Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1952: Fantasy sword shadow!

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"Divine burial pit..."

"Is the eye-robbing about to appear?"

"I think of it, the horror shadow seems to be exactly the same as the horror shadow of the current purple pole holy dynasty not long ago. The appearance of this time directly blocked the entire purple pole holy pilgrimage, but what happened in the end, only the territory of the purple pole holy dynasty Creatures know!"

The world whispers!

I remembered a scene I saw a while ago!

It was just that the shadow had blocked the purple pole pilgrimage soon!

But this time it seems that the burial pits of gods and demons are not blocked!

and many more!

It seems that the horror shadow coming at this moment is not the same as the horror shadow coming last time!

There seems to be a slight difference!


Seeing that the giant palm of terror is about to fall!

A figure suddenly appeared under the giant palm!


Loud noise!

The whole region was shocked!


Above the devil's burial pit, the horror shadows crazily twisted and roared, and nine giant palms blasted in an instant!




Loud noises followed by one!

Extraterritorial tremors!

Extraterrestrial tremors!


so horrible!

If it wasn't for the figure that just appeared suddenly!

The area where the devil burial pit is located may have been penetrated!

Even the territories outside the territory may not be torn apart!

What the **** is that!

Is it the era overlord in Taixu!


Why do you feel this shadow is so much stronger than the era overlord!


And that figure!

It seems that the figure blocking the giant palm of terror is still alive!

It's just that the area of ​​the devil's burial pit is too muddy at the moment!

For a while, it was not clear who the figure was!


Shadows roar again!



It is another nine giant palms!


Shocked outside again!

"What is this thing!"

In the Zulong Holy Court, the Zulong Emperor's face sank, because the Divine Burial Crater was bordered by the Zulong Holy Pilgrimage. He had the best understanding of the changes under the earth, and there was also a reflection world under the Divine Burial Crater. The world is broken! If it's just a normal reflection world, that's okay, but the reflection world under the devil's burial pit is different. That's one of the core of the magical array!

" could there be such a horrible thing!"

Jianxiu Youth proudly trembles, he cultivates eternal secret eternal sword skills, he has eternal sword, he thinks that he is the first person of the younger generation outside the realm, he thinks that he can do half a step with the ninth realm of Taoist cultivation Era Overlord!


The dark shadow over the devil's burial pit!

Let him have no idea of ​​a sword!

At the moment he doesn't even have the courage to produce a sword!

"The figure just now seemed to be that Chen Zu..."

Murder is also there, whispering at the moment.

"That figure was the guy just now!" Jian Xiu Aotian was startled again, and then frowned, but within three breaths, he showed ecstasy, because the murky breath of the devil's burial pit disappeared. !


See it very clearly!

A figure suspended above the burial pit of the gods and demons!

And that figure is Chen Zheng!

It's just that it seems to be nothing at the moment!

"Haha! Hahaha! He was abolished! He was abolished by the shadows! He became a waste!"

Jianxiu proudly laughed!

"This...really Chen he doing this to prevent the shadow from releasing the eye that was suppressed in the devil's burial pit... all mana was black The shadow was gone, and this was really Chen Zu's style. At the beginning of Zhou Tiancheng, a strange monk of the fairy land came to turn Zhou Tiancheng into an ancient heaven, and Chen Zu stood up and rescued Zhou Tiancheng."

Middle-aged man whispering like a teacher.

"Anyway, he is abolished, and when the shadow disappears, I will cut him!"

Jianxiu proudly grinned!

"What do you...what do you want to do?"

Emperor Zulong frowned, he guessed something, but he couldn't understand it!

"The last person who blocked the shadow from the Purple Pole was also Chen Zu. The eyes of Shengming Mountain, the eyes of the frozen sea sharks, the lawlessness of the mountains, and the eyes of three of the five big eyes outside the territory have been taken by Chen Zu. Come on, if Chen Zu is for the eye-robbing under the devil's burial pit, then he will definitely go to Yuanxu to get the last eye-robbing." The middle-aged man who looks like Xiang Shi groaned and looked at Zu Long Emperor: "Your Majesty, Lord Taicang and Nine Nine Tribulation devoted their efforts to planning the Yuan Ruins. He did not hesitate to use the spirit of the Holy Spirit to bring in the Taixu mid-age overlord. The creatures of the level came for a short time, but they were killed by the master of the Yuan Ruth. Chicken flying dog jumping. Maybe... To unlock the mystery of Yuan Ruin, you have to look at this Chen Zu."

"Humph! He is already a waste man, he has no power now, and I will kill him!"

Jianxiu Aotian sneered!

There is no response from Zulong Emperor's face like stone carving!




Shadows moved again!

Another nine giant black palms blasted!


Inside the Demon Mountain!

The people of the Ten Deities of Gods and Devils fixed their eyes on the direction of the pits of Gods and Devils!

this moment!

Even the hands of the gods and deities came out with cold sweat!

"Chen Zu!"

In the Tuotian Clan!

Qianyin held the monkey's hand tightly!

"It's okay!"

The monkey took a deep breath!


At this moment the monkey is also a little scared!

That shadow is too weird!

Even if you have seen the world extinct black lotus deity, it is not as scary as this shadow!


At this moment, Chen Zu still had a faint smile!

It's still a breeze!

I believe there should be nothing wrong!

Even that horrible giant palm can smash the outside world!


Nine Dao giant palms!

Shocking shocks outside the realm!

Extraterrestrial creatures tremble!

The direction of the devil's burial pit became muddy again!

this moment!

As if everything is still!



Something soon broke this stillness!

In the cloud!

A pounding phantom emerged!

It's more like a Fa-Science!

This method is very obvious!

All sword repairs outside the territory shivered like instinct!


And the shadow above!

Suddenly he became very manic when he saw this unreadable face!



That giant palm of the world was blasted again!


The unclear appearance of the Fa-phase lifted with his right hand, as if grasping an invisible Excalibur, and hitting a sword like that, the dazzling sword light illuminated in an instant, and the face of the world would be swallowed by one face!


As for the shadow above!

It was cut from the middle by the bright sword light to Sheng Sheng!


this moment!

More than a world is horrified!

Even the Zulong Emperor in the Zulong Holy Court also got up from the dragon chair that was more than one level stronger than Zhibao!



The black shadow roared by a sword!


No follow-up!

That black shadow forcibly merged!

The sky was torn apart with a bang!


Almost at the same time!

The fascination of the unclear face is also disillusioned!

The turbidity that enveloped the burial pit of the devil also disappeared!


That figure!

Why are people gone!

Many creatures are startled again!

They searched for a figure!

But that figure can't be seen now!


Above the devil's burial pit!

Only the dazzling sword shadow remains!

Even if the Fa disappears!

But the bright sword light is still there!

Like a huge sword standing between heaven and earth!

In addition to a kind of awe-inspiring power!

There is also an unspeakable dream!

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