Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1924: I'll take a look

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"Who is coming!"

"Don't you know the frozen sea ban!"


Deep in the frozen sea!

Shark Kingdom!

The face of the shark who stood at the entrance suddenly changed!


The people of that race were ignoring themselves and others!

And also directly through the enchantment!

As if the enchantment that could isolate the top human race monks on land is air!


What happened?

The kid just walked in like this!

"Boy back..."

A guillotine guard came back and raised his hand violently to catch it, but as soon as he raised his hand, he stopped in midair, because there was a terrible crackling sound in front of him!

That is!

That's the sound of the broken teeth of the ancient **** shark guarding the kingdom of sharks!


God Shark just wanted to bite that kid!

Haven't really bitten that kid!

But the shark's teeth were all broken in a single bite!

Why is that kid so hard!

The shark's teeth can bite the ninth state ancestor of the human race!

Lord Shark seems to have been forced at the moment!

"Your blood is good and your teeth are good, just bit the wrong target."

Chen Zheng glanced at the stunned shark, commented casually, and then collected the shark tooth fragments scattered on the ground, and walked toward the depths of the shark's kingdom.

"That... Your Excellency... Can you return my teeth..."

The shark was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly returned to God and asked.

"Keeping you alive, you should be satisfied."

Soon the shark received a response. Hearing this sentence, the shark was dumbfounded again. Then he took a deep breath and followed with an extremely unwilling look on his face.


The sharks guard you, look at me, I look at you, and all of you see the surprise in the eyes of the other person. That humanoid kid means that he has the ability to kill Lord Shark, just released Lord Shark!



Did the talented man of the realm of the realm really cut Master Shark!

"Here... what!"

The movement here naturally stunned the squadron national powerhouses, and purple squad appeared, but only raised one hand and was shocked at the spot, because Chen Zheng only glanced at the purple squid, the purple squid. A terrible crack appeared above the flesh!

"Lying trough!"

"Master Zifan's flesh is cracked!"

"This...this is a fake, Master Zhanfan fights with the half-step era hegemon of the human race thousands of years ago, and the horror secret method of that half-step era hegemon failed to leave any marks on Zhanfan. The body of Lord Zifan is far more than those of the human races of the half-step era overlords. He and he, a human race of Heavenly Emperor Realm, only looked at Lord Zifan, and the body of Lord Zifan even cracked! Lying groove! This must be Illusion!"

The shark is horrified!


The **** shark was stunned, and he was stunned for a while, not daring to step forward!

"You... Your Excellency... who is it!"

The Purple Shark took a deep breath, staring at Chen Zheng and asked in a low voice! He secretly urged the secret method to restore the flesh with undead power, but he was shocked to find that the undead power seemed to disappear at this moment!

"I'll take a look, you just ignore me."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.



What is this saying!

In a word!

The shark man's eyes widened!


In this case, when you come to the Kingdom of the Shark People, you will take a look!

Can that eye-catching be taken casually?

That's one of the five eye-catchers outside the realm!

In fact, the strong people of the shark people have appeared one after another, but after the purple shark people cracked their flesh, these strong people did not dare to arbitrarily. At this moment, they heard Chen Zheng say to steal the eyes, and their complexions changed greatly. , But still dare not do it!


This child is too weird!


I'm afraid that it is only possible for His Majesty or the Elder to show up!

"Your lord should know that the eye robbing was suppressed in the frozen sea. Our country is here to suppress the eye robbing. If you release the eye robbing, you should also know what the consequences are. My opinion is that it is not what you are. The demon is even more decent than our sharks, but how could your lord think about letting the eye out."

A thick voice sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a man dressed in emperor's robe appeared!

"His Majesty!"


"Meet Emperor Lotus!"

A crowd of sharks hurriedly bowed to the figure!

"Liandi... The title of good mother gun... Anyway, it is also a creature that condenses the pattern of the overlord god. The title is actually Liandi... Why not call it Emperor Shao, Shao? Doesn’t Emperor sound more domineering?”

Biting the beast heard, casually commented.

Although many sharks heard it, they just stared at him, and soon their eyes fell on Chen Zheng!

"I'm here to take the eyes off, and I didn't put them out." Chen Zheng looked at the lord of the Nine Kingdoms and smiled slightly: "Your bloodline is also good, and one of the forces is still familiar."


The Emperor Liandi, the Lord of the Shark People, frowned!

"Taking eye robbing is not releasing the eye robbing... You are trying to suppress the eye robbing in another place, but the five places to suppress the eye robbing are the most suitable places to suppress the eye robbing the outside world. In addition to this nowhere else, the natural blockade, even if it is huge outside the territory, I am afraid that it has never been a place that is more suitable for suppressing the five major eye-robbing!"

The Purple Shark man groaned!

"And.....Once the eye is taken out, the powerful enchantment that protects our kingdom of sharks will also disappear... Without this enchantment, those forces who coveted our lotus kingdom of sharks are afraid. It will be... In short, your Excellency will only harm our kingdom, and we cannot watch your Excellency take away the robbery!"

A woman dressed in a palace dress also frowned!

"It's not a problem."

Chen Zheng responded softly.

"not a problem?"

"Your mouth is simple to say, but if you take the eye away and leave a mess to us, what should we do? Although we have an undead body, you should have heard that we sharks The undead power of a family comes from a lotus!"

"Your Excellency!"

A low voice responded!

"You can rest assured that the shark and the purple-skinned guy have acted on the master. The master did not kill them, indicating that the master did not treat you as an enemy, so you can rest assured that the master will not leave you alone!"

At this time, the Dao bite raised his head and shouted.


All the sharks were silent!


Chen Zheng shouted The divine light appeared in his eyebrows, and the divine light turned into a little girl. Then he raised his hand and grabbed the deepest part of the kingdom of the squad. Upheaval, one by one want to shoot!



The little girl transformed by Shenguang swallowed her mouth, and the thing that Chen Zheng ingested from the deepest part of the kingdom of the Shark People was swallowed by the little girl!

A crowd of sharks!


Staring blankly at the little girl!

"This sweet...I don't like sweet food very much, I like salty food."

Under the attention of everyone, the little girl raised her brow slightly, commented that it turned into a divine light and fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


Divine Shark stumbled to the ground when he heard it!

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