Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1974: It is afraid of Chen Zu!

Chapter 1971 It's Afraid of Chen Zu! (One more)

Fairy light flows.

Very peaceful.

Girl Yu looked at Chen Zheng walking in the palace hall, and saw the power of ancient fairy spirits that were difficult for her to get close to, and flocked to Chen Zheng in general, just like throwing her arms.

She opened her eyes wide.

Chen Zu!

What is this constitution!

It has such a terrible affinity with these ancient fairy powers!

To know!

Even if the master has practiced for so many years!

It will only occasionally attract these children's ancient fairy powers!

To take a not-so-good analogy, the power of those ancient fairy spirits is extremely cold on weekdays. At this moment, when I saw Chen Zu one by one, it seemed like I was in love...



The second house lord also entered the palace hall, and at the moment he saw this scene, and he was slightly startled, but his face was even colder! It secretly said in his heart, that guy may have special means, or may have unusual physique, but it is also impossible to repair the flaws in the mystery of the immortal palace inheritance!

What you can't do with your master, Longevity Goddess!

It is absolutely impossible for him to cultivate a mana for a fallen Taoist ancestor!

Grit your teeth!

The Second House Master followed!

"Chen did this happen? These fairy powers, like the immortal Xiangong Palace, are extremely old, not in this era, they are extremely cold on weekdays, I didn't expect to be so close to Chen Zu ."

Miss Yu naturally knew that the Second House Master had also come in, but she did not pay any special attention. She caught up with Chen Zheng and asked softly with curiosity.

"This is probably the embodiment of personal charm."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Girl Yu was dumbfounded.


The second house of the rear snorted.

"That... Master is right in front of you. Every time the mana vacuum period, the master will seal itself up, and will not wake up until the mana vacuum period has passed. When it comes to the mana vacuum period, Chen Zu is in this state. It also seems to be a mana vacuum."

Girl Yu saw that Chen Zheng had stopped, looking at the immortal mother in the Xianguang barrier in front of her, and she quickly said the right thing.

"Humph! My elder sister is the best in the beauty, don't you have any evil thoughts!"

Seeing Chen Zheng staring at the Immortal Mother in the second house, the second house spoke indifferently at the moment.

"The mana vacuum period... It is not a difficult problem to inherit the defects brought by the mystery. If it was before, I need to help the immortal mother to massage it to solve it, but now it can be solved easily."

Chen Zheng said softly.


Miss Yu showed her curiosity.

"Massage? Huh! Isn't that just a massage? You really aren't a good thing. I want to take advantage of my sister!"

When the Master of the Second House heard it, a scene appeared in his mind instantly, his tone colder.

"Although the anti-human spirit is indispensable, it can't make people think too bad. When I use massage techniques, no matter how beautiful a woman is in my eyes, it is no different from a dinosaur."

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly and said that he was facing the immortal fairy within the Xianguang barrier.


Although Miss Yu is staring at Chen Zhengshi at this moment, a question still arises in her heart, why is a beautiful woman no different from a dinosaur in Chen Zu's eyes?

If you guess right!

The dinosaur should be a dragon beast!

"All right."

The girl Yu came up with questions, and Chen Zheng said two words casually.


All right?

Is this done?

Miss Yu did not respond a little!

"Okay? Huh! Pretend to be a ghost! You can just follow your finger and solve the flaw of my elder sister's cultivation of the supreme mystery. You think you will believe in this palace..."

The Master of the Second House glanced and saw that the immortal mother is still in a state of mana vacuum, and the subconsciously said indifferently, only the letter was spoken, and the sound was like being cut off!


Inside the Xianguang Barrier!

The immortal light explodes from the immortal mother!

In an instant!

Magnificent mana surge!


This is the moment!

The immortal fairy opened her eyes!

When Chen Zheng is reflected in the double pupils!

Immortal Fairy stayed a little bit!

But it was only a short stay!

"Yun Wei... meet Chen Zu!"

The immortal mother looked very solemn and dignified at Chen Zheng!

"Sister you..."

The second house master is stunned!

"Master... Master's defect in practice... repaired?"

Miss Yu asked blankly.

"Well." Immortal Immortal nodded gently, then looked at Chen Zheng, just looked at it for a moment before whispering: "Yun Wei and Divine Deity Lord went to the temple of fortune, and saw Chen Zu sitting on the seat of fortune. , That scene... that scene Yun Wei would never forget in this life."




Master will not have any special ideas about Chen Zu!

When Miss Yu heard a thought in her heart!

"The God of Creation? This the King of Creation? Not right! The King of Creation is in Taixu, this guy is not the King of Creation!"

The second house master frowned, staring at Chen Zheng now, guessing Chen Zheng's identity!

to be frank!

At the moment, she still didn't believe the guy who seemed to have no power in front of her!

Really repaired the flaws in the secret law of immortal immortal palace inheritance!

That flaw!

You can't repair the level of your master, Longevity Goddess!

Why is this guy in front of me!

"I came to the Immortal Immortal Palace actually for the **** tree in the Immortal Palace."

Chen Zheng said something.

"God tree? No! That **** tree is of great importance and is the foundation of the immortal immortal palace. You can't take it away!"

The main face of Ninomiya was instantly cold!

"Jin Yunwei took Chen Zu to see the God Tree."

However, Immortal Mother only nodded after thinking for a while, and removed the Immortal Light barrier at this moment, and she would lead Chen Zheng when she got up.

"The elder sister **** tree is the foundation of the immortal palace, and I am ready to dedicate to my master, Longevity Goddess, can my master not compare to this guy!"

The second house master gritted his teeth!


The immortal mother ignored her!


Fairy light flashes!

Immortal Immortal Mother opened an immortal gate, please invite Chen Zheng into the immortal gate, and the second house rushed violently into the immortal gate!


Miss Yu opened her mouth and entered the immortal gate.


Fairy light!

This is actually still in the immortal palace!

It's just that this is a magical space isolated from the outside world!

There is a hanging mountain in this divine space!

A **** tree stands on the top of the hanging mountain!

"God Tree..."

Miss Yu glanced at the Divine Tree, revealing unexpected colors, because every time she followed the Master to see the Divine Tree, the Divine Tree was sacred and vast, with an invisible majesty.



The **** tree seems to be trembling!

Why is this!

"Sister, have you seen it, the **** tree is angry!"

Master Ninomiya drinks cold!

"The **** tree is not angry, it is afraid of Chen Zu."

However, the immortal fairy only shook her head gently.


Shenshu is afraid of Chen Zu!

Miss Yu does not understand!


Why be afraid?

Isn't Chen Zu a bad person?



Hanging on top of the mountain!

A flash of light!

When the **** tree turns into a god, it will tear away this mysterious space!

"You have to think about immortal mother subconsciously wants to shoot, Chen Zheng only smiled and said, that the **** was trembling in the air, and then honestly changed back to the body, flying Before Chen Zheng!


A fruit was born!

And took the initiative to send Shen Guo to Chen Zheng!

(End of this chapter)

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