Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1855: Kill the angel again

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These green characters!

It's not a bad copy!

On the contrary, it is stronger than the original green charm!


This is simply impossible!

There are only nine clerics in the Underworld!

The priesthood green amulet was left by the souls of the oldest age of the underworld!

Later generations would like to refer to Qingfu to refine more Qingfu!

But generation after generation passed!

But no one can refine this thing!

Even the temple will not refine this thing!


An alien monk!

However, hundreds of green charms were refined by a touch!

"It's too fake..."

"Is this really an illusion..."

"Are we dreaming..."

The creatures on the shore of Jiuli were whispering.


Behind the main man of Jiuli, the tall female nun opened her mouth. She wanted to slap her head, but she knew very well that it was not a dream, but a means of the mysterious human race monk!


This means!

It's too scary!


Jiulifu shouted dumbfounded!


Hundreds of Daoqing Fu flew to him in one go!


The territories of the territories of Jiuli on the shore exclaimed!

"It's all for you. Give the extra money to whoever you want. I don't need to say what you want to do next."

On the altar, Chen Zheng casually said.


"All... all given to the master!"

"My Great Sovereign, this and this... Master Lord has sent it!"

The creatures on the shore of Jiuli were stunned instantly!


This happiness came too suddenly!

Although deprived of the green amulet given by the temple!

Hundreds of green charms can be obtained at once!

This is too happy!

"you dare!"

The temple messenger shivered, he instantly understood the meaning of Chen Zheng's words. At this moment, he shouted at the Jiuli Mansion, and secretly urged the secret method, raising his hand to grab the green rune, but he found that the secret law can no longer command the green rune!

this moment!

He giggled!

He knew that the human monk on the altar erased the brand mark of the first priesthood green amulet!

This man!

Who is this guy?

This man is just a Daojun!

How could this man do what the temple will not do!

"I understand!"

The master of Jiuli Palace absorbed a green charm, paid a deep respect to Chen Zheng, and then moved his eyes to lock the temple messenger!

"Master Jiuli, you have killed my younger brother. If you kill me again, even if the Great Emperor Zun pleads with you, you will not be able to live! You can think clearly, my Master is the three elders of the temple. Elder Tianwu!"

The messenger of the temple stared at the master of Jiuli!


The Lord Jiuli raised his hand and grabbed the temple messenger. The temple messenger showed a terrified look, but he was torn before he could make a sound! The master of Jiuli, who has absorbed the green symbols, has recovered, and it is natural to kill a temple messenger at the level of a half-walk ancestor!

"Jiuli Palace Lord Li Mengbai worships seniors!"

After killing the messenger of the temple, the main body of the Jiuli government throws his body to Chen Zheng for a worship!


This moment!

Everyone came back to God!

All eyes were on Chen Zheng on the altar!

One by one suddenly realized that the strongest one was not the Jiuli Mansion, but the strong mysterious young man. The Jiuli Mana Master listened to the order of the young man, and the temple messenger was also the young man who ingested it with great magic power!

"Shrine... Two disciples died at once, and still went to the Green Rune of Jiuli. It should... No one will be sent for the time being, they should be investigated and sent again. ....." The ferrymen on the light boat whispered, looking at Chen Zhengdao for a moment: "But the shrine will never give up, then...Whether the souls of Jiuli Government will send another person to Houtu Imperial City , What about participating in the war of reincarnation?"


Jiuli Prefecture was shocked.

The creatures on the shore of Jiuli are also shocked.

He also listened to the ferryman saying this.

One by one remembered the purpose of gathering in front of Jiuli River.

Houtu Imperial City!

Reincarnation selection!

Even if it fails, you can enter one of the four halls in the Emperor City!

Even if you can't fly Huang Tengda in the future!

But it can also surpass more than 90% of the souls in the land of Jiuli!


at the moment!

This quota seems to suddenly lose its appeal!

no doubt!

This is related to the mysterious young man on the altar who has refined hundreds of priesthood green charms!

Now the master of the house has received hundreds of cleric green amulet!

It is bound to be given to the souls of the land of Jiuli!

Do you still need to go to Houtu Imperial City to participate in the battle of reincarnation?


The Lord of Jiuli was undecided, so he could only ask Chen Zheng at this moment.

"I will take people to Houtu Imperial City." Chen Zheng glanced at the ferry, and then made a green rune, and then hit the green rune at the ferry: "It is not easy for your family, this The little thing will be given to you."


Ferryman dumbfounded!


The creatures in the land of Jiuli on the shore, with green eyes at this moment, wish to rush into the Yin River to **** it, but they have thieves and no courage, because their cultivation will be dead as soon as they enter the Yin River!


Will not let ferry people pick up!

"This... Senior Six-hole thanks, if the senior can use the place of the younger, the younger will do his best to do it!"

The ferry took a deep breath, accepted the green charm, and bowed deeply to Chen Zheng!

"Let's go back."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Young people resign!"

The ferrymen paid their respects again, and the light boat retreated silently into the mist on the other side of the Yin River.


The creatures on the shore of Jiuli continue to be dumbfounded!

"Why does the master give this guy a green charm?"

On the altar, the Taoist beast frowned slightly and asked, the spirits in the underworld, especially the power of the ferry and the temple messenger, made it feel uncomfortable, it seemed to be the power to restrain it. The master gave hundreds of green charms to the master of Jiuli. It is understandable that the ancestor of the master of Jiuli must be the master's deceased, but what about the ferry, is there anybody in the family who is also the master's deceased?

"Senior... I don't know my surname..."

At this moment, the Jiuli government murmured, and lowered slightly.

The rest of the people came back to God, and now they are all looking at Chen Zheng. At this moment, they want to know a little bit, why an alien clan Taoist, supernatural power is so terrible, why can you refine the nether earth with a total of nine priesthood green characters!


The most critical point!

Why the refining priesthood green rune is stronger than the green rune inherited from the underworld!

"You just call the master Chen Zu. As for why the master wants to help you, there must be only two reasons. Either you are a peerless genius and the master or you are a descendant of the master. You don’t look like a peerless genius, so It should be the latter!"

The Daozhu Beast's eyeballs turned said a word to the master of Jiuli!

"Ah? This..."

After listening to the Jiuli government, he was a little ignorant for a while.


As for the rest!

At the moment, my heart is calling to the trough again!

This mysterious young should be called Chen Zu. This mysterious Chen Zu seems to be a reincarnation of the souls of the ancient times, and it may also be a reincarnation of the souls of the Honghuang era!


Who is this Chen Zu reincarnated!

Could it be that the owner of Zixiao Palace is reincarnated!


It seems that the owner of Zixiao Palace has little intersection with Honghuang Wu clan!

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