Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1907: Assessment? Break into the sword tower? Too much trouble!

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"Why is Tongtian Sword Tower called Tongtian Sword Tower."

Chen Zheng, standing in front of the Tongtian Sword Tower, asked quietly if there was no one beside him.


"What's the matter with this kid, did he regard himself as a top-ranking orthodox teacher or something? The unmanned attitude and tone of this side seem to take us all as air!"

"Why didn't the people in Langhuan Sword House expel this kid, would it be nice to keep this kid to waste everyone's time!"

Everyone was stunned, and then more than 90% of them frowned, and secretly said that this kid also took himself too seriously, a monk of Heavenly Realm was a ball! Heavenly Emperor Realm is in Langhuan Sword Mansion, which is the level of the official disciples!



There is a response!

There was a cold hum inside the Tongtian sword tower!

"You have a special body, you want to know why the Tongtian Sword Tower is called the Tongtian Sword Tower, right? If you enter the Tongtian Sword Tower, as long as you can pass the assessment of this seat, as long as you can see the supreme sword, then this seat will not only tell you Tongtian Why is the sword tower called the Tongtian sword tower, and this seat can also accept you as a disciple, and pass on you the unparalleled sword cultivation secret method!"

Then a cold voice like Ling Xian Jianfeng sounded!

"Feitian Jianzun!"

"This is the Flying Sword Sovereign of Lang Huan Sword Mansion, which made the Taoist Patriarch of the Seventh Avenue Pagoda!"

"So strong!"

Everyone was surprised!

One is because of the identity of the voice master!

The second is that some surprise responded to the kid as Feitian Jianzun!


Feitian Jianzun said that the kid's flesh is special!

Why didn't I see it!

Isn't it enough to cultivate yourself?

"The flesh is special?" The seven sons of the Shang Cang Ni family raised their eyebrows and then looked down, but quickly hummed again: "I thought it was so special, that's it! The early mana of the Heavenly Emperor Realm can still get the supreme god. The sword won't work!"

"The flesh is special..."

Yuan Feihong, the son of the Yuan family, whispered a glance, but found nothing special.

"Feihong son, this son's flesh is an indestructible flesh, that is to say, although this man has only mana realm, but the flesh is at the level of the Taoist ancestor, this son should be a Taoist ancestor of the mana realm."

Yuan Feihong next to the middle-aged man Yuanshen.


Yuan Feihong froze for a moment, then nodded silently, but he still couldn't figure it out. At first, he went to the world of Futu to perform the mission, to find the bloodline descendant of the abominable **** who abducted the evil beast of Yuan's family. At that time, the mysterious guy directly broke Knowing his own ancient sacrificial technique, what did this guy do at that time, was it Xuan Xian or Jin Xian?


At that time, this guy's cultivation was negligible!


It is also that negligible practice that can crush yourself!


This guy's mana is already a heavenly realm!

How strong is this guy's combat power!

With this in mind, Yuan Feihong couldn't help but look forward to it, looking forward to the mysterious guy playing a big game in front of him, and giving everyone a big surprise!

"Enter or not!"

In the Sky Sword Tower, the sound of Feitian Jianzun sounded again!

"Too much trouble."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Too much trouble?


Feitian Jianzun is equivalent to giving this guy a chance!

This guy actually said it was too much trouble!

This guy also feels too good about himself!

That's Feitian Jianzun!

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then shook his head again and again, the kid in front of the dark road was really ignorant!

"Trouble? Why are you in trouble!"

The sound of Feitian Jianzun sounded again!

"To see the Supreme Sword, you have to pass the assessment and have to break into the sword tower, don't you think it's troublesome?"

Chen Zheng smiled and asked Feitian Jianzun.

"Lying trough!"

"This guy!"

"Mammy, is this guy having something wrong?"

Everyone heard it, and shook his head again, secretly saying that this kid was not saved, others Feitian Jianzun didn't want to give it to him, and said that it was too troublesome. This kid seems to have a real brain problem!

Oh shit!

If Feitian Jianzun give yourself a chance!

Go directly by yourself!

"It's a hassle, then tell this seat if you have sent the Supreme Sword to you in front of you and you will not feel trouble!"

Feitian Jianzun in the Tongtian Sword Tower was silent for a moment, indifferently with a hint of playful voice!

"It's not impossible."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.


"I'm down!"

"I drop the turtle, who is this guy thinking of himself!"

Everyone stayed for a while, then shook his head again!


This is completely saved!

None of this guy wants it!

This guy is too easy to offend people!

"Humph! You are more honorable, and Feitian Jianzun personally delivers the Supreme Excalibur to you!"

Seven sons of God's family sneered!

"Since you don't send it, let me do it myself."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the seven sons of Nie family, only the Tongtian sword tower. In the mocking and sneering eyes of the seven sons of Niang family and everyone, his right hand lifted and caught the Tongtian sword tower!

This moment!

At this moment when almost ninety-nine or more monks are mocking!

Yuan Feihong suddenly choked!



Tongtian sword tower concussion!


Feijian Jianzun's consternation sounded!


next moment!

The sword light masterpiece in the heavenly sword tower!

"what's the situation!"

"What happened to Tongtian Sword Tower!"

"This kid can't really ingest the supreme sword!"

Everyone's face also changed, staring at Tongtian Sword Tower!



A sword shadow directly penetrated the Tongtian sword tower!

Swoop down from above the Tongtian sword tower and kill!



"The Excalibur is the supreme Excalibur, this is definitely the supreme Excalibur!"

The onlookers showed a terrified look, and they went back one by one crazy, within ten miles of the sky sword tower in the blink of an eye, and only Chen Zheng was left visible to the naked eye! The creatures who quit ten miles away are staring at the sword shadow they have killed!

"He is afraid of a big disaster!"

Someone yelled!

"Supreme Sword..."

The seven sons of Shang Ni's family looked dark, and their eyes followed the sword shadow that they had killed, and they were ready to steal from the secret! How could this supreme sword be given to that kid, who was not worthy of that kid!

"come back!"


A cold drink sounded inside the Tongtian sword tower!

This is the voice of Feijian Jianzun!

He is summoning the sword shadow with the sword repair secret method!


He failed!


Jianying fell in front of Chen Zheng!

Twist and wave!

Not clear at the moment!

It seems that it has not been completely finalized!

"Do it!"

Seeing that the sword shadow is getting clearer and seven sons of the Upper Cang Ni family secretly sneered, he did not shoot, the people around him shot, that is a Taoist, raised his hand to hit a strange green mans, that strange Lvmang bypassed Chen Zheng at once, facing the sword shadow that was about to be finalized!


Just listen to Jianming!

The strange green mang was instantly crushed into nothingness!

"Do not!"

Next second!

Daozu next to the seven sons screamed in horror!


You mang flash!

This ancestor is gone!

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