Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1960: Don't use your ignorance to speculate on me

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

Just go for profit and ward off evil!

You can also practice without hindrance to the level of era dominance!

From the moment of birth, it is destined to become the era overlord!

Is there really such a Taoism?

Why does it sound so mysterious!

For a while!

Jin Zun, one word ancestor, and even the little girl felt a little unbelievable!

"Humph! Nonsense! This girl's physique is indeed special, but it is not as powerful as you said. This girl's physique is in stages, and it has not really grown up yet! This place outside the territory is not as good as Taixu, and there is no real era. The overlord exists. If this girl stays outside the domain, then this girl’s physique cannot fully grow! So Jin Zun, you really want your daughter to become the overlord of the era, then listen to this seat, let this seat take her to Taixu worship The top era overlord in Taixu is a teacher!"

You Mang will sneer!


Ignored again!

No one in the hall responded to him!

"That... is my physique so powerful?"

The little girl blinked at Chen Zheng.

"Reluctantly, it's okay. It's unimpeded cultivation to the level of era overlord, not the top."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


When the little girl heard it, she didn't know how to respond.

Jin Zun and Dao Zu heard it, and he was stunned for a moment, and was silent.

to be frank.

In the eyes of extraterritorial creatures.

The era overlord can already be said to be the ultimate in spiritual practice.

The creatures of that level can survive the epoch and never die.

The era is broken.

The overlord is immortal.

It can be said that it is really immortal.


In the eyes of Chen Zu!

It seems that Epoch Overlord is just barely level!

"Huh! A big tone! Your kid is a Daozu who fell in a state. Listening to your tone doesn't put the era overlord in your eyes at all, you can make Jiner blow! Jin Zun Jin Zun, you really have to listen to it This kid, then your daughter must be useless!"

You Mang will sneer again!

The kid in front of him may have some means, or perhaps a very powerful magic weapon, so he can break his own will incarnation!

However, the kid just said that!

Absolutely blowing!

Because the patriarch will not say such big words!

"Era Overlord... wait for my mana to recover a little bit, and it is not difficult to kill the overlord of the low-level reincarnation." Chen Zheng smiled lightly, said that his right hand was raised, and pointed at the daughter of Jin Zun: "As for this girl If you just wake up, you need to go to Taixu to really grow."


at this point!

The dazzling divine light inside the female of Jin Zun!

Only for an instant!

The other three in the hall widened their eyes!

Because behind the daughter of Jin Zun, a dharma emerges!

And the breath released by the Fa phase is above the extraterrestrial beings!

Epoch overlord level!

The aura released by that Fa is the level of era dominance!


The law disappears!

Although the daughter of Jin Zun did not skyrocket!

But a **** pattern appeared at the heart!

That **** pattern almost formed a closed loop!


In a word Daozu shuddered!

This is not because of fear!

This is too exciting!

your Highness!

Does this condense the overlord **** pattern!

This is too exaggerated!

"Huh! You must have used an ancient secret technique. You can't fool this seat. Let this seat crack your blindfold!"

You Mang's will screamed violently, casting a secret technique, but nothing happened!

"Has the ring of the first epoch not fully condensed yet?"

Chen Zheng was too lazy to glance at Yumang's will, glanced at the divine pattern at the heart of the girl's brow, raised her brow slightly, raised her right hand again, and raised her eyebrow at the center of the girl's eyebrow. The divine pattern without closed loop was closed at this moment!


this moment!

There is an invisible divine release!

"what's the situation!"


"Purple Ji Holy Court! Did the Lord of the Purple Pilgrimage successfully cross the robbery!"

Outside the domain!

The top Taoist powerhouse!

Shen Nian snooped over for the first time!

All thought it was Jin Zundu robbery successfully became the era overlord!


There is no soaring vision!

Those creatures are a little ignorant!

Really become the era overlord!

Ziji Shengting should be able to fly directly!

But there is no movement in the Purple Ji Santing!

Has Jinzun become an overlord of the era?

Or is there another person in the Ziji Santing!


It has nothing to do with Jin Zun from beginning to end!

Inside the Purple Palace!

Jin Zun was silent!

Unable to speak!

I really can't tell!

Jin Zun never thought that his daughter would condense a complete overlord **** pattern earlier than herself, and never thought that her daughter would condense an overlord **** pattern so easily!


Think about yourself!

After condensing half of the **** pattern, there has been no progress for thousands of years!

But his daughter today...

of course!

This is mainly Chen Zu's method!

Chen Zu!

Why is it so against the sky!


Jin Zun shouted in his heart!

One word Daozu and Yumang will also be in the same state at the moment!

"Overlord Divine Pattern...I...I actually condensed the Overlord Divine Pattern...I am not dreaming..."

Jin Zun's daughter rubbed the divine pattern at the center of her eyebrows, staring at Chen Zheng blankly.

"Calm and calm, just a ring of epochs, a little lady."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"..." Jin Zun's daughter rolled her eyes and said in secret how could it be calm, but she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, and then looked straight, squatting her tea cup and respectfully facing Chen It was just a prayer: "Women Yan see the Master!"

"Well, get up."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and took a sip of the tea cup.

"Hee hee!" Seeing Chen Zheng recognize himself as an apprentice, the girl rose with a smile, and her eyes could not help but asked: "Master, Master, I have a few brothers and sisters, are they better than me?" what?"

"Brother and sister... I have a lot of people who have been instructed in this life. It is really difficult to elaborate on how many brothers and sisters there are, but your physique is only worse than Yanlu and other brothers and sisters. Must be much stronger."

Chen Zheng thought a little.

"Yan Luo? What is Sister Yan Luo's physique? Chaos?"

The girl asked curiously.

"It's not a chaotic body, it's the same constitution as mine."

Chen Zheng said something.

"Ah? What is it?"

The girl was more curious.

Jin Zun, one word ancestor!

Suddenly raised his ears!

"As long as you know one thing, that kind of physique is the strongest in the world."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.


The girl blinked for a! blow! Keep blowing! The strongest in the world! Who won't brag! "

You Mang will sneer!

"Master, Master, what kind of physique do you really want to see?"

The girl suddenly spoiled.

"Then take a look."

Chen Zheng smiled and released a breath. As soon as this breath was released, the girl opened her mouth in a moment!


Jin Zun and Dao Zuzu were also dumbfounded!

"You... I... finished!"

As for Yumang's will, he felt a big change in color, and he uttered a few words, and his will was completely destroyed! It seems that he is not as simple as the destruction of the will, as if his Taoist mind in the Taixu has also been destroyed!

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