Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1804: Your name is not good

Chapter 1801: Your Name Is Badly Acquired

Lived so long!

Never seen the number one guy in front of me!

I have never seen anyone more brazen than the guy in front of me!

I really want to shoot this kid!

But the summoned Lei Chi failed to destroy this kid!

On the contrary, this kid repaired a lot!


Purple Thunder Beast respectful thought flashed, and another spit of old blood spewed out, and the rest of Thunder Beast was only dull at the moment!

"It's time to go through the robbery...Yiyouxiang was a mortal before the time, and the mana was cleaved by God Thunder a few times before it reached the infancy. Now it has swallowed the Thunder Pond called by the Daozu Realm, and the mana is restored to the robbery. Expected... This... what is going on with this little brother?"

The old man in Luoxian City is very ignorant, and the others are also ignorant!


This young man is not in physical training!

It seems to have a good future!

It seems that the mana disappeared for some reason!

So it looks like a mortal!

"This Daozu ancestor of the Thunder Beast family, summon a Thunder Pond again, maybe destroy me."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled at Zilei Beast Master again.


Purple Thunder Beast looked dull, stammered out a few words, glared fiercely at his paws, grabbed the other eight Thunder Beasts, poured into the thunder pattern, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!



"Are we...saved?"

Seeing this scene, the creatures in Luoxian City froze for a moment, and then the dangling heart fell!


That Purple Thunder Sovereign was gone!

It seemed that the young man was angry enough to vomit blood and walked away!

"It's kind of interesting, this ancestral ancestor of the Nine Moss of Aoshi League, cultivated as a half-walk ancestral realm, young people you are gifted with different talents, are you interested in joining the Aoshi League. Our Aoshi League is the second avenue in the South Territory of the Quartet Extinction, except The domain master family is our Ao Shimeng's largest. With your talents, how can you be accepted as a disciple by an elder, Ao Shimeng's elders are all Taoist ancestors, and the lord masters are seven realm ancestors, if you are accepted as a disciple by the lord, then each You can grow as much as you want, if you want to grow a treasure.

On the Ao Shi League battleship, Jiu Mo ancestor's eyes moved, and at this moment took the initiative to talk to Chen Zheng.

"Nine Mo Ancestor..."

When Yan Wusheng heard it, his face sank instantly!

The face of Suyi Taoist and the spirits in Luoxian City has also changed!

This Aomeng League is too bullying. At the moment, I hung up and watched a movie. Now that I know that the young man has extraordinary talents, he starts to envelop the young man. Don’t be fooled by that young man!

"Can consider it."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Just so, you come on the battleship, and I will take you to the Ao Shimeng altar."

Jiu Mo ancestor smiled when he heard it.


As for the Suyi Taoist and the creatures in Luoxian City, it is a sigh!


Yan Wusheng raised a sleeve, showing discomfort!

"You kill the guy in purple clothes next to you, and I will seriously consider it."

But Chen Zheng added.


Say this sentence!

The face of all parties has changed!

"You! Huh! You want to kill the son, there is a kind of conspiracy that you are going to kill now, otherwise the son will look down on you! The son has been accepted as a disciple by a Taoist ancestor of Ao Shimeng. Disrespectful Daozu!"

Yan Wusheng looked cold and stared at Chen Zheng with a cold voice!

"The young people don't seem to really want to join us." Jiu Mo ancestor groaned, and the tone has been cold. "Young people, your talent is indeed extraordinary, but you have to understand that Luoxian City is compared with Aoshi League." , Just a grasshopper in front of the giant elephant, whether the grasshopper is alive or dead, it depends on the meaning of the giant elephant!"

"Your name is Yan Wusheng, right, the name was not taken well."

However, Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at Jiu Mo's ancestor again, and smiled at Yan Wusheng at the moment.

"What do you mean!"

Yan Wusheng asked coldly!

"No life, no life, what do you mean by these two words? Everyone understands your name, Yan Wusheng, do you still not understand it? You should call it Yan Changsheng, maybe you will fly into the sky today."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Huh! You're just eloquent, can you still kill my son in the presence of Jiu Mo's ancestor? The son sees that you have a special physical body, but the mana level is too low, otherwise you won't I watched as the Purple Thunder Beast Venerable left with another eight-headed Thunder Beast! So don’t pretend, you don’t have that capital in front of the Nine Mo Patriarch, you can’t even break the defensive enchantment of the AoShi League warship!"

Yan Wusheng understood the meaning, and now he was disdainful, he thought he had seen through Chen Zheng!

"The mana during the robbery period is indeed weak." Chen Zheng nodded gently, but then smiled at Yan Wusheng slightly: "But it's enough to kill you."

"Haha! Hahaha! It's up to you! Come! There is a species...!"

Yan Wusheng laughed wildly, but the laughter suddenly stopped abruptly!


Ao Shimeng warship!

A fairy sword fell to the ground beside the Jiu Mo ancestor!

As for the sword bearer Yan Wusheng is gone!

Suddenly it was gone!


The eyes of the rest of the monks on the Ao Shimeng warship shrank, and they all showed surprise. They honestly didn't feel any mana fluctuations or magical powers. Yan Wusheng was erased!


The instincts of the creatures in Luoxian City stepped back, and they were also scared! A living person, a sword cultivation that is not low, will disappear without warning. If it is really the boy's means, then it is too scary!

Mana during the robbery!

That kid only has mana during the robbery!

Why is Yan Wusheng also above the golden fairy!

"Come to Japan, I believe that your Excellency will soon meet the elders of the Daozu of this League!"

Ancestor Jiu Mo was silent for a moment, staring at Chen Zheng, lowering his voice and saying a big move, the Ao Shimeng warship disappeared directly!


The sky above Luoxian City is clean!

"You... Your Excellency...Senior..."

The Suyi Taoist and the spirits of Luoxian City looked at Chen Zheng. At the moment, they found that they couldn't find a suitable title. The Suyi Taoist saw Chen Zheng looking at the Emperor's Mountain and thought about it: "Your lord is for the legendary The emperor came, if he came for the emperor, I am afraid that he could not see the emperor, and the emperor has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years. However, the Luoxian Temple has some connection with the Emperor Mountain in that year. The lord fell from the mountain of the emperor. The first lord of the palace also said that the feng shui of Luoxian city is very special. If there are creatures falling from above, then it must be an extraordinary was originally waiting I have some doubts about this point, and today you have fallen from the top, which is a testament to this."

"Sacrifice to the Emperor." Chen Zheng said these two words in a low voice, and turned to look at the Luoxian Temple with a faint smile: "It doesn't matter if the Emperor has not seen it. I came to Sifang Juejie not to sacrifice for the Emperor." , I came for the Heavenly Abyss. But before I went to the Heavenly Abyss, I could get the news of the Emperor, and I could see Luo Xiang’s reincarnation, which was a good harvest."


Coming out of the sky?

See the reincarnation of Luo Xiang?


Su Yi Dao Ren and the creatures of Luoxiancheng are full of doubts at the moment!


There is no Luoxiang here!

There is only Luoxiandian Sister Luoxian!

(End of this chapter)

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