Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1833: Uncover the abyss of heaven!

Chapter 1830: Uncovering the Great Abyss! (Make up two)


Is this mysterious young man really escaped from the upper abyss!

The eyes of the Tongsheng spirits of the various avenues in the Quartet's absolute bounds were again focused on Chen Zheng!

"Suppress the gods? Oh! You thieves are also qualified to order me with the will of the king. If you don't mention the past, do you thieves have a face? Besides, the king will never say that he will suppress the god!"

Qitian Saint King Beast responded indifferently!


Didn't King Wang say to suppress God?

Isn't this the will that has been passed down since ancient times?

The monks of various avenues are surprised!

"Seventh order Daojun mana is not enough."

At this time, Chen Zheng raised his right hand and looked at his right hand. No one beside him said with a chuckle.


What do you mean?

What is not enough?

The monks of various avenues stared at him again. First, they were stunned and suddenly understood it. The potential meaning of this sentence is to start working on Wujue Peak! It's just that the seventh-order Daojun mana can't kill the five peaks, or the two peaks that condensed the overlord's **** pattern! Although it is not enough, it seems that the tone does not take the Wujue Peak into consideration at all!

"You are not your opponent!"

Xuanyi Jueding stared at her, and her confidence floated on her face!

"Your current combat power limit cannot reach the half-step overlord level, you can deal with the ninth realm at most!"

Another peak with the overlord's **** pattern also opened. He was wearing a red dragon pattern robe, and the same confident color floated on his face. He determined that the upper limit of Chen Zheng's combat power could not threaten him!


The look of the other three peaks has changed!

They didn't speak!

Because they knew this young man could threaten them!

of course!

This young man is really hands-on!

It is not so easy to destroy the three of you!

How can the three of them be called the ultimate peak?

The hole card was not played!

I don’t know who lives or dies!

"Let Wu Jue top shot, suppress this son, this son does not leave endless scourge! This son comes to Shang Cang Abyss today, it must be to recover the power in Shang Cang Abyss, if this mana is restored to Heavenly Emperor Realm, this child's combat power Absolutely soared to half-step hegemony!"

On the Fengjia warship, Feng Luotian gritted his teeth and paid homage to the Wujue Peak!

"Please Liu Wanshi's ancestors!"

On Liu's warship, Liu Fangkong paid his respects to the Xuanyi old man! When he shouted that the monks of the various avenues instantly understood, this Xuanyi Peak is a person of the Tianshou clan. No wonder the Tianshou clan is not the main family of the four domains. In the Sifang extremity, the four major domains can also sit on an equal footing, and the Tianshou family thinks more Be superior to the four domain master families!

Behind all this is a half-step overlord!



Xuanyi old man raised his hand!

Played a secret!

This mystery is instant!

Cultivation trembling!

This eternal law is terrifying!

There is an absolute crushing power!

Can that young man hold it!

"Do you want......!"

Almost at the same time, an elder in Fengshen Temple, and the fairy fairy Shi Qing in the immortal hall that the world above could not see at all, the two opened at the same time, one did not make a sound, Yuan Sheng sent the sound to Yuan Zu, the other, and the other shouted out It’s just that the world can’t hear it, only the metal ball in the fairy hall can hear it!

"It's just a small scene."

The metal ball in the fairy hall smiled.



As it says!

It is indeed a small scene!

Because the ancient law played by the old man Xuanyi seemed to have a great momentum, but when he hit Chen Zheng, nothing happened. The so-called ancient magic power was still swallowed by Chen Zheng!

Not to mention being blasted!

Chen Zhengdong didn't move at all!

Even Xianyi didn't make any changes!



The eternal law exploded from the top is actually invalid!

Zhongxiu dumbfounded!


Wu Jue Ding also frowned instantly. Among the five of them, Xuan Yi Old Man is the strongest. The ancient method is not a tentative method, but Xuan Yi Old Man is the strongest means, which can directly devour the ninth realm!


That kid seems to be immune to eternal magic!


This time, the five of you came to the abyss, there was a big thing to do. The first step was to take down the heavenly king beast in the secret world of the human king, and bring out the ancient seal of the human king. The second step is to use the power of the ancient seal of the human king to enter the heaven. Abyss, unlock the secrets in the abyss! If God among them is really suppressed and imprisoned, then the five will divide God!

at the moment!

The first step is not done yet!

It seems to be stopped by a kid!

"How to do?"

"This kid is weird!"

"It is very likely to be God!"

Wu Ju Ding Yuan Yuanshen communicated quickly, and he couldn't think of a method for a while, because the strongest eternal method is invalid for that kid!

"In order to retreat!"

Xuanyi Old Man Yuanshen responded, his figure retreated and landed on the Liu Family Battleship!


The faces of Feng Luotian, Liu Fangkong and the two big families are all sinking!

Wu Jue Ding even gave way!

I am afraid that no one will think of this scene!

"You should be the God who escaped from the Heavenly Abyss, and secretly developed and restored the mana. Now it is a high-profile world. It is nothing more than trying to recover the power in the Heavenly Abyss. The five of us will not stop you. If you have the ability, you will enter the Heavenly Abyss. Your power is recovered!"

The old man Xuanyi stared at Chen Zheng Shen Sheng!


Into the abyss?

If it’s really God, isn’t it a self-sufficiency to enter the Heavenly Abyss? Zhong Xiu glanced at the Abyssal Abyss, and his eyes returned to Chen Zheng. It was also the moment when their thoughts came out. Chen Zheng stepped out!


Is this going to the abyss!

The people were surprised!

Wu Jue Ding is showing joy!

They have already tried it!

To swallow the power in the abyss!

Unless you go in person, you can only devour the insignificant leaked power!

So this kid has no choice!

It doesn't matter whether this child is God!

As long as he enters, most of them will be suppressed and imprisoned!

So this is not a conspiracy!

This is a conspiracy!

Don't you want to restore mana!

Then you go in and take it personally!

"Miss it!"

Feng Luotian saw Chen Zheng falling in front of the entrance of Shangcang Abyss, and now a grin appeared on his face!

"Can't escape, after all, can't escape, this is the destiny of God, unless you don't belong to your strength!"

Liu Fangkong's face is also terrible at this moment!


On the Jijia Luo Xian was staring at Chen Zheng's back, and Taiyi was also frowning. Although he had already guessed who Chen Zheng was, he still didn't want Chen Zheng to go into the abyss. Because that place is to deal with the suppression of the imprisonment of God!


When everyone thought that Chen Zheng was about to enter the abyss!

Chen Zheng raised his hand just like that!

The terrible chaotic thick fog that shrouded the vast abyss was wiped out in one go!

this moment!

The Heavenly Abyss lost its cover!

Completely reflected in the eyes of Sifang peerless creatures!

(End of this chapter)

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