Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1845: This is the real origin of heaven and earth

Chapter 1842 This Is The Real Origin Of Heaven And Earth (Four More)

"Crushing Sky Strike once bombarded the Era Overlord, how can you not hurt you! We burned the Shard Sky Strike from the original source. Perhaps the divine power is not as good as the Sage Sky Strike from the ancestor, but it also has the divine power of the Era Overlord!"

The old man's phantom look changed wildly, and he shouted with a sudden!

"Crushing the sky... This thing is indeed capable of breaking the sky, but you are weak, and the burning source can only urge a part of its power. As for why it can't hurt me, it still needs to think deeply. Is there any other explanation besides my body is harder than it."

Chen Zheng chuckled.


The old man's shadow and the few stone men kneeling suddenly choked!

"Boss...what is the origin of this stone?"

Corpse Fairy Ji glanced at the stones in Chen Zheng's palm. At this moment, it seemed that the stones had disappeared from the horrible fierce power before, and Shennian was really like ordinary stones under the perception!

"The original stone, this thing is the real origin of heaven and earth."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"The true origin of heaven and earth... Didn't supreme creation create everything, such as Hongmeng supreme creation Hongmeng?"

Corpse Fairy blinked.

" do you know the ultimate secret of our Shizu ancestor **** stone!"

The old man's phantom shuddered, and Shen Sheng was drinking again!

"Huh! Because this fellow is the mountain guard of the original place, because the nature is in this Yuan Yuanshen!"

Chen Zheng didn't respond. The flash of light flashed in his heart, the lotus seed flew out, the chaos of the lotus seed disappeared, and the little doll inside the lotus seed appeared in the eyes of others in the palace!


"This is... this is... the lotus seed!"

" are...the legendary future master who will destroy the world and end everything!"

The old ghost!

Several kneeling stone men!

Seeing the chemical lotus seeds tremble!

Seeing the little doll in the lotus seed shook again!

"Future robber..."

The corpse fairy whispered, and the mind was trembling, although she didn't know these when she followed Chen Zhengheng, but she dug a lot of things from the Jiujiao Demon Grotto that were not of this era in the last hundred years, plus the mystery that claimed to be her sister Xiangong Palace Lord has come to the Underworld and told her a lot of things, so she is very clear about what the future robbery means.

"Shoushanren...the first place, at the peak of our Shizu ancestors reached the epoch overlord of the era, and the ancestral training he left behind It is said that he has a special physique, and the ancestor **** stone can be cultivated to that state, and the ancestor **** stone was obtained from a mysterious person. Do you... you are the reincarnation of that mysterious person!"

The old man's phantom look changed again, staring at Chen Zheng tremblingly and asked!


Chen Zheng shook his head.

"Huh! This guy is a mountain guard. How could it be possible to dig a stone from the original land of heaven and earth and give it to others. Most of the initial stone obtained by your stone clan ancestors was secretly dug by the woman of number zero! Panqi Ling, you can't reproduce the past time and space, now it's your job, what are you waiting for!"

The little doll is cold!

"Uh... I only listen to the master. Although you are the strongest creature in theory in the Great Reincarnation of Hongmeng, you can't order me, so if the master does not order, I won't do it."

A metallic voice sounded, it was the cleverness of the supernatural roulette.

what is this?

Corpse fairy Ji showed curiosity.

The old man's phantom and a few kneeling stone figures also showed doubts.

"let's start."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Good host!"

The Macro Roulette Spirit responded instantaneously. At this moment, the roulette body directly flew out of Chen Zhengyuan God. I saw a seven-color divine light hit, just hit it on the original stone!


The view of the Underground Palace is changing!


A giant mountain emerged!

"this is!"

The corpse fairy, the old ghost, and the stone figures kneeling down showed horror!

This giant mountain!

At a glance, it looks as if you can't see the top!

But take a closer look!

Can see the top again!

There seems to be huge statues above!

But this huge mountain is too big!

"Oh shit!"


"Should I do this?"


"I treat you as a brother. I gave you the best wine. I borrowed a stone from you! What do you think of this broken stone? I am the reincarnation of the Lord. When I did not fall, I was a detached person. , And it’s not a general detachment, but I... I’ve been on the second major reincarnation ship... No, not the second major reinstatement ship, but I’ve seen more than one creator on the seventh major reinstatement ship. Detached!"

"Still fight! Do you still fight! Do you have any love, you have to hit the wounded like me, and you will have to cry if you hit again, I will lead the woman when I cry, you know that woman's , That woman is much better than me!"

"Is this right? This is a good brother. This stone is useless to me and useless to you. I took it for an experiment! Isn't your first age of the universe already born, there is a stone I gave birth to a soul, and I have a gift for detachment. I gave him a stone and hoped he would be detached! Or you go out and choose a disciple. Let’s compare it to see who’s disciple can go further. If you win I introduce my sister to you! I have more than one sister, I have two sisters, and both sisters are better than me!"

One voice after another!

The corpse fairy and the old man's phantom look silly!

One is because the appearance of the appearance of Chen Zheng is the same as that of Chen Zheng!

One is because of the creature who made a cry!

"This is the boss's previous life... isn't it supposed to be the first life... Is the first life so cold..."

The corpse fairy asked dumbfounded.

"This is the mysterious person mentioned by my Shizu ancestor, and also the reincarnation of my Shizu ancestor!"

The old man's phantom shouted blankly.



The giant mountain disappears!

The magical scene has changed!

"This seat reincarnates the Lord, this seat knows that you have many questions in your heart, but don't ask because asking is useless to you! As long as this seat accepts you as a disciple today, and also gives you this initial stone, you Don’t be ashamed of this seat and lose to the disciples of the Shoushan people! Yes, the disciples of the Shoushan people are a little girl. If you can’t even beat a little girl in the future, then don’t let this person hand you out of the division! I Reincarnation, don’t waste!"

The creature claiming to be the reincarnation of the reincarnation has transformed a creature that was born from a **** stone! However, since the reincarnation commander at the moment is different from the reincarnation commander in the magical scene before, there is only supreme majesty at this moment!


The magical scene changes again!

Scenes of flashing light flashed quickly!

"That was the scene of the collapse of the First Age!"

"That's the scene of my Shizu being suppressed by God!"

"That was the last patriarch of our clan to die in battle...!"

The old man's shadow and several stone men kneeling whispered!


At this time!

The magical scene is shattered!

"Master My accumulated energy has been exhausted during this time, but the things that this stone can trace back are almost the same! Although I can’t trace it back, but the master can talk to me at any time, a few more The guy is too cold! The host should call the criticism of the Holy Lamp of the Great Reincarnation, it is not cold anymore, it is all autistic!"

Macross Roulette Ling smiled, the roulette turned into a divine light and fell into Chen Zhengyuan's God!

(End of this chapter)

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