Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1864: weak! weak! weak!

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Can this be willingly!

The moment before!

The Great Mingzun is still one of the top 100 among all living creatures in heaven and earth!

Now it has become a mortal!

Is this really willing?

Can't figure it out!

Almost all the creatures in the Imperial City of Hou Tu could not figure it out!


The runner opened Zhangkou. He was summoned to the Eight Wastelands before. When he met Chen Zheng at that time, he recognized Chen Zheng's identity. Of course, he believed Chen Zheng, but the choice of Daming Zun really made it difficult. Say it!

An era overlord!

It’s really a waste of cultivation.

" haven't been saved, you haven't been saved at all, you have been pitted by this kid! But okay, the Emperor City of Houtu has no big venerable you, so no one can protect Jiuli Lord of the House! And this kid killed Mrs. Honey, the God of Burning Heaven will definitely not let go of this kid, or the four halls of Houtu Imperial City. You have no choice but to submit to the temple completely! Haha! Hahaha! Kid Ah boy, I should thank you for being right!"

The temple messenger with the moon crown above his head froze for a moment, then stared at Da Ming Zun for several times, and then burst into laughter!

He laughs like this!

The look of the Three Envoys and the Four Envoys changed instantly!

Fengtian Mingzun's eyes flashed in a strange way!


"The Emperor City of Houtu is without the protection of the Great Mingzun..."


Several masters and spirits in the Houtu Imperial City thought of something, and the body could not help shaking, and then looked at Chen Zheng with a complex look one after another!

Chen Zu!


After coming today, the Imperial City!

Just made such a big move!

With a single sentence, Da Mingzun abolished self-cultivation!

Is this holy teacher the legendary holy wanderer who pointed a way out for the Wuhuang Wu clan!


They really doubt it!

"That one......"

The Daozhu Beast's eyeball changed what he wanted to say, but when he thought about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing to say. Anyway, he believed the master unconditionally. These guys believe it or not!

"Since you have already abandoned self-cultivation, you don't need to find the master of the anode temple to help you reshape your veins. I will reshape your veins now and send you directly to Taixu."

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Chen's face did not fluctuate, and he touched the big Mingzun who was kneeling in front of him.


In an instant!

There is a divine light in Damingzun!


Everyone hurriedly looked at the Great Ming Zun. Although the Great Ming Zun was still a mortal under perception, there was no mana at all, but the Great Ming Zun under the divine light seemed to have an unspeakable detachment even at the moment!


Why is this!

What kind of context did the saint give to Daming respect?

Why the Great Nether Venerable who turned into a mortal can be so transcendent!

It seems to be the overlord of the half-step era!

"Thanks to the Master again!"

The divine light dissipated, and Da Mingzun was extremely pious at this moment, and once again respectfully worshipped Chen Zheng!


The souls of the Emperor City continue to be silent!

"Get up, I will send you to Taixu."

When Chen Zheng smiled, he would send Daming Zun to Taixu directly.

"There is a teleportation array into the Taixu market in the Hou Tu Imperial City, and Zhuo Tian will not bother the saint."

Daming Zun stood up and worshiped Chen Zheng for three weeks, then his body slowly took off.


Chen Zheng nodded.

"Can fly without mana?"

Dao bite blinked, showing curiosity.


"Why is this..."

"Daming Zun... seems to be soaring..."

Everyone looked at the Great Mingzun slowly ascending into the sky, and was also curious, because the Great Mingzun was already a thorough mortal, but at this moment the body slowly ascended into the sky as if flying!

This scene!

There is an unspeakable wonder!

" haven't been saved, you still want to go to Taixu, I don't allow you to go to Taixu, you give me down! You are a great mortal, now you are a mortal, not at my discretion Take care!"

The elder of the temple with the crescent moon above his head suddenly showed a terrible color, and raised his hand to the Great Xingzun who had risen to the sky!


"you dare!"

Nine Yan Zun and Bai Zheming Zun in the Three Nether Lords face changed greatly, the power of the avenue surged, the means to stop the elders of the temple, but the means of the elders of the temple were more weird, throwing away the power of the two of them, the moment In between caught up with the Great Mingzun!

not good!

The face of the Emperor Emperor City has changed greatly!

"Chen Zu!"

The Lord Jiuli shouted subconsciously!



No need to be shot by Chen Zheng!

I saw a flash of light on Da Mingzun!

The means of the elders of the shrine were destroyed!


"This... Isn't Damingzun already a mortal, how can there be..."


Everyone was shocked!


The elders of the temple shook their eyes sharply, and stared at Chen Zheng: "Yes, your means is wrong. Your so-called holy master not only offended the burning gods, but also the temple of the underworld. You are really a saint in the legend of the witch Reincarnation, you have to pay a terrible price!"

"The eyes of a young man."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the temple elders, only casually.

"You!" The elder of the temple was angry, but for a moment he dared not start again, and raised his head to look at the Great Xingzun, who had already flown to the sky, and then sneered coldly: "He has no power, no practice, even in the body There is also a body protector like a magic weapon, but when you go to the Tai Ruin, you will definitely be taken away by a magic weapon soon! You, a holy teacher, make a cultivation enough to rank in the top 100 of the heavens and the world. Bu Jiyuan overlord self-defeating Xiu Wei, you have harmed him! So you are not a saint at all, you are a big liar!"



The figure of Da Ming Zun disappears!

After a moment!

A teleportation circle emerges above the sky

In the blink of an eye!

Great Mingzun is teleported!


this moment!

The souls of the Emperor Houcheng sighed!

Without the protection of the Great Mingzun!

Houtu Imperial City is afraid that it will be difficult next!



This year has just emerged!

Thunder shakes in the northwest!


Thunder shakes!

I saw a raging fire flash!


Firelight is coming in a flash!

The sky above the imperial city was also burnt red!

at the same time!

A terrifying fire avenue was pressed down!

"The people who killed my family's Mier and Fu Yue, get out and die!"

In the firelight, an old man in red robe appeared, and the eight-story pagoda suspended above the old man's head!

"Burn the gods!"

"Elder Prisoner!"

"The Eightfold Dao Pagoda, the eighth state Taoist ancestor!"


The three ghosts, the four envoys, and the rest of the emperors of the later imperial city looked dull!

"Haha! Coming! The Sky Burning Clan is here! Boy, boy, the Sky Burning Clan Eightfold Dao Zu comes to revenge. What do you, a Dao Junxiu boy, fight! Are you a holy teacher, aren’t you mysteriously incomparable? Did you kill Mrs. Honey and Fu Yue? Do you dare to admit it now?"

The elder of the temple with the crown of the moon slightly stunned, then laughed big and small, and looked at Chen Zheng with a joke on his face!

"The Eightfold Road Tower is still weak."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, said a raised hand, and grabbed the celestial clan old man above!


In one breath!

Just listen to a terrible tear!

The old gods of the Burning Gods are extinct!

This is the moment!

The Emperor Houcheng is silent!


Above the sky!

There is a star-like debris on the fire!

That's not star dust!

That is not ordinary fire light!

That's the fragment of the avenue!

do not know why!

At this moment, everyone looked at the falling stardust fire!

Suddenly felt that there is an unspeakable sad beauty!

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