Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1821: Thank you for sending the tower

Chapter 1818 Thank you for sending the tower (four more)


Ji Yun suddenly got up!

The double pupil also turned into a blood pupil at this moment!

Behind that noble scarlet wings fluttered!

In an instant!

It's dark in the Eastern Emperor's domain!


Not black!

It's red!

The sky dome of the Eastern Emperor's Domain is bloody!

Not right!

More than East Emperor Realm!

At this moment, the entire Sifang Heavenly Vault became a **** color!

All beings looked up at the sky!

I just feel that the sky dome looks like a fierce beast!

It seems that the mouth of the beast has been staring at the Quartet!

Just bite down to devour the entire Quartet!


This scene did not last long!

"Chen Zu!"

Ji Yun's double pupils returned to normal, and the void of the godless wings disappeared behind him, kneeling at Chen Zheng again!

"This is your choice, okay."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


What choice?

The monk watching was dumbfounded!


Purple Thunder Beast Master looked at Taiyi.

"Just now that drop of real blood contains terrifying power, it can be said that... includes all the roads between heaven and earth, that Ji Yun should be able to absorb more than one power, but only chose one power, that is The power of killing."

Taiyi frowned softly.


Zilei Beast Master blinked, still puzzled.

"This young lady is so powerful that she can devour and absorb the real blood of her master."

The purple beast in Luo Xian's arms smiled.

"This girl is good, and it is quite suitable for the inheritance of the nature, but the nature will not be robbed by you. The nature has awakened something, and it should not be long before it will eventually wake up. After the ultimate awakening of the nature, the nature will be awakened. Will part ways with you!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the little chemical doll snorted coldly and disconnected Yuanshen.

"You will return the Fengshen Tower to this seat, and this seat will be cancelled with you and this girl!"


Qu Chen Yuanshen suddenly spoke!


The monks who watched all looked at the past with a move!


It's weird!

Although Qu Chen is the ancestor of the temple!

But suddenly saying such a sentence is really weird!

Does Qu Zu still have the qualification to raise conditions!

This mysterious young man Ji Yun called Chen Zu!

From the beginning to the end, the Fengshen Temple is not in the eyes!

Didn't Qu Zu understand this?

and also!

This young man can control the most treasured pagoda in the temple!

Qu Zu, as the Qu Zu in the Temple of Confucius, can't get it back!

Just by this means, this young man will not return Fengshen Tower to Qu Zu!


Qu Zu!

Have already reached this step!

Still can't let go of his pride as the ancestor of the temple!

The monks on the main road watching and watching sighed at the moment!


Imagination is also right!

Qu Zu is in the Sifang Extremity. It can be said that it is already at the top level. In addition to the Four Great Kings, the Tianshou First Patriarch and the Five Great Extremities, the Sifang Extremity is the largest in the Qu Tribe! Today, being played by a young man like this, he was ruined, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back. Qu Zu said that his heart did not collapse!

"You can hear what this seat says!"

Qu Chen Yuanshen was Shen Sheng to drink again!

"Your pride is not worth mentioning before me."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"You!" Qu Chen Yuan Shen was stagnant, as if he had been broken through his thoughts at this moment. After a sudden change of Yuan Shen, he stared at Chen Zhengdao: "This seat admits that you are very tyrannical, not an ordinary tyranny, but it can be closed to the temple. The background is so strong that you can't imagine it! You know that Hongmeng is too high in the sky. On the surface, it is a world of thousands, but you know that the ancient and secret creatures never dare to attack Hongmeng too high in the sky, because there are heavens and heavens in the sky. The base camp of that is the tradition left by the supreme creation! The supreme creation is not the heaven, the supremacy is the supremacy between the real heavens and earth that manages the heavens! And our seal of the temple is very different from the heaven and earth base camp of the heavens and the world. relationship!"


All heavens and heavens base camp!

Confucianism left behind by supremacy!

The Fengshen Temple has something to do with the Taoism left by the supreme creation!

This inside!

It's too scary!

Upon hearing this, the monks from various avenues on the sidelines looked shocked. Although the Sifang Extinction was outside the Great Thousand Worlds, the spirits in the Sifang Extremity also thought that they were more than one level higher than the spirits in the Great Thousand Worlds!


There is only one world!

They know they can't provoke them!

That is Hongmeng heaven!

In particular, the higher the level of the spirit, the more they understand this!

At this moment, Qu Chen revealed the details of the Fengshen Temple, which really shocked the monks on the roads waiting and watching. With such a background, it is no wonder that Qu Chen has no power to fight back, but he is still so proud!


There is more than one shrine behind him!

There is a real first line between heaven and earth behind the Fengshen Temple!

"Why didn't I know this happened... I remembered that I was busy with my baby."

Chen Zheng thought about it for a while and then continued.


Bring the baby?

What do you mean?

The monks of each avenue showed doubts.

"Bring baby?"

Ji Yun was beside Chen Zheng, and he was also puzzled when he heard this sentence.

"Chen Zu has a baby?"

The Purple Thunder Beast Zunnian has been focusing on Donghuang Mountain. Although it was separated by dozens of miles, it still heard clearly, and it also showed the color of doubt, so he looked at Taiyi again.

"Don't look at me, I am not omnipotent and omnipotent, let alone I am a baby now."

Tai Yi replied.





Behind Qu Chen Yuanshen!

Behemoths emerged!

"Feng God Tower!"

"These are the other six towers of Gods!"

"What happened?"

The monks on the main roads waiting and watching exclaimed!

Fengshen Tower!

The huge monsters are all towers of Gods!

Plus the former tower of Gods!

At this moment, all seven Fengshen Towers are here!

"Haha! You are still too young after all, I said so much performance for so long, but it is just delaying time! Dao friends, urge the secret method to suppress this **** guy!"


Qu Chen Yuanshen laughed and laughed!


Six phantoms in the six Fengshen Towers behind him came out!

no doubt!

This is the will incarnation of the strong ancestor of the Great God in the Fengshen Temple!


Six dazzling **** towers are shining brightly!


The Fengshen Pagoda, which had escaped from the control of Qu Chen, was now illuminated!

It seems to echo with the other six towers of Gods!

"You lost!"

this moment!

Qu Chen stared at Chen Zheng with a smile!



He just shouted!

The seven Fengshen Towers suddenly collapsed!

Suddenly turned into ashes!





A huge amount of mana rushed to Chen Zheng!

In an instant, all of them poured into Chen Zheng's body!

The fairy light on Chen Zheng's body lit up!

In a blink of an eye, from second-order Daojun to third-order Daojun!


Inside and outside Donghuang Mountain!

Almost all creatures are dumbfounded!


How did the seven Fengshen Towers all turned to ashes!

The majestic power contained in the Seven Sealing Towers seems to have been swallowed by the young man!

"I am enemies to increase You have sent the other six Fengshen Towers, thank you for sending them."

Chen Zheng smiled friendly!


Qu Chen Yuanshen cracked at once!

This is a sign of the collapse of the Dao heart!

(End of this chapter)

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