Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1991: Suekagetanemae

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!


Lying trough!

What happened?

Seems like a robbery coming from heaven!

The behemoth that can't be killed!

Before that, a group of monsters had been harvested!

It's gone in one click!

It's all gone in one click!



Those who aren’t just dumbfounded!

Han Xian and other monks who have seen Chen Zhengliu before have also dumbfounded!

This, this!

This time, the advent of the outer robbers of heaven was caught!

Just squeeze them all!

What a supernatural power this is!


It's really unimaginable!

Han Xuan waited for his heart to tremble, and of course, Xiang Shenlong was even more trembling. He was staring blankly at the moment, looking at the strange pieces scattered all over the sky, and looking at the young man who didn't seem to have the slightest mana!

In addition to shock at the moment, they also felt a strange and gorgeous beauty!

"Master is setting off fireworks again. These robbers outside the sky are not flesh and blood creatures, and they really look pretty after they explode."

Yan Nu smiled.


This little girl thought she was watching fireworks?

The heart is really big!

"That... The young man... The young man means Han Xian to worship!"

Han Xian took a deep breath, another salute to Chen Zheng.

In fact, when several people of Xiang Shenlong crossed over to discuss the method of killing looting objects outside the heavens, he was selfish, because behind them, Xiang Shenlong was actually the largest force in this battlefield. The forces were killed by robbers outside the heavens, then Wolongshan City was the biggest!

Wolongshan City has the most hope to unify this chaotic battlefield!

Cast the Holy Court!

Build a pilgrimage!

Set up the world tyrant industry!


did not expect!

This mysterious son killed all the extraterrestrial robbers within a few breaths!


too exaggerated!

This means!

This supernatural power is too exaggerated!

In the chaotic battlefield!

No one can fight!

What king of Chu!

What Mr. Wolong!

What the ender valley master!

What a King of Tang Dynasty!

It’s not enough to add up to this one in front of me!

Just a breath away!

Countless emotions in Han Xian's heart!

"The reaper is gone, and you can rest assured."

Chen Zheng glanced lightly at the crowd, saying that the fairy light on his body lit up, and he took away the light with Yan Nu.


Cultivation of the public!

"and many more!"

"Son, wait!"

"Son, we haven't repaid you yet. If the son doesn't despise, I can agree with you!"

Soon the public responded and quickly shouted!


Han Xian and Jia Yi men glanced at each other, they didn't know what to say at the moment!


Xiang Shenlong took a deep breath and left with a fist at Han Xian!

"See you tomorrow!"

Li Yuxian fluttering in white is also a clenched fist, swept away!

"Today... eye-opening!"

Liu Tianlin said with a deep voice, and his emotions turned away!

"That son... who the **** is that?"

After a moment of silence, the man in Jiayi asked in a low voice!

"I don’t know. It’s too mysterious and terrifying. The girl should be the princess of one of the three pilgrimages outside. She just called that son as a master. That son may not be a native creature outside the territory, but from Taixu. !"

Han Xian thought for a moment.


"Era Overlord?"

"But the body of the era overlord cannot come. If it is just the incarnation of the will, for example, the **** who came to the mysterious fairy palace in the north last time, actually can't crush the extraterritorial souls!"

Many voices sounded!

"Then... why did the young man mess up the battlefield, and where did he go now?"

The man in Jiayi whispered again!

"For what is to chaos the battlefield... Tianwai robbery should only be one of them, maybe just wipe out the Tianwai robbery... I have a hunch, this time the disaster did not end, maybe just open There is a head, after all, the outer looting is attracted by the purple light of the underground! The outer looting is related to the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty underground! Mr. Wolong, King of Western Chu, King of the Tang Dynasty, etc., are not unexplored, but just fundamental I can’t enter the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty! I only hope that Mr. Wolong will recover soon, otherwise if there is any big change in the chaotic battlefield, I can’t bear it! As for the son, it should be the end of the valley!"

Han Xian whispered for a moment!

"Just the beginning?"

"Is the robbery outside the sky just a vanguard?"

"That son has gone to Ender Valley. Isn't it possible to destroy Ender Valley?"

A Yi man waits!

One by one showed horror!







Ruthlessly ruthless!

There is a vague storm ahead that is forming!

"Master, Master, I can see that, there is a big battle ahead!"

The two figures appeared silently and silently, it was Chen Zheng and Yan Nu, Yan Yan glanced in front of her, her eyes shouted.

"Then you broke through this array."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"This... the disciple cannot be broken. This method seems very old and complicated. The current level of the disciple is really unbreakable. But it does not matter if the disciple cannot be broken. The disciple is not strong enough now. Just be a salted fish beside Master."

Yan girl took a slight pause, then blinked.

"Salted fish? A girl said that before, but your physique is destined not to be salted fish."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Ah? Is there another girl? Master, Master, how many girls do you know?"

Yan Nu asked curiously.

"There are more girls I have instructed. I hope you can all become the era overlords. In the future, you can rely on your own strength to jump out of the Hongmeng cycle."

Chen Zheng replied casually.

"The Ender Storm is about to take shape. Do you, a man and a woman, really treat the outside of the Ender Valley as a place to swim in the mountains and waters, and you will be swallowed by the Ender Storm if you don't roll away!"

Yan girl had to ask again, but in the huge storm ahead, an indifferent voice came over!



The wind is raging!

The storm is fully formed!

"The Ender Storm has taken shape, and you seem to have come to death before you escape!"

The voice of indifference came again!


The huge storm had already run over here before it was fully formed!

"Formation...Ancient is ancient and complicated, but it's still a little bit worse."

Chen Zheng smiled and lifted his right hand against the huge storm that was coming!

This moment!

As if everything is frozen!


next moment!

The huge storm broke!

No huge storm blocked!

A valley in the land dozens of miles ahead revealed!

But it only shows a rough idea!

The valley is shrouded in misty mist!

"This man... half man and half dragon? The blood of this man seems to be a little special...not a common dragon family?"

Yan girl glanced at her and saw a dangling figure. It was not a human race, but a half-dragon and half-human creature. The magic dragon that has been seen in the magical sky!

"You... can break the Ender Array!"

Half-man and half-dragon lived for a moment, and the two pupils suddenly turned into longan and locked Chen Zheng!

"Then Mo Mo fled back to the Ender Valley, didn't I tell Er wait, did anyone wipe out the robbers outside the sky?"

Chen Zheng looked at these half-man and half-dragon creatures and said with a chuckle.

"Huh? Mo Si? What do you mean!"

The half-man and half-dragon creature was stunned again.




At this time!

Seven or eight figures rushed out in the Ender Valley!

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