Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1897: Great Marriage!

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No wonder!

No wonder he has never been able to comprehend the charm!


A sigh!

"I know where the gap is from Brother Chen." After a sigh, the Lord looked away and greeted Chen Zheng: "I tried to understand from the attitude that Brother Chen sat in the God of Creation and looked at everything in the world. It’s a good step. I didn’t know that Brother Chen was already in the sky, so only one of those guys who were sitting on the fortune-telling sacred building and the forging shrine would be forced at once. But what I did was nothing more than a slap in the hand, a hand-to-hand walk, a carved boat and a sword, Therefore, it is impossible to comprehend the charm of Brother Chen that year."


The old gods and demons are a little ignorant!

Lord Lord!

When did you learn these strange words!

"Your idioms have accumulated well!"

The Dao bite's eyes brightened with praise.


The Lord was sighed again.

"You still have a chance."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The Lord only sighed again.


After a few days.

The gods and demon mountain lights up.

Because today is the day when the Tuotian clan Qianyin saint marries.


"Qianyin actually married the monkey!"

"No way, who told the monkey that he is not bad, and has a great teacher! Don't look at his teacher, he seems to have only Daojun mana, but it is said that the means is terrible, it is a terrifying soul reincarnation, maybe it is an era. The reincarnation of the overlord! Although it only has Daojun mana, it can easily erase the flesh of the dark gold tribe Mengxian Zhanzun!"

"Is it so terrible, why does it sound so phantom? The dark gold tribe is the most powerful. When the holy deity is asleep, our ten gods and deities are basically headed by the dark gold tribe's Meng Zhan. Show up!"

"This...regardless of whether Meng Zhan Zhan appears or not, he should not be in trouble with that human monk. Did you not see it? The legendary terrible Lord Sheng, now has something to say with that human race. Laugh, and like a brother in front of that human monk..."

"Lying trough, you dare to say Lord Majesty this way, I want to make a small report!"


Many people in the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons are still unhappy!


What a shame!

Can only talk in secret!

Can only be silently accepted!

"Look! There are colorful clouds in the sky!"

"Who brought the colorful auspicious clouds?"

"Come on, isn't that the bridegroom official? The bridegroom official came in a colorful auspicious cloud! Although I don't know if there is anything particular about it, it looks a little handsome!"


Many people looked up!

Then there was an exclamation!


There are colorful clouds flying!

"Chen Zu...the prophecy really came, and Brother Monkey will marry me in a colorful auspicious cloud..."

On a platform, dressed in a thousand yin, looked at the colorful clouds flying down from the top!


The beast watching the sky snorted softly.

"Romantic! Do you know this is romantic!"

The Dao Beast heard it and patted it directly with a paw. It may be bells and whistles in the eyes of others, but it looks at it with relish, not only with relish, but also with two eyes flashing, and some strange things come out of my mind.

"This monkey may have a title."

On another high platform, the Lord asked with a smile.

"Return to the Holy Sovereign, this... This son used to be the Holy Buddha of the Battle of the Holy Spirit in the Heavenly Mountain of Hongmeng. He is now expelled from Lingshan and is now titled Qitian Dasheng."

The old demon quickly replied.

"Qi Tian Da Sheng... Is that Qi Tian Da Sheng into us..."

The son of the old **** and demon, the father of Qianyin, spoke subconsciously at this moment, but just before the words were finished, he was justified by his wife.

"This is called Dasheng's marriage!"

Qian Yin her mother said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, this is the Great Marriage!"

The father of Qianyin reacted instantly and nodded again and again.

Chen Zheng smiled and gave a secret method.

"Thanks to Chen Zu for giving the method!"

So at the next moment, the two showed a happy look and respectfully worshipped Chen Zheng.

"Brother Chen... Can you give a little special secret method to the younger brother? The younger brother practices the secret method passed down by the ancestral **** and demon, although it is also a supreme secret method, but the younger brother does not have the strong body of the ancestor. I’m afraid it won’t succeed in the end."

The Lord's eyes lit up.

"Secret Method... Speaking of me, you have a lot of origins with your gods and demons. The gods and demons will change into you, and I will not pass it on to you. You can take this thing for your understanding."

Chen Zheng smiled and slammed a vein into the heart of the Lord.

"This... my good brother, woo woo, brother is so kind to the younger brother!"

The holy lord was shocked for a moment, and then his eyes were full of horror. Although he only got a part of the vein, if he could get a thorough understanding of that part, he would definitely become an era overlord in the future!


At first, I recognized that Big Brother was right!

The ancestors and gods are not as good to themselves as Brother Chen!


The old demon saw that the holy deity was so excited, and guessed what the holy deity had got, and at the moment it was with emotion. Fortunately, the ten deities of the devil and the Chenzu did not really have any battle with it, otherwise they might not exist anymore!

"let's start."

Chen Zheng smiled and looked at the colorful clouds falling down.

"Yes!" Lao Shenmo quickly got up and opened his mouth with a loud shout: "Today the Dasheng marries a kiss, and the 10 families of Damo and Demon celebrate together!"


The ten races were shocked!

But the next moment I quickly responded and uttered a cry!

do not care!

Lord Lord is like a young brother in front of that human monk!

Just wait for others to follow suit!

For a while!

This **** and demon mountain is very busy!

"Da Sheng married... Strange, isn't this the story that Master Zun told me before, the male lead is the monkey, but the female lead is wrong, Qianyin girl is Tuo Tian clan saint Female, in the story told by the master, the heroine is the wick. Only forget it, the things I have seen in the past few days are too incredible, the holy deity of the ten deities of the gods and demons behaves in front of that guy. Like a younger brother, after reading the Dasheng Marriage, I went back to ask Master, do you know this Chen Zu!"

On a hill, a whisper Then a barefoot woman in red appeared, she knew that she could not hide the old monster of the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons, and she was too lazy to hide her body anymore. Holy marriage, these guys are too lazy to ignore themselves.


The guy named Chen Zu is more and more mysterious!

Who is that guy?

Except that the deity of the ten deities of the gods and demons is like a brother in front of him!

How can the Bodhisattva Taoist who is so prosperous in the sky recently feel like a younger brother too!

"This guy...mostly came from heaven...but it is also possible that this guy was a reincarnation of a powerful person in the past annihilation era! Alas! The more I guess the more I want to know the identity of this guy, I still I don’t guess, but I can’t help it!”

Thoughts came up one after another!

The barefoot woman in red dress frowned!

Finally, only a sigh!

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