Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1904: Mysterious reflection

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Demon Mountain.

Supreme Demon Hall.

"Goku quits!"

The monkey got the Ding Tianshen needle and withdrew from the God Demon Hall.

"The Shenmo burial pit is not far away. Does Brother Chen go to the Shenmo burial pit and take the second eye."

Sacred Deity Lord said.

"Not urgent."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The deity sacred deity was stunned for a while, but he soon came back to God. Brother Chen came out of the burial pit of the demon. He hadn't taken the eye from the burial pit of the devil. It must have been planned.


Dao bite asked curiously.

"I want to lead it down."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"Very evil..."

Divine Deity Venerable instantly thought of the terrible creatures that had come to the Purple Pole sacred pilgrimage before, and the Dao Biting Beast also mentioned it before, saying that the terrible creature was Brother Chen, but what was that extreme evil.

"I had a fight with the Hongmeng Tribulation Master. The fellow slept, and my mana realm fell. Although my physical body did not degenerate, but because of some means of the fellow, my physical body was stronger than before, but also because it was stronger. There are some minor problems in the physical body, that is, the restoration of mana is too slow. In addition, there are some more invisible shackles. Breaking those shackles can solve the problem of restoring mana, but it requires a very evil level of combat power. Evil, that's the evil thought of a heavy identity in my first life."

Chen Zheng said casually.


Upon hearing this, the Demon Lord could not say anything except blinking wildly!


What did you hear!

Brother Chen had a fight with Hongmeng Robber!

and also!

The terrible creatures that came to the Ziji pilgrimage turned out to be just the evil thoughts of Brother Chen's first life!

Key words!

A certain identity!

Brother Chen's first life, there are still a lot of important status failures!

In this situation, he naturally knows who the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is, and he knows that there is more than one era in this world, that many eras have been destroyed in the past, and that the era overlords and immortal Taoism in the Taixu are basically survived in the past. The souls, the inherited tradition!

Then the question is coming!

How much identity does Brother Chen have in the first life!


Guantian Beast also blinked, and was shocked at the moment, it was the first time he heard Chen Zheng mention these!

"I don't know if you have found out that there is something that engulfs your power invisibly."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and he looked out of the Hall of Gods and Demons.

"Ah? This... the younger brother really didn't perceive anything to devour the younger brother's power..."

The deity deity was surprised, but after sensing it, there was no abnormality, nor did he perceive any loss of mana, and he could not help revealing the color of doubt.


The bite eater also felt it, and didn't feel any abnormality.


The celestial beast sniffed with his nose, and did not perceive any abnormality.

"If it wasn't for that thing, I just accidentally leaked some breath out, and even my perception was deceived."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously, said that his right hand was raised, and then he touched the air.


A flash of light!

A ghost appeared!

This phantom is a mountain of gods and demons!


More than a mountain of gods and demons!

At this moment there is another ghost under this ghost!

And that phantom shadow is the reflection of the demon mountain!


Divine Deity Lord looked at it a few times and shook his head gently, he didn't see any strangeness. The phantom in front of me felt like moving the demon mountain to the sea, with the body of the demon mountain above it, and the reflection of the mountain of demon above, and it looked nothing more.

"Let me go and see."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? Go in? Where do you go?"

Divine Deity Venerable is even more puzzled, but before the voice falls, the person has already entered the reflection.


At that moment!

A glorious flash!


Divine Deity Venerable was a little ignorant, because what I saw at the moment was Divine Demon Mountain, and it looked nothing wrong at first glance, but I noticed that something was wrong!


He saw himself!


What he saw was just an ordinary demon who could be neglected!

What happened?

This is illusion!


Extremely surprised!

"Huh? Isn't that the old demon, why is it so weak, it seems that Xuan Xianxiu is doing it! There is also the dark gold clan's Meng Zhan, how weaker than the old divine demon! No, right, that Meng Zhan Zun's flesh is not It’s gone, why... Hey? Why does the guy standing in front of the Supreme Demon Hall feel so strong and strong, and feel as strong as the Holy Lord, but that guy is not a Holy Lord!"

The bite beast also found something wrong and exclaimed at the moment!


It exclaimed, it seemed to disturb the demon in front of the strange **** demon Dashan Supreme God Demon Hall. The **** demon stared at it, and with a sneer, the horror **** of the half-step era hegemonic pressure came over!

"The Lord is invincible!"

At this time!

The demon shouts in the demon mountain!

"Sovereign? That fellow is Sovereign, who am I?"

The **** demon is awesome!


The horror **** is coming!

But Chen Zheng's horror and prestige will be destroyed with just a hand!


Almost at the same time!

The demon in front of the Supreme Demon Hall was also destroyed!


"The Lord is gone!"

"The alien invaders killed the Lord!"

The demon exclaimed in the demon mountain!



In the blink of an eye!

In the Supreme Demon Hall, a demon came out!

"See the Lord!"

As soon as this demon appeared, the demon in the mountain of the demon worshiped the demon in that mountain!


God Demon Lord saw this scene, and his eyes swept the strange mountain of God in front of him. He saw clearly that in this strange mountain of God, he was just the ordinary God and Demon himself, and now he walked in the Hall of Supreme God and Demon. The gods and gods salute!


It's really weird!



When he felt that there was something missing in his body suddenly, the deity saint looked a little bit dark!

Mana is lost!

It’s not just that mana is lost!


Seems not to be seen with your own eyes!

I can't feel the loss of my mana at all!


What happened?

What is this strange **** demon mountain in front of me!

Why have I never felt such a ghost place!


There are doubts in the heart of Divine Deity!

"Brother Chen..."

So he asked in a low voice!

"This is the world of reflections in God The person in the world of reflections is the opposite of your identity. Although it has little effect on your body, as long as you are in the world of reflections Whoever awed and admired for, your mana’s mana will be lost, and you will be sucked into this reflection world, and you will not be able to perceive it. Of course, if you now enter the reflection world, you can perceive the loss of mana, and the loss It's much faster than outside the world of reflection."

Chen Zheng said softly.


Divine Demon Lord looks even deeper!

"Reflection world... how could there be such a thing?"

The Dao Bite's eyes widened, and it swept around in an attempt to find its own figure, but in this strange reflection world, it seemed that there was no self or owner at all, only the Divine Demon Ten Clan of Divine Demon Mountain!

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