Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1929: Succubus? This is the empress!

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"It's over!"

"The palace master is enchanted!"

"What about the elders and sisters in the Ice Palace!"

A few female disciples on the fairy ship spoke blankly. At this moment, their eyes were full of despair, but the elders and disciples of the Bliss Ice Palace within the ice blue enchantment, this moment is even more desperate!


Can't resist!

The six indifferent and ruthless methods of expression at the moment!

They didn't have any idea of ​​resistance except to stare blankly!


Also in the ice-blue enchantment, Ziyi people gritted their teeth, and their flesh burst into a blood mist. In a flash, a purple awn burst out of the ice-blue enchantment.


He just abandoned his flesh and cast an ancient secret method to force out!


Seeing that Elder Bliss Ice Palace and a group of disciples were to be erased, Snow Fairy shouted! Although she hadn't entered the Shark People's Kingdom before, she felt something outside the Shark's Kingdom. She knew that Chen Zheng's methods were extremely extraordinary!


Chen Zheng snapped his fingers!


The ice blue enchantment is broken!


The elders and female disciples of the Bliss Ice Palace, one by one in despair, were sent to the fairy ship with a force!


Disciple of Bliss Ice Palace was surprised!


next moment!

The means of the six ruthless methods burst into the Bliss Ice Palace, which has been demolished by half!

In an instant!

The Bliss Ice Palace was completely razed to the ground!


The disciples of Bliss Ice Palace are horrified!


And this is not over!

Above the ruins of the Bliss Ice Palace!

The enchanted woman is shouting again!

Suddenly stared towards the side of the fairy ship!


Snow fairy yelled!

"Huh! Fairy Xueyao, your master is already enchanted, or this is the true face of your master, she is a reincarnation of a female demon in ancient times! You and the others in the Bliss Ice Palace, now join hands with this seat, In order to suppress this demon head! This seat knows that your blood is special, you give me two drops of real blood, and I use the lawless double swords to urge the ancient sword skills, I will be able to suppress her!"

The man in purple stared at him, and at the same time raised his hand and grabbed the snowy field on the ground, the pair of magic swords pierced into the snowy field rose into the sky!


At this time!

The enchanted woman is another roar!

Behind him, the six ruthless tactics shot again!

Six ruthless Fascination directly flew towards the side of the fairy ship!

Fairy ship!

Elder Bliss Ice Palace and his disciples tremble!

Palace Master!

What exactly happened here!

"Fairy Xueyao, what are you waiting for, do you want to watch this demon head completely destroy the Bliss Ice Palace!"

Ziyi people slammed!


Snow Fairy opened her mouth, but she only said one word, and she seemed unable to make a choice!

"Obviously it was the people brought by this fellow who made the Lord of Bliss Ice Palace enchanted. Why is this fellow now acting like a good person?"

The Dao bite raised a brow!

"Are you still hesitating, Snow Fairy, during the last three breaths!"

Ziyi people drunk again!


Seeing that the six ruthless physiognomy are going to rush to the fairy ship!

Chen Zheng, with a faint smile on his right hand, slapped it out at random, and the six ruthless Fa-Phases were slammed by the mountain fan and disillusioned in the air, but the next six Ruthless Fa-Phases appeared again behind the woman!

as if!

These six ruthless aspects are immortal!

Can only force back!

Can't really erase it!


On the fairy ship, all the monks of Bliss Fairy Palace stared towards Chen Zheng, shocked one by one!

This child!

It seems that the Emperor Realm Mana!

With a slap, he slammed back the six principles of the palace master!



Ziyi people also stared over!

"What does your kid... mean? Do you think this witch is still saved? Huh! This witch is not saved, that's its nature. Your boy is so extraordinary that he should cooperate with this seat, It's right to suppress the demon head together!"

Ziyi people's expression changes, staring at Chen Zheng coldly!


Chen Zheng smiled and shook his head.

"You believe that this seat is lying to you? Ha! Can't you perceive it, the six deities behind this witch's head aren't what the witch is, if the witch breaks into the three pilgrimages, the three The holy pilgrimage must have a big disaster even outside the entire territory! You can understand this!"

Ziyi people drink cold!

"She is a fool who knows little, she is not a female demon, she is a female emperor." Chen Zheng chuckled and said that an enchantment was set up to block the area of ​​the Bliss Ice Palace.


"The Queen Mother?"

"Holy Emperor... This... The palace owner is the female emperor, but is the recognized emperor between heaven and earth not the only Pangu emperor..."

The monk of Bliss Fairy Palace on the fairy ship is dumbfounded!

"Sovereign...Is the Saint Empress..."

Snow fairy is dumbfounded!

"Holy Emperor!" Watching the beast was shocked, and then showed a sudden enlightenment: "Understood and understood, I know which one she was reincarnated!"

"Huh! Holy Emperor! Kid! You are afraid that you are interested in this woman, so I said this intentionally! Boy, do you know that this woman has not been suppressed today, this woman must be in trouble, and you must be sorry for the life !"

Ziyi raised his eyebrows, then snorted!

"It seems that you are not superficial, but your heart is already bad. You know who reincarnated the prince of the Bliss Palace."

Chen Zheng lightly glanced at the Ziyi people. The Ziyi people seemed to be seen through, showing a general guilty conscience, and could not help but step back.


At this time!

The master of the Bliss Ice Palace is another roar!

After this roar!

Behind him, the six ruthless methods transformed into six shackles!

These six shackles are wrapped around it!

But his breath did not weaken but skyrocketed!


You mang flash!

Six shackles turned into a robe!

At this moment, the atmosphere of the master of Bliss Ice Palace can be said to have reached the extreme of the land outside the territory!

as if!

At this moment, she is the real one with Feng robe added!


Supreme majesty!

Of course more indifferent and more ruthless than before!

"Boy, you are in great trouble. Although I am out of flesh, I am sure that the lawless swords can escape. Maybe your kid can escape, but Xuexian will definitely not escape! If you are obsessed, you will really be sorry. All beings! But you still have time to repent now, join forces with this seat to suppress her!"

The man in Ziyi's face sank, staring at the moment of the Master of Bliss Binggong Palace back, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng!

"Sorry for all living beings outside the world...why do you have to do with me?" Chen Zheng chuckled: "What's more, if you want to suppress her, you need to join hands with you, what kind of thing are you."

Although it is a chuckle!

But everyone in the enchantment heard cold and disdain!


The people in Ziyi also heard it, and looked furious!


Chen Zheng made a move, and saw a flash of light, and a little girl appeared!

Who is this?

Snow Fairy of Bliss Ice Palace and so on show their doubts!


Tianguan Beast looked at the Just one glance, the body shivered!

"Haha! I think you have any powerful means. It turned out to summon a little girl with yellow hair to come out. You said that this is a thing. Now I ask you, what is your means!"

Ziyi people glanced, and did not see any strangeness, immediately sneered!

"Huh? Why are you here!"


The little girl only glanced at the prince of Bliss Palace, and her brow frowned slightly, and the body of the prince of palace Bliss shuddered, and then the merciless double pupils recovered the clarity, and then flew over and landed on the fairy ship. I looked at the little girl for a few times and suddenly hugged the little girl!

"Sister Liuyu, my sister misses you so much!"

And then!

A crazy kiss!

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