Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1943: Shizu? You count as a ball!

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"What physique can scare away a god..."

Someone asked subconsciously.

"do not know!"

Someone answered subconsciously.



The creatures inside and outside the Imperial City stared at the tall woman beside Chen Zheng!

The third realm is Taoist cultivation!

This should be right!

It should be right to practice for more than 500 years!

Five hundred years into the third realm of Taoist ancestors can indeed be regarded as a top-level spiritual talent!

Only if it is limited to this!

That is certainly not enough to scare away an god!

and so!

This tall woman!

What kind of physique does this woman who seems to be the daughter of Princess Shadow's previous life!

this moment!

These creatures just want to know this!

"She... doesn't seem to be as powerful as Chen Zu's magic dragon, what is her physique?"

On the immortal ship of Bliss Ice Palace, the beast watching the sky whispered.


Dao bite only smiled.

"Tai Cang Na looked only at Chen Zu's maiden daughter. The blood and bones were no longer needed. The chance of staying in Taicang Sheng Dynasty was not needed. I just left. I really didn't expect this."

In the mind of Snow Fairy, the voice of the Palace Lord of the Ice Palace, the Six Desire Saints, sounded. She was in the fairy ship, looking at Tianjiao through the fairy ship at the moment. To be honest, she did not see how special Tianjiao's physique was.

She used to be a first emperor, although the state of the world fell worse than that of that year, Yuan Shenxiu's eyesight was actually not much weaker than that of that year, but even if she used the eyes of the emperor, she just felt something unusual. But she couldn't make her believe that just being a physique would make Tai Cang retreat.


Kind of weird!

Is there anything in this world that is so arrogant that it can frighten the physique of God, but I don’t know, even I haven’t even heard it!


Outside the imperial city, the elder emperor of the emperor stone passed on.

"Not see through."

The Holy Emperor Sect and the Goddess Yuanyuan returned three words.

"The ancestor of Chen Zu... This woman should be a member of the Amethyst Saint Clan. Princess Shadow and the Queen of Taicang are also members of the Amethyst Saint Clan. The Amethyst Saint Clan is known as the first Saint Clan, but This physique should not be enough to scare off an god."

The **** demon lord whispered.

"Amethyst Saint..."

Elder Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, and he thought of the half-step era overlord of the Amethyst Sacred Clan who had come to the Taicang pilgrimage, which seemed to be the elder brother of the Taicang Queen Mother.


At that time, the elder brother of Taicang Queen also entered the Yuan Ruin!

And came out alive!

Could it be related to this!

"My mother..."

In front of the Holy Court, Tianjiao watched Princess Yingying for a moment, then suddenly shouted. Although she hadn't seen Princess Shadow in the past, she felt it.


When Princess Ying's body trembled, she would respond with an open mouth, but only one mouth, the area under Tianjiao's feet suddenly collapsed!

Not as simple as the ground collapsed!

But the time and space of that area sink directly!


This is a teleportation array!

A teleportation burst out silently!


"what's going on!"

"Whose means is this!"

"Lying trough! The corpseized Taicang holy Lord has been abolished, the corpseized nirvana has been cut off, and even a **** has been removed. Who dares to do it at this time!"

"Is it known that she has a special physique, do you want to forcefully grab someone?"

Inside and outside the Imperial City, the creatures were shocked!

"You dare to live forever!"


Taicang Queen Mother sneered!

Raising your hand is a force of majestic avenue!


Above the Holy Court!

A ghost appeared!

"Haha! I dare to pit the previous generation of Lord Taicang, and I am not afraid of the Master of the Yuanxu, not to mention that I am still standing at the top of the epoch overlord of the Taixu. Only, what else do I dare not! This girl I am too Xuan authentic to ask, you can rest assured that this girl I will personally send to Tai Xuan Shangcang hands!"

Phantom laughed!


"He is Shizu!"

"Isn't it that he fell into the Yuan Ruin together with the previous generation of Taicang Saint Lord, and why is he still alive!"

For a short moment of consternation, people from all walks of life inside and outside the Imperial City instantly knew who this phantom was!

Eternal life!


The best figure in the world more than two thousand years ago!


He is still alive!

"This is the power I learned from the depths of time and time. This power may not be too powerful, but this power has exceeded the top level outside the domain in terms of level, so I took this girl away. , You don’t have to chase, because you can’t catch up!"

Phantom laughed again!


A weird force encircles Tianjiao all around him!

This is to force transmission!


The bite beast couldn't help but burst a swearing!

"Time is deep!"

The elder emperor of the Holy Emperor Stone was surprised, because the emperor of the emperor of the Holy Emperor went to the depths of the river of time, and he also had to understand the power of the depths of the river of time, so as to deal with the master of the Yuanxu!

This power!

It is indeed beyond the top level outside the domain!

Although it is not manifested in combat power!

But Shi Yongsheng wanted to take the woman by force!

Now I am afraid that no one can stop it!

and many more!

That one!

The mysterious Chen Zu didn't seem to worry at all!


Is it!

Has he already had a countermeasure!

The thoughts in Elder Shi's heart flashed quickly, but when he saw that there was no fluctuation in Chen Zheng's face, his thoughts were frozen, and then his eyes widened, because Chen Zheng didn't shoot at all. The strange power disappeared at once!


Everything is back to normal!


"This and this!"

"It seems that that force has been absorbed!"

Everyone was stunned, and then opened their eyes as much as possible, looking at Tianjiao with surprise!


The third ancestor!

It swallowed the power that Shi Zongsheng Shi Shizu realized from the depths of time!

how did you do that!

Is it the reason for its physique!


What is her physique?

"What! The means that this seat has learned from time and time has been resolved by a girl who can't perish the third realm! No! The means that this seat has learned, Tai Xuan and Shang Cang have commented, saying that it is infinite Close to the avenue of time at the peak level of the era overlord, this girl's physique is no longer able to break the seat's means!" The sound of amazement sounded, and the phantom gaze at the top of the eye slammed Chen Zheng: "Yes, are you right, yes You secretly moved your hands and feet, you know that this seat is the ancestor, and behind this seat is Tai Xuan Shang Cang, and Tai Xuan Shang Cang is the top epoch overlord in Taixu, and it condenses the ring of the tenth epoch Supreme Overlord!"


Chen Zheng slaps out!

"Do not!"

Next second!

A horrified scream sounded!


Immediately afterwards, the ghost became real!


After the truth is completely destroyed!


The souls inside and outside the Imperial City are horrified!

They knew that the phantom was not a will of thought!

That is the body of Shi Yongsheng!


Its body was directly shot dead with a slap!


This method really does not understand!

Could this slap be more terrifying than the sword that cut the dead Nirvana!

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