Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1862: Ask the Holy Master to give pointers!

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These green charms are made by that human race monk!

A word from the Lord of Jiuli!

Everyone subconsciously looked towards Chen Zheng!

This time it was not dumbfounded!

This time it was a flash of surprise!

This person!

Can even refine the priesthood green rune!

This person did what the strongest creatures in the underworld couldn't do!


Feng Yixiu, who was lying on the ground, opened his mouth. This time only one word was spoken, and then he was silent!


Above the Imperial City!

Above the clouds!

There was a gloomy glance!

"Fengtian Mingzun!"

"Nine Yan Mingzun!"

"Bai Zhan Ming Zun!"

"There are four envoys waiting for the runner!"

"That seems to be an elder in the temple!"

In front of the giant statue, everyone unconsciously looked up and looked up. This look was a variety of exclamations, because the person who appeared appeared to have three Mingzun, four temple ambassadors, and one elder of the earth temple!



In addition to the Great Mingzun!

The top creatures in Hou Tu City appeared now!

After many people exclaimed, they all thought of one thing, that is, the concubine of Fengtian Mingzun was wiped out, and then there was a war!

"Master Fengtian, Mrs. Honey was killed by this alien race, and Master Fengtian is still the master!"

Feng Yixiu seemed to see a savior at this moment, shouting to Fengtian Mingzun above!


Although Fengtian Mingzun looked cold for a moment!

Angrily flashed in his eyes!

But the calm was restored in the next second!

In this scene, the masters of the major palaces all saw it in their eyes, and they were all a little stunned. Didn't that Feng Tian Ming Zun was fascinated by Mrs. Honey, or even pulled by Mrs. Honey to the side of the Burning Gods, Feng Tian Ming Zun Knowing that Mrs. Honey was killed, you should directly shoot revenge!


Fengtian Mingzun seemed to endure!

"Master Zun Zun..." Feng Yixiu saw Feng Tian Ming Zun with a cold face, silent, and could only speak blankly: "Mrs. Honey is not only your woman, but also a person of the Burning Heaven family, this The child killed Mrs. Honey and burned the blame of the gods to the souls of the Houtu Imperial City, which will cause great trouble to the Houtu Imperial City! Lord Fengtian, you are a Zunzun, you can suppress this child! "


Feng Tian Ming Zun still has no response!



There was a temple elder with a transparent moon crown suspended, snorted, and looked at Chen Zheng, who was no one tasting tea, and then locked the Jiuli Lord: "Well, you are a Jiuli Lord, dare to kill the elders of Tianwu. Disciples!"


The Master of Jiuli Prefecture killed two disciples of Elder Tianwu!


When did this happen!

This sentence!

The masters of the major palaces and the creatures in the Houtu Imperial City opened their mouths when they heard it unconsciously!


The reason why the elders of the temple came to Hou Tu Imperial City, before the four temples, the Venerable Master and the strong went to the Hou Tu Holy Palace, because of this!


Lord Jiuli, don’t die!

Actually killed two disciples of the elder Tian Wu, one of the three elders of the temple!

When did Lord Jiuli have such courage!

and many more!

Seems to understand again!


The masters of the great palaces and the spirits of the Houtu Imperial City looked at Chen Zheng with all their movements. At the moment, their hearts were stunned. The master of Jiuli dared to kill the two disciples of the elder Tianwu in the temple. There is no doubt that it is related to this mysterious young man. !

Green Rune!

Hundreds of green charms are the best proof!

"Lord Jiuli, you have pleaded guilty to abandoning cultivation, or have you personally abolished you and then escorted you to the Temple of Nether Earth!"

The elder in the temple with the crown of the moon above drinks coldly!

"I don't think it's wrong!"

The Jiuli Mansion pondered for a moment, then raised his head and responded loudly with a straight face!

"Bold!" The elder of the temple was furious and raised his hand to start, thinking of a cold hum: "The three Mingzun and the four envoys, I follow the rules set by the Great Mingzun, and I don't do it in the Houtu Imperial City Now the murderer who kills the elders of Tianwu has been found. There is absolutely no fault in the blood of the two masters and nephews in this Jiuli governor. The three masters and the four ambassadors, whoever shot Abolished the Jiuli Palace Master!"


None of the three hall masters and the four envoys moved!



The masters of the great palaces and the creatures of the Houtu Imperial City have also shown their surprise!

What's wrong!

If it was really the Jiuli government who killed the two disciples of Elder Tianwu!

The Four Temples will definitely take the Jiuli House Lord!

But why didn't any of the four temples respond!

"Huh? The three Mingzun still have four envoys. Do you think that my elder in the Sixth Realm Temple is not qualified, or do you think that the four temples are going to cover the Jiuli government? The Jiuli government has the purest blood of the big things. That’s right, but compared to the will of the temple, I think the three Mingzun and the four envoys should understand which one is more important!"

The elder of the temple with the crown of the moon raised his eyebrows, sweeping over the three ghosts and the four envoys!


There is still no response from San Ming Zun and Si En!

"Huh! It seems that this seat is needed to ask for the Great Deity Venerable. Do you, Wu people, really think that the pure Great Soul Bloodline of the Lord of Jiuli can take over the position of the next Great Venerable Deity? You are wrong!"

In the eyes of the elder of the temple above the crown of the moon, there was a flash of light in his eyes, saying that he would fly to the sky to see the Great Deity!


The light on his body lighted up!

Above the sky!

A faint man hits!

A middle-aged man in white appeared!

"Great Sovereign!"

"Meet the Great Deity!"

"Well see Master Zhuotian!"

The three ghosts respect the four envoys, the masters of the major palaces, and the spirits in the emperor city of Houtu. When they saw this man in white, they all showed awe in color!

"Daming Zun, you came just right, you are here to deal with the Jiuli Manor..."

The elder of the temple with the crown of the moon smiled, thinking that Da Mingzun appeared to dispose of the Jiuli government. Only half of what he said, Da Mingzun fell in front of the huge statue!


Everyone stared at me!

"This guy......"

Biting the beast frowned, he glanced at Daming Zun, and at this moment felt a strong threat!

"This great Xingzun is very strong, not under my peak moment!"

In the gloomy ball on his hand, the elder Yuanshen, the elder of the Mianyue Protoss who was sealed by Chen Zheng, was secretly transmitting at this moment!

"Nonsense! And shut up! You are not qualified to speak here!"

Dao bite beast Yuanshen sneered!

"Dai Mingzun, this son destroyed the reincarnation Gulai, this son killed Mrs. Honey, this son also killed Fu Yue's ancestor beside Mrs. Honey!"

Feng Yixiu, who was lying on the ground, gritted his teeth and shouted at Da Mingzun!

"Pray for the guidance of the Master!"


Da Mingzun did not look at Feng Yixiu!

Or did not watch anyone else!

After looking at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, he made an ancient gift to Chen Zheng!


Ask the Holy Master to give pointers!

What does this mean!

Why Da Ming Zun also called this human monk a saint!





There is indeed a legend of the saint among the underworld!

In the legend!

The holy teacher guided the Wu people!

After the Lich War!

The saint pointed a way for the witch!

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