Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1920: Who gave face to the Yuan family?

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The sword shadow within two feet is moving!


There was a shock in Niehuan Yuan's eyes!

Then just step back!


Brother Nirvana saw this scene!

Instantly widened my eyes!

Why did Xuanyuan God suddenly retreat!

Is this about to escape!

"Brother is calling me to pick you up again in the future!"

Nirvana Yuan roared, the flesh turned into nothingness directly, this is to forcely send out Yuan Yuan!


Hear this sentence!

Nirvana is stupid!


This seems to be making excuses!

Make an excuse to escape!

How could this be!

How could Xuanyuan God make excuses to escape!

Is this still Xuanyuan God!

"Coming to Japan? Sorry, you are not coming to Japan."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


This moment!

Nirvana Yuan teleported out of Yuan Mansion!

It was also at this moment that the sword shadow less than two feet long chased out of Yuanfu!


Next second!

Outside Yuanfu!

Southwest direction sky!

Suddenly there was a wailing cry!


Pale blood spilled!

"you dare!"

The souls inside and outside Yuanfu hadn't recovered in a while, they heard a bang, and saw a big hand appearing out of thin air, grabbing the pale blood spilling ground!


Jianming is back!

I saw a ghost sword shadow appeared!

Soon afterwards!

The big hand that was shot was pierced in an instant!





The rumbling sounded again!

At this moment, outside the Yuan Mansion, that is, the major forces in the imperial city, a figure emerged in the sky clearly, and only a glance, the spirits of the major forces showed a terrified look, because that was Nirvana of Nirvana!

That's Nirvana Yuan from Shang Ni Ni's house!

One of the strongest three Nirvana titles titled God!


This stands at the top level of distinguished figures outside the domain!

Eyebrows seem to have been pierced!

The spirit in the double pupils also seems to have disappeared!


After counting interest!

Nixuan Yuan's flesh fell to the ground!

Then no more!


Upon exploration of the spirit Yuanshen, the major forces in the imperial city, one by one the hairs stood up sharply, because they felt that they were unconscious in the flesh, that is, the Yuanshen was gone!

Maybe the flesh still contains vitality, but without the Yuanshen, it is just a walking dead animal!


"Whoever cut Nirvana!"

"What is that sword shadow, why is it so scary when it is less than two feet long! Only then the big hand that appeared out of thin air seems to be the magical power of Nie Xuanyuan's elder brother Nine Nine Tribulation. Poke it!"


A whisper of horror!

Because the scene I saw was so weird!

And there is an unspeakable horror!

If it was just an ordinary Taoist ancestor!

That is naturally nothing!

Nien Xuanyuan can be cut!

That is already the most top level creature outside the entire domain!

"Who is helping the Yuan family!"

"Who is it!"

"Who is this means, how can it be so terrible!"

There was another horrified whisper, and at the moment the helms of the major forces in the imperial city, all of a sudden thoughts emerged, all of which were in secret!


Can't figure it out!

But the more you can't figure it out, the more you want to know the truth!


At this time!

Jianming sounded again!

This time it was from below!

no doubt!

The target is the flesh of Nixuan Yuan who fell on it!

"You really want to kill!"

The roar sounded again!

Many people heard it!

This is the strongest nirvana of Nirvana!

It is also the eldest brother of Nirvana!


He shouted!

Can't stop that sword shadow!

"Can you give me a face!"


Deep inside the palace!

A voice came out!

This sound rang!

This Taicang Holy City suddenly burst into white light!

That white light turned into a white dragon blocked between Jianying and Nie Xuanyuan's flesh!

"Holy Lord!"

"His Majesty!"

"This is His Majesty's voice!"

The main forces in the imperial city exclaimed!


This even let the Holy Lord intervene!


Jian Ming rang again!

That sword shadow was frozen in the air!


"Sure enough, the Lord's face is still to be given. The person who secretly shots must be arrogant, but also to face the Lord of the Taicang Shengzhao. After all, this is the Taicang Shengzhuang imperial city, after all, it belongs to the Taicang royal family!"

"Holy Lord has intervened, then the dispute between the Nijia and Yuan families should come to an end, but whoever wins and who loses it!"

The spirits of the imperial city saw the sword and shadow fixed in midair, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered with emotion, no matter who it was, no matter how arrogant, no matter how big it was, in the imperial city of Taicang, how could you give the Holy Master Taicang face!


The mysterious creature that cut off Nie Xuanyuan Yuanshen still compromised after all!



They just came up with this idea!

Jianming sounded again!


You mang flash!

The white dragon transformed by the white light is directly destroyed!


A face-to-face!

Nie Xuanyuan's flesh was destroyed!

Nothing left!

Not even a trace of blood was left!

this moment!

Almost all the monks in the Taicang Imperial City, no matter what kind of ethnic group, which situation, or which lineage, are stunned!


That man!

That man didn't give the Lord a face!

The man actually cut the white dragon transformed by the Divine Lord Supernatural Power!

The man hit the face of the Lord in front of everyone!


Who is that?

Does he think he can crush Taicang royalty?

To know!

Under the Taicang Imperial City, there is a great array of terror!

And that big formation can only be urged by Holy Taicang Lord!


In the Yuan Mansion shrouded in divine light, no matter whether it is the Niejia monk or Yuanjia monk, even Yuan Feihong, Yuan Kai, and others who had seen Chen Zheng's means before in the ancient sacrifice to Shenshan, this moment is still ignorant!

They are scared!


Just now!

Just now, Chen Zu hit the face of Lord Taicang!

I just didn't give face to Lord Taicang!

"Who gave face to Yuanjia before?"

And just when they thought the situation was stalemate, Chen Zheng in front of them spoke lightly, with a murky voice, from the Yuan Mansion, to the Royal Palace, which is the real Taicang Holy Court!


Outside Yuanfu!

In the imperial city!

The creatures in this huge city are completely dumbfounded!


this is!

Is this questioning Holy Lord Taicang!


This courage is too big!


In the backyard of Feihong, Yuan Kai, and even Yuan Tianshu, the patriarchs, at the moment their throats were agitating, and they were scared again! Ask the Holy Lord Taicang, this is probably the first time ever!

As for those who lived in the backyard of Yuan Mansion, they were already in a daze!

"Disrespect the Lord, sin should be cut!"


The booming sound!

This is the voice of Nirvana Nirvana!


He did not get any response!

He thought that there would be a response in the palace soon!

But there is no response in the palace!

At this moment, the people in the supreme holy court of Taicang Shengzhao seemed to be autistic!

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