Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2015: Will to fight terror!

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Bloody flash!

A figure appeared!

Who is this!

The creatures in the fairy city stared at the past!

One by one is uncertain!

Under perception!

That figure of flesh seems to be the physical remodeling of Ji Xu's **** mist just now!


The breath is completely different!

The breath released by this figure is more terrifying than the supreme breath before the tenth volume of God!

Who is this?

What exactly is Guxian Road!

How could there be such a creature!


Between the speculations of the creatures in Xiancheng, the figure turned into a red torrent and rushed to Chen Zheng in an instant!

The goal seems to be only Chen Zheng!

The other creatures on the scene seemed not to qualify him as an opponent!

"Master retreat!"

The immortal war beast sensed a terrifying breath and shouted at Yan Nu!


Yan Nu didn't retreat, and also exclaimed at the moment!

So strong!

This strange creature is so strong!

It is much stronger than the Zulong Emperor I saw in the Zulong Santing Fantasy Sky Liuli Realm!


Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

Yan girl and eternal war beast were teleported to the fairy city below!


A flash of light!

An enchantment envelopes the fairy city!


This is the moment!

That strange creature slammed into Chen Zheng!

Just listen to a loud noise!

Chen Zheng flying out!




The creatures in the fairy city exclaimed!

Yan female face changed!


This is the first time she has seen Chen Zheng flying away!

"Sure enough!" Although Ji Xuyao's body exploded, Yuanshen was still there. At this moment, Yuanshen showed a smile: "The thing hidden in the ancient fairy road, my master does not want to wake up, but you Chen Zu is aggressive. , My master can only wake up this thing! My flesh becomes the flesh of this thing, although it can last up to half an hour, but it should be enough to suppress your Chen Zu! Chen Zu Ah Chen Zu, I just listen to my master Once mentioned, this thing is beyond his cognition! So next, please let Chen Zu enjoy the fun of being flying!"


"Beyond the cognition of the guardian of Xianlu!"

"This...what level is that...not good! Chen Zu is flying again! Lying trough! Chen Zu seems to be hanged and beaten! Chen Zu hanged everything before. , Why are you being beaten now!"

A startle sounded, followed by horror!





The terrifying battle!

In the eyes of the public repair!

Chen Zheng was flying again and again!

It seems to be completely crushed and hit by hanging!


Yan Nu shouted blankly!

"The master is relieved that Chen Zu appears to be being beaten, but Chen Zu's body hasn't lost any hair.

At this time the immortal war beast noticed something and secretly heard!


Yan girl stunned, then her eyes were fixed, and she noticed this, and she fell silent and stopped talking!





inverted flight!

Chen Zheng is flying crazy!

Not flying by yourself!

It was flying!

It seems to be extremely miserable!

It seems that there is really nothing to fight back!


"Chen Zu... lost!"

"Chen Zu... was defeated!"


With emotion!

The rest of the life in the fairy city is very inspirational!

Only know the name of Chen Zu!

I thought Chen Zu would go against the sky forever!

Unexpectedly, Chen Zu broke the ten volumes of God!

Actually encountered such a terrible opponent!

Under the inspiration, that strange student is not an era overlord!

But its combat power is definitely beyond the era overlord!

How can there be such creatures between heaven and earth!

"Chen Zu admits defeat, and now it is too late to admit defeat, as long as Chen Zu nods and admits defeat, my master will naturally have a way to seal this thing! Chen Zu will continue to hold on, the flesh and soul will not be able to protect him! My master is not going to kill Chen Zu , My master just wanted Chen Zu to see him!"

Ji Xuyao ​​Yuanshen said lightly!


Just listen to a loud noise!

From the perspective of the fairy creatures!

Chen Zheng was slammed into this strange world by the strange creature!

As if this time was completely defeated!

It seems that even the strength to crawl out is gone!



The strange creature didn't stop, but chased it down, rushed directly into the ground, and in the blink of an eye, a figure was blasted into the sky, and that figure was Chen Zheng!


"No backhand!"

"There are people outside the sky, there are mountains outside, and one mountain is higher than the other!"

Xiancheng creatures sigh again!

Who can think of Chen Zu who was still invincible not long ago!

It was even crushed unilaterally at this moment!


Can't sit in the sky!

Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss!


At this time!


There was another loud noise!

Originally, the Cultivators thought that Chen Zheng was about to be blasted again, but this time Chen Zhengli was in the air, and he did not move at this moment!


Cultivation of the crowd!


Yan girl shouted.


Ji Xuyao ​​Yuan God frowned.




The weird creature just froze for a blink of an eye, and then blasted that terrifying fist, each punch blasted on Chen Zheng, but Chen Zheng remained still!


can not read it!

The creatures in the fairy city said they couldn't understand!

This Nima!

Chen Zu was completely beaten before!

Why did you suddenly resist it!

"It only opened the saint's yoke inside me. Your thing made me a little disappointed. I thought you could get rid of my inner ancestor yoke. You can only do this thing with your thing. It's not very good."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


What shackles?

What saint's shackles?

What ancestral yoke?

What does this mean!

The creatures in Xiancheng are ignorant!


Ji Xuyao ​​Yuanshen frowned, seeming to suddenly understand something, and then his face became extremely ugly!

"Chen Z deliberately bombarded the flesh with this strange creature, so as to open the shackles in the body, because the creatures at the general level can't open the shackles in Chen Zu's body at all. This general level also includes the era overlord."

At this time the Eternal Beast smiled and said that all these things were heard from its original owner An Jing, so just reminded its present owner Yan Nu just the first time.


"Intentionally let that thing bombard the flesh?"

"The purpose is to understand the shackles in the body? Normal creature bombardment is useless? The ordinary creatures include the era overlord? Lying trough!"

Fairy creatures dumbfounded!

This Nima!

It turns out that being beaten is just an illusion!

It turned out that it was deliberately beaten!

It turns out that it can be strengthened by being beaten!





That strange creature continues!

It's just useless!


Ji Xuyao ​​has been silent!

The creatures in the fairy city are also silent!

in this way!

Everyone watched that strange creature for half an hour!


The flesh of strange creatures is shattered!

A will to sink into the ancient fairy road below!


Chen Zheng Seven colors of light flashed in his eyebrows, swallowing that will instantly!


Once that will disappear!

This strange world suddenly shocked!



Guxian Road rises from the ground!


Not just rising up!

Guxian Road is falling off!

As if there is a layer of earthen shell!

At this moment the dirt shell is falling off!

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