Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1801: First entry into the 4-party exclusion zone

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Thunder masterpiece!


There is a thunder beast faintly in the thunder!


"Come and come again, Thunder Beast is coming again, this is less than fifty years ago, how did Thunder Beast come again, did the last sacrifice have failed, Luoxian Temple should not suppress Thunder Beast at least A hundred years!"

"I heard that the ancestor of Luoxian Temple went to Shangcang Abyss, and it seemed that he was killed before he even entered Shangcang Abyss!"

"Lying trough, what's the matter! If it falls into the Abyssal Abyss, it's not a surprise. Dao Zu entered the Abyssal Abyss, it is very likely to fall. An ancestor's decay is normal again! The ancestor of Luoxian Temple, Did it provoke a big man!"

"I heard that it is related to a certain family of Sifang Domain, which one can't tell!"

"Huh? A person popped up in the sky!"

In the celestial celestial celestial monastery in the southern celestial territory, the people of all ethnic groups had a lot of discussion, and suddenly exclaimed, everyone looked up and saw a young man appeared above him with no signs!


Thundercloud vibrates!

I saw a thunder **** thunder!


Then there was another horror beast!

A huge head in the thunder cloud came down!

"It's over!"

"This kid seems to have strayed into the crack of time and space and just passed over to Luoxian City. This kid looks like a mortal. This kid is going to play pigeons!"

"Play pigeons? What does that mean? Oh remembered, the four major domain master families recently dug out a magic weapon from the abyss of the sky, and that magic weapon is extremely magical. It seems that it can make its own ring, and the winner can To get the magic weapon reward, the loser will write the two words pigeon and pigeon with real blood. The word pigeon and pigeon meant surrendering and confessing in the era when Qi Ling once was!"


Another thunderstorm!

The consciousness of the creatures in Luoxian City was pulled back at a glance. Seeing that the **** thunder was about to hit the mortal head, they shook their heads now!



Suddenly a fairy light flew!

Blocked the **** thunder!


"This is Luoxian Temple shot?"

"Which one in the Luoxian Temple saved this kid!"

Everyone was stunned, all turned their heads and looked at the Luoxian Temple, which was standing in the northernmost part of Luoxian City! At this moment, I don't understand why the people in Luoxian Temple would save a mortal, instead of suppressing the thunder beast first. If they angered the thunder beast, the spirits in the city of Fallen Immortality might be destroyed!



The thunder beast that had already plucked his head out of thunder cloud roared violently!

At this moment a giant claw was pressed down!


The dazzling fairy light illuminates in the fairy city!

This is a guardian formation!

"Hundreds of years have not yet passed, do you Thunder Beasts really want to break the vow!"

Almost at the same time, the voice of a woman in Luoxian Hall came out!


Thunder beast roar!

Staring at Luoxian Temple fiercely!

That giant claw and head retracted into Thundercloud!

Just listen to bang!

Thundercloud is rolling away!


The creatures in Luoxian City breathed a sigh of relief!

It's safe!

It is temporarily safe!


The mortal kid above?

How does it feel like there is no fluctuation?


How did the kid stay aloft with no mana?

Many people noticed some anomalies, and at the moment revealed the color of doubt, and the mortal in their eyes was Chen Zheng, who was sent through the Quartet Teleportation Order, and fell with a slight smile.

"Which... Which world do you come from, young people, this is Sifang Jue Nan Tian Yu Ji Huang Xianshan outside Luoxian City. The reason why Luoxian City is called Luoxian City, it is said that some powerful monks fell here, and later built A city is now Luoxian City. The one who saved you just now should be Luoxian Girl, the master sister of Luoxian Temple."

An old man looked at Chen Zhengyi and asked softly.

"Sacrifice to the Emperor Mountain and the Immortal City... but I didn't expect it."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Huh? Young man, don't you come for the legendary emperor? Young man, you're late, if you come hundreds of thousands of years earlier, you might see the emperor. That's the Emperor's Mountain, Nantianyu The First Divine Mountain, or even the First Divine Mountain in the Sifang Extremity. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a terrifying battle at the Emperor Mountain, and that battle almost rewritten the pattern of the Sifang Extremity. As for the legendary sacrifice The emperor also disappeared after that war. As for why that war broke out, it is said that the emperor worshipped by the gods, bearing the blood of the heavens, the world is fighting for it... Anyway, that's what happened."

The old man groaned.

"Young people are in the cracks of space and time by mistake. They are easy to get in and want to go out. It is difficult to go out. Any area of ​​Sifang is free to enter and leave the outside world, but the safest way is to pass the array, young people. After decades of practice, you may be able to earn the cost of sending fairy stones."

A middle-aged man also looked at Chen Zhengyi and shook his head while talking. In the past, it was not a person who had entered a crack in space and time and was transmitted to the Quartet. The kind of person usually has only two endings. One is to cultivate well, and the talent is not bad. The forces of major cultivation practice will take the initiative to be disciples, and the second is to cultivate. Pingping's talents are mediocre, but in the end, he either accidentally fell or died in the Sifang.

Luoxiandian Luoxian girl Although she just rescued this mortal, she did not bring this mortal into the fairy hall. Maybe Luoxian girl just looked away and thought that this kid was a genius, maybe Luoxian girl also regretted herself Right.




Fall above the fairy city!

Thundercloud condenses in an instant!




The creatures in Xiancheng were startled and looked up. This look showed a terrifying look, because in the thundercloud, giant claws came out!


Thunder Beast!

More than one end!

The Thunder Beast just turned out!

Instead, go back to the old nest to move the rescuers!


This is over!

The Thunder Beast family must know that the ancestor of Luoxian Temple has fallen!

The wave just now was probably temptation!

At this moment, the truth and truth of Luoxian Temple was discovered!

This is torn face to destroy Luoxian Temple!

As for yourself and others, it must be dead!

"Huh! Disaster Star! Sister Luo Xian, you just urged the fairy city to guard the Great Array to save a disaster star! If it is not this disaster star, the **** stone will not be consumed, then Thunder Beast will not dare to be so unscrupulous! Sister Luo Xian, you still Don’t kill this catastrophe!"


Inside that fairy hall!

An indifferent and ruthless man's voice sounded!


next moment!

Just listen to Jianming!

Then Zimang flashed!

A man in purple clothes holds a purple sword!

Standing in the air now!


The purple man did not stare at the thunder beast above!

But stare at Chen Zheng on the ground!


"Is this kid really..."

"This shouldn't be the Thunder Beast just came here to test, it doesn't seem to matter if this kid...

The unconsciousness of the surrounding creatures subsided!

"Sister Luo Xian, this is a mistake you made, do you want my brother to help you wipe this stain!"

Ziyi people's eyes moved, and they stared at Luoxian Temple.

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