Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1812: I'm sorry I want this thing

Chapter 1809 I'm Sorry I Need This (Five)

"You...where did you see the first ancestor of Lu Fei Xuan, and the first ancestor of Lu Fei Xuan was still alive, which... according to ancient records, the King of the People Lu Lu in order to suppress a terrible creature In addition to the ancestor Lu Jiuxuan who was sent out, the rest...the rest fell!"

The old woman was surprised again!

"Lu Fei Xuan...Why does this name sound better than my name..."

The little girl's eyes flicked, and she looked at Lu Feixuan in the light curtain again, as if she had seen herself grow up in an instant.

"Lu Jiuxuan...should be Lu Feixuan's younger brother, right."

Chen Zheng erased the light curtain and asked a little.

"The first ancestor of Lu Jiuxuan was sent out, and then wandered between the heavens and the earth, and finally entered the Sifang Jurisdiction, and later married the wife and gave birth to the king of the Lu family. Only 100,000 years ago, the ancestor of Lu Jiuxuan entered the heavens to explore the heavens The truth of the abyss, when he returned to the land of the Lu clan, he professed himself. After professing himself for 100,000 years, he has not yet awakened. The Lu clan... There are some struggles among the clan, this time it was the clan leader who sent me The young lady came out and kept the third lady away from the fights."

The old lady nodded, then whispered.

"Is there anything in your ancestral land that increases mana, such as the power of the five elements before the gods in the clouds are all above. If there is, I can go to your Lu tribe."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


The old woman was stunned. Although she saw that Chen Zheng had killed Hong Guyi of the Aoshi League, she also knew that Chen Zheng had seen Lu Feixuan's ancestors, but she did not think that Chen Zhengneng calmed down the fighting among the clan. , And more than one ninth state ancestor. So after thinking about it for a moment, she did not conceal: "The fighting among the clan involved more than one ninth state Taoist prince, the son's supernatural power is indeed extraordinary, but... The involvement of the son is afraid that it will harm the son, I believe the patriarch can calm down Fight."

"I'm not afraid of death."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


The three people in the ancient palace were shocked to hear this sentence. If the average person said this sentence, the three people would not have much feeling, but Chen Zheng said these four words, and the three of them suddenly gave birth to a very strange feeling!

as if!

As if the young man was mocking all other creatures in the world when he said those four words!

it's wired!

Why is it so strange!

Just four words!

Why do you have such a strange feeling!

"Huh? Not good! The soul is trembling, as if Dad was hurt!"


Little girl Lu Xinyi exclaimed!

A small face is crying like anxiety!

"Lead the way."

Chen Zheng said to the old lady.

"Since this is the case, then please ask the son to go to the land of the Lu nationality!"

The old lady was still hesitant. At this moment, when she heard the news of the patriarch's injury, she made a decision in an instant, shattered a rune, and sent it directly with the little girl and Chen Zheng.

"I don't know... can I go against the sky..."

Qingyuan, the **** of the capital of the cloud, whispered, and his thoughts moved out of the ancient palace, and soon a thought of God was introduced into the courtyard where Luo Xian and several people were located.


Ancestral land of Lu nationality.

Nature is in the southern sky.

It is just different from the visible places like Luoxian City and Cloud God. The Lu ancestral land is in a mysterious space. This mysterious space is similar to the mysterious space where the Qingyue deities in the false world.



In the biggest hanging fairy hall!

Suddenly came a loud noise!

I saw one person blasted out!

The Xianxian Temple has been penetrated!


The blasted people spurted out golden blood!

The scattered golden blood turned into a force in the air!

You can be sure that this person is a Taoist ancestor!


In the teleportation array at the entrance of the mysterious space, a cry of exclamation sounded, and the person who had been blasted out was the father of Lu Xinyi and the current Lu patriarch!


At this moment, the old lady also came out of the teleportation array and glanced upwards, revealing a terrifying look in her eyes!


More than just spitting out real blood!

The patriarch's flesh seems to have been shattered and broken!

How can this be!

No matter how strong the elders are, they are only better than the patriarchs!

What's more, the patriarch and the human king magic weapon handed down from the ancestor of Lu Jiuxuan!

It stands to reason that the patriarch overwhelmed the second elder!

"Autumn Sky, you underestimated the person I invited from Uncle Uncle. The person invited by Uncle is not an ordinary person. The person invited by Uncle Uncle is not smaller than our family. So Qiukong, don’t try to be brave anymore. , What I want is not the position of the patriarch, I just want to see the ancestor, you give me the human king magic weapon, after I have seen the ancestor, the Lu patriarch is still yours, I will take my patriarch out of the Quartet ."

In the immortal palace, an old man flew out, and the old man's hands fell behind him, his face lightly said.


Inside the fairy hall!

A figure blasted out!

This figure is like a black torrent!

A cold and ruthless face!

Just standing in the air gives people an indescribable sense of oppression!


This figure is still a bald head!





All together!

"Uncle, the human king magic weapon has the power of the immortal spirit. As long as the human king magic weapon has existed for years, the fairy power has been accumulated for many years. !"

At this time Lu Xinyi gritted his teeth and shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Well? Who do I think it is, Xinyi girl, Xinyi girl? You go out and invite a golden fairy to come back. Do you expect this kid to beat your second lord and the second lord? Ah, you girl is too naive."

The old man glanced down and shook his head gently after sweeping Chen Zheng.



The indifferent bald head above turned into a black torrent!

Suddenly rushed in front of the Lu patriarch!



Lu Xinyi and the old woman exclaimed at the same time!

very scary!

That bald head is terrible!

That seems to be pure killing power!


One punch!

The Lu patriarch's flesh broke again!

A magic weapon was born from the Lu patriarch's body!

"Human King Magic Tool!"

The old man saw the magic weapon and showed a very excited color, and raised his hand to the magic weapon to grab it!

"Sorry, I want this thing."



That instrument did not fall into his hands!

Instead, it fell into Chen Zheng's hands!

"Who!" The old man was stared at him suddenly, and then saw Chen Zhengshi slightly startled, but the next moment he sneered: "Your kid is looking for death, then it is no wonder this seat, this seat Squeeze you to death!"

The voice has not fallen!

The old man caught Chen Zhengyi!

Lu Xinyi and the old lady just opened their mouths to remind Chen Zheng!


If there is no one beside Chen Zheng, he squeezes at the human king magic weapon, and the human king magic weapon cracks!

This moment!

No matter which side of the Lu tribe is dumbfounded!

Human King Magic Tool!

Was it pinched?

(End of this chapter)

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