array, then this mortal can stare at him at a glance!



Come to Laozi!

The old man growled!



Chen Zheng picked up the array, and then glanced at the old man with a faint glance. The old man was shocked for a second, and then his face was shocked, and then the whole person flew backwards and crashed into it. Danyangzong Hall in the rear, knocked the hall out of a large hole, and then the whole person smashed into the cliff wall behind!

This person is nested in the cliff!


Danyangzong monk first looked stunned, then his pupils shrank, and he stepped back involuntarily, looking at Chen Zheng with horror!


This mortal!

He abolished Liu's ancestors at a glance!

No mana fluctuations!

Just a casual glance just now!

What a supernatural power this is!

This supernatural power is too scary!

"I... my ancestor is the supreme power outside the world of thousands, you you you... you can't afford it!"

The young man in white shirt took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, but his teeth were trembling! The ancestor is the supreme power outside the world of thousands, which is true, but that was once, that was thousands of years ago!

The current ancestor, although Xiu Wei has recovered to suppress the souls of Xiaoxuanjie, is not at all an opponent of this mortal. He can only hope that the identity of the ancestor can shock this guy!

"This quartet of extinct Tianshou Liujia Liushou Liu!

Among the cliffs, the old man growled!


The fierceness is extremely violent!

Danyangzong monk shivered!

But Chen Zheng has no fluctuations!

"Tian Shou Liu family, the family title is good, so what about then."

Chen Zheng asked with a slight smile.

"You... you are definitely not a native creature of Xiaoxuan Realm. You are from the upper realm like this seat, and even you may be from outside the world, but this seat advises you not to offend the Tianshou family, Even if you were the Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm at the peak, don’t offend the Tianshou family!"

The old man stared at Chen Zheng again with a roar. In fact, at this moment, he already knew in his heart that this mortal must have a better future than himself. It may even be bigger than his own, because in the array that the kid just summoned, there are six artifacts, and the one just swallowed, there are seven artifacts in the array.

The map, when it appeared in the Quartet Extremity, was guessed by the major roads to be related to Taixu. It may be the boundary map of a certain place in Taixu. You can control the terror in Taixu by controlling the boundary map. the power of! This kid has no power, but he alone has six magical items. This kid can't be an ordinary person at all!

So now!

There is no way!

Can only hold the name of the Tianshou clan!

Let's try to deter this kid!

"Yu Tianshou Liu's family can only threaten the ninth state ancestor, it seems that this is the case, your Tianshou family is not good."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


The old man's face sank, he knew he had failed, and at the moment his thoughts flashed wildly, he was thinking about the way to deal with it!

As for the monks of Danyang Sect such as Qi Hao, they are already stupid. What are the Sifang Kingdoms, the Tianshou Liu family, and the ninth state Taoist ancestor? For the creatures in their small world, it feels like listening to the heavenly book!



Even more unreachable!

"Okay our Tianshou Liu's family is not good, then you say a stronger family than ours Tianshou Liu's family! There are four major domain master families in the Sifang Juyu, although they are not under our Tianshou family, but they can't surpass our Tianshou Liu's family!"

The old man's eyes moved, and now it was a roar!

"Have you heard of Chaos Lu Clan."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"..." The old man was stunned, and then looked darker, lowering his voice: "I don't believe you come from that family, you don't have a bit of chaos in your body, and the people of that family will never come to a small world. , People from that family are extremely proud!"


The old man suddenly opened his mouth and spouted a golden blood!


In an instant!

Leaning on the body light!

An order appeared in his eyebrows!

Shenguang is from this commandment!

"Small things, this seat remembers you. This seat has left a brand on you. When this seat returns to the Quartet, it will restore its cultivation behavior, and this seat will drop the endless will incarnation to arrest you!"

The old man roared!

It turns out that the order is a teleportation order!

It turned out he was running away!

"This is the Quartet’s Teleportation Order. Once the Taoist ancestor is turned on, it cannot be interrupted, unless you are the Era Overlord, but you have little mana, you can’t be the Era Overlord, and you can’t block the teleportation order. You are waiting for this seat. Come back to you! Haha! Hahaha!"

The old man's flesh is already transparent, and at this moment there is another roar, and the roar of roar is followed by laughter!


Chen Zheng smiled and lifted his right hand at Shenguang was instantly destroyed, and the Quartet's Teleportation Order flew over and fell into his hands!


Dan Yangzong is silent!


Soon there was a sound!

Among the cliffs, the old man fell from the cliff and hit the ground hard!

"This seat...but Liu Tianshou!"

The old man who fell down looked up and stared at Chen Zheng with a roar!

"I'm still superior to Chen." Chen Zheng heard it and smiled again, then nodded with satisfaction: "The Quartet's Teleportation Order is good, so I can run less, thanks to the old things."


The old man heard it!

Even spraying gold blood again!

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