Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1872: Can't run away!

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The stone egg that swallowed the relics of the Burning Gods!

The gestated creature turned out to be the saint's daughter!

and many more!

Just now the ancestors of the first ancestors of the Burning Gods cried out to God!

This little girl sitting on the lotus platform transformed by the relics of the Burning Gods is some kind of god!

Isn't the saint the Father of God!

hold on!

It seems that this little girl has no blood relationship with the saint!

"It's a bit wrong, that stone egg was created by No. 0, and No. 0 also sealed a universe in it. No. 0 has done such a big project to regenerate Tai Su, Tai Su should not be born so simple!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of doubts of the little chemical doll sounded!



Only her voice sounded!

The white light flashed on the baby **** the lotus platform burned by the sun!

In an instant!

The baby girl disappeared!

The lotus platform transformed by Burning the Giant Sun disappeared!


There is only one stone egg left!


"what happened?"

"It seems... something went wrong?"

All beings are shocked!

"My sacred thing... it's gone..." The Burning Gods clan opened his mouth and responded with a sudden, at this moment without the strange imprisoned power, he faced with a roar Stone egg caught!


You mang flash!

Shi Dan returned to Chen Zheng's pocket!


The Burning Gods clan strongman stared at Chen Zheng again, but only shouted and stunned, because he had noticed something in the corner of his eyes, that is, the ghost image of the Burning Gods clan ancestors he just called out. Gone!


Where did the ancestors go!

Did the ancestor's will escape?

It shouldn't be!

I didn't feel it at all!


"The will of the first ancestor of the Burning Gods was swallowed by the stone egg..."

"The will left by the era overlord..."

On the side of the Hou Tu Imperial City, the three enemies and the four envoys lowered their voices. As they saw with their own eyes, the stone egg swallowed back to the saint’s pocket, and by the way swallowed the ancestor’s will !


Swallow it in one click!

Is that supernatural power?

"She...she...she feeds on the will of the epoch overlord, I understand, I see, she feeds on the will of the epoch overlord!"

Xingcha, watch the heavenly beast!


The creatures in the Emperor Hou Emperor heard this shout, and all of them shook their hearts, and secretly said that this is where the spirits of the gods are against the sky, even if they have not really been bred, they can devour the era **** will!

"The first ancestor...will..." The Fentian God Clan master suddenly realized, whispering after staring at Chen Zheng: "The descendants of the Ningying family, the first generation of the Ming Dynasty, suppressed the Fentian God Clan, You let my ancestor's will go, and I put Mingfeng! By the way, there is also my clan relic, you let that stone egg release my clan relic!"

"Dark Phoenix..."


"I forgot this before..."

The spirits in the emperor city of Hou Tu, especially the three nuns and the four emperors, all looked down!

"Ming Feng... This is indeed a problem." Chen Zheng showed his thoughts, and then smiled: "In this case, then I will go to you to burn the gods, and I will talk to you when you see Ming Feng. What do you think? ."

"You... is there any trick you want to play! Although I can't kill you, but my clan and the patriarch and the elders, the patriarch and the elders have condensed the overlord **** pattern, you really want to go to us Burn the gods!"

The face of the Burning Gods clan changed, and they were staring at Chen Zheng with extreme vigilance!

"Since your tribe has two half-step era overlords, then don’t worry about me, and I will say that the king’s mana is impossible to kill the half-step era overlord, and there is no threat to your tribal chief and elders. I will burn you Wouldn’t the Tenjin be better?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"You... your body collided with the Burning Giant Giant Sun without any damage, and a stone egg you brought out could swallow the Burning Giant Giant Sun to swallow the will of our ancestors, don't think I don't know you fight What is your idea, do you really think I’m stupid!" The strong Fentian clan responded indifferently, sneering after a deep groan: "I immediately transferred what happened in this place back to the Fentian clan by Shennian. The elders have already urged the God Burning Godship, you have no choice, now let my ancestors return the sacred objects of our clan, otherwise don't want to see the Mingfeng again in this life! Your body is invincible outside the Taixu, Although I burned the gods and escaped from the Taixu to take refuge, it was a big deal to go back to Taixu with the Mingfeng, and it was a big death!"


The souls of Emperor Houcheng's face sink again!

Burning Gods is about to break the ship!

"Damn, this Sky Burning Protoss is still a bit brave!"

Dao bite scolded!

"It seems that you have to consume your energy."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Who is this talking to?

All living beings are puzzled!

"Hey! As long as the owner likes it, it will consume mana and slowly recover!"


A metallic voice sounded!

Who is this!

All beings are curious!

"This seems to be a spiritual creature!"

Look at the beast!

"You... what do you want to do!"

The Burning Gods strong have a bad hunch, and growl at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng didn't respond, the metal voice sounded again, and all the creatures felt a very strange time and space fluctuation in an instant, but just before they came back, a huge scarlet ship came to tear the time and space!


The huge godship is in the sky!

There is a great power!

"Master, master, it's done. I will take a short break to recover energy!"

The metal voice laughed again, and then fell silent, and the powerful God Burning God clan saw that huge **** ship, and his face changed suddenly, because this is the God Burning God ship Burning God Clan!


The Burning Godship will break away from the underworld at any time!


It was forcibly teleported by this kid to an unknown magic weapon!


This world of time and space has been completely cured at the moment!

It is impossible for the God of Burning Gods to break free from the underworld for a while!

"You... you are so cruel, but no matter how ruthless you are, you can't threaten my patriarch and our elders!"

The Burning Gods strong took a deep breath and roared again! He can’t wait to squeeze the kid in front of him, but he has seen this kid collide with Knowing that he can’t destroy this kid, there is no way to do it for a while!


Extremely suffocated!

This is as suffocating as not being powerful!

"Huh! You have a species to kill this seat, this seat will be different, burn the gods and patriarchs! You can't kill this seat, that seat will pinch the phoenix in front of you today! Feng involved the first generation of Ming Earth, the Ming Dynasty, and it was still a bit worthwhile, but you are in a hurry, this is a big deal, don’t take the clue of that place!"


There was a cold hum in the Burning Godship!

"Chief of the Burning Sky God Clan, I don't think you have the right to match, or should I help you burn the Sky God Clan for a patriarch?"

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.

"Master Patriarch, this is really hateful!"

The Burning Gods clan roared their teeth!

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