Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1857: Emperor Heaven City

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"The Battle of the Deer, the Jiu Li clan was defeated, our ancestor Li Ju... was one of the heads of the Jiuli tribe. After the defeat, the mysterious man was led to the underworld, just five hundred years. I left Nether Earth before, and now I don’t know where it is. Maybe I went to Taixu."

"I don’t know much about the Jiuli tribe, and the ancestors didn’t mention too much. It just said that if the big patriarch was not affected by the strange monsters of the day, it provokes people who should not provoke, otherwise the battle will not be defeated. awful."

"The descendants of the Wu people are special. Li Ju's ancestors came from the small world and it is nothing. It is no different from the ants in the underworld, but it becomes a big witch within three days, and it becomes the master of Jiuli within ten days. Of course, this area was not called Jiuli at first, but only later changed to Jiuli. The word taboo, I don’t know why it’s taboo, maybe it’s the unwillingness of the Underworld Temple."

"If Chiyou, the chief patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, was still alive, if he came to the present nether earth, he should be able to break his wrist with Daming Zun. Unfortunately, Chiyou should still be suppressed in that small world."

"Chen Zu...has a good understanding of our Jiuli Wu clan, and even the rest of the remaining Wu clan. Chen Zu should be a powerful reincarnation in the primitive flood era..."

When only Chen Zheng and the Jiuli government leader were left in the hall, the Jiuli government leader whispered a lot, and finally pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice.

"Chiyou... He was resurrected once, and then I was pressed to death and sent to other worlds for reincarnation. He was cut off during the reincarnation. Now Chiyou’s Yuanshen should be imprisoned by the master of the corpse. Come on."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The Master Jiuli was stunned, and then his body shook, for a time, he was a little confused and didn't know what to say!


After being resurrected, Lord Chiyou was beheaded by Chen Zu!

Chen Zu sent Lord Chiyou Yuanshen to reincarnate!

At present, Lord Chiyou Yuanshen is imprisoned by a creature that has never been heard!

"Then...Master of the corpse..."

The master of Jiuli took a deep breath, and he could only mention the master of the corpse if he didn't know what to ask.

"Master of the corpse, a guy who used the fallen sage's body to refine monsters."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Lord Jiuli was trembling again, but after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly felt a little creepy, took a deep breath, and lowered his head to silently retreat!

"I almost forgot that guy, so I must get that guy out. I want to see what that guy looks like!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the indifferent voice of Xiaohua doll sounded, and she was referring to the master of the corpse naturally.

"Will do."

Chen Zheng nodded, more than 90% of the cantilever crystal in the hands of the master of the holy corpse, and that half of the cantilever crystal should be related to the zero.


The second day.

Chen Zheng took the Jiuli City master, Fu Chan, the skinny old man and his granddaughter, ignoring the existence of the Jiuli River, and Xingcha directly passed through the invisible barriers between several earth boundaries and looted towards the Houtu Imperial City.

"Is this... would it be too high-profile?"

Fu Chan had awakened from the initial shock and whispered at the moment. To be honest, she didn't expect to go to Houtu Imperial City in this way. The spirits of several big earth boundaries in the Underworld, want to go to Houtu Imperial City, basically by ferrying people, because unless it is above the fifth realm Daozu can ignore the Yin River and the invisible barriers that cut off several large earth boundaries.

Although it can also be transmitted by teleport, the teleportation is extremely precious, because no one in the underworld can practice the teleportation rune. There is one less teleportation rune, and now there are probably not many teleportation runes in the underworld.

In the past, people who ran across the earth’s boundaries like this were only the elders of the temple. It was not because of how strong the elders were before. In the past, the elders of the temple were actually only the ancestral realm, but the elders of the temple had the secret method given by the will of the temple. Can freely shuttle Yin River and invisible barriers.

and so!

Today, Chen Zu directly drove the warship across the earth to the Hou Tu Imperial City!

This is really not an ordinary high-profile!

"Miss Fu Chan, don't be afraid, the host hasn't really exerted force before the Jiuli River, if the guy with short eyes dare to jump out, just pinch to death!"

Dao bite hummed softly.


Fu Chan has nothing to say.

"Moon Moon..."

Jiuli's eyes moved, looking at the little girl next to the skinny old man. This girl was called Mingyue. The old man was called Fu Yi. It was not the surname Fu. The old man said he couldn't remember his family name.

At this moment, the Lord of Jiuli wanted to ask what Mingyue's physique is, why he couldn't see it at all, and Chen Zu explained that Yue could hope to become a great venerable venerable man.

"Yes, Master, the Emperor Houcheng is about to arrive. The Master wants this girl to participate in the war of reincarnation. This girl has no power to go up to the cannon fodder. The master should let this girl wake up."

The Daoist Beast stared at it. Since yesterday, it wants to know what is the practice physique of the moon.

"Since you're going to the Hou Tu Imperial City, don't hurry at this moment."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Dao bite can only roll his eyes.


A star burst!

Xingcha went through a barrier of the underworld again!

"Hou Tu Huang Tian Fu, that is Hou Tu Huang Cheng, also known as Hou Tu Huang Tian Cheng!"

The Lord Jiuli felt that he looked solemn at the moment and looked towards the giant city that was high in the sky. It was the first city of the underworld.

It is said that after the defeat of the Lich War, the majority of the remaining witches flew into the chaotic time and space along with the broken shards of desolation, and later the shards of desolation evolved into the underworld. As for the huge emperor city, which has been built since ancient times, it was larger than it was three thousand years ago. As for why there is a missing part, it is not clear to the Jiuli government.

"Hou Tu Imperial City...I was sent to the Nether Earth when I was very young, and followed the Master's practice. Although I am a member of the Rune family, I have not spent many days in the Rune Land. "

Fu Chan felt some emotions.

"Is this...Hou Tu Imperial City..."

Fu Yi, the skinny old man, showed his excitement~ He had wanted to come to this first city of the Underworld countless times. Today, when he really saw this first city of the Underworld, he was only left with excitement.

"Master, master, there are at least four forces in this Houtu Imperial City to restrain me! But I am not afraid, I have a small ball from the master!"

Dao bite glanced down his voice.

"Hou Tu Emperor, Emperor Tian Hou Tu, Hou Tu is not in the Underworld. Someone wants to dove to occupy the magpie's nest. Have you ever asked me?"

Chen Zheng also looked at it. After a few glances, he smiled softly as if questioning someone.

Dove accounts for magpie nest?

The master of Jiuli and Fu Chan looked at each other, and the two heard it. Chen Zu was not questioning a person. Chen Zu was questioning the Burning Gods!


It seems that driving the warship across the earth and the earth is really a high-profile!

It seems that he and others have been stared at by the dragons who guard the Emperor City of Houtu!

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