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"If it is really the means of the master of Yuanxu, then it is too strong, the heavens outside the territory have ended so miserably, it seems that they have been beaten up! And we don't know what means the master of Yuanxu used, if only a thought , The realm of the Master of the Yuan Ruins is simply unimaginable!"




That **** face faded away!


In Yuanxu!

Another loud noise came!

There is no light curtain this time!

People outside the Yuan Market can't see what is inside!

Can only watch!


In Yuanxu!

A female stone puppet blocked the path of Chen Zheng and others!

"This female stone puppet is so powerful..."

A bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of the bite beast, although the female stone puppet's combat strength did not seem to be too arrogant, nor did it really exceed the limit outside the domain, but it was too hard, as if it was as hard as the master's body, the master just took one Catch, failed to pinch this female stone puppet!


Bai Mu'er took a deep breath. She remembered very clearly that after she entered the Yuan Ruin, she was caught by this female stone puppet and brought to the deepest part of the Yuan Ruin, and the realm fell!

Later, although the female stone puppet sent herself out of the Yuan Ruin, it was also because the realm fell, that the ancestral land of the Sanjing Holy Clan would fall into the world of the Futu from outside the Thousand Worlds. Falling, leaving only two tribes of yourself and Bai Mei!


Re-enter Yuanxu!

See you female puppet again!

The mood is extremely complicated!


Chen Zu should have unlocked the secret of this Yuan Ruin!


Yuanxu is a prison!

I already knew this in the ancestral home of the Amethyst Saint Clan!


Who is the master of Yuanxu, what does it look like, and what kind of creature is it? I am confused like everyone else!

"I know that your body of stone puppet is half-step detached, but there is no need to test me."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The female stone puppet uttered words and said a word!



Don't you continue to fight?

Yan Nu, Mo Xin, Dao Dao Beast, Master of Bliss Ice Palace is also the reincarnated Six Desire Emperor, their disciples Xue Yao and Guan Tian Beast are all slightly stunned, they all think they will continue to fight, but it seems that the female Shi Dai is just Come out and test Chen Zu's skill!


The next step is to enter the deepest part of Yuanxu

Next, do you want to see the secrets that those creatures outside the realm have never seen?

For a while!

Everyone was a little excited!

Somewhat anxious!

Chen Zheng smiled and followed the female stone puppet into the deepest part of the Yuan Ruin. The rest of the people also followed, and after a few hours of interest, the blurred fairy light disappeared and the front was suddenly bright!


Not suddenly bright!

It should be clear!


It is a cave entrance!


The prince of Bliss Ice Palace suddenly stopped, her brow furrowed, and she seemed unwilling to move on!


Fairy Xueyao shouted softly!

"I'm okay, since I have already come here, I have to look at it all!"

The palace nodded and continued on!


The female stone puppet spoke again and led everyone into the cave in front. Except for Chen Zheng, all the others held their breath and followed carefully step by step!

Master of Yuanxu!

See the master of Yuanxu soon!


Fairy light flashes!

Everyone stepped into the cave!


Just glanced!

All except Chen Zheng are silent!


You can see a sarcophagus at a glance!

And it can be sensed!

There is a breath of life in the sarcophagus!

There are spirits in several of the sarcophagi!


The master of the Bliss Ice Palace only felt for a moment, and her face instantly paled. She was the reincarnation of the Six-desire Saint Emperor. At this moment, she felt the breath of the same kind. Her kind is the Holy Emperor!

In addition to the Holy Emperor, she also sensed the lord's breath. The sarcophagus in the middle seems to be a robber!

This place!

This foreign currency market!

Originally under the rule of heaven!

The strongest creatures outside the realm will dominate the half-step era!

Although it has long been known that the owner of Yuanxu absolutely exceeded the limit outside the domain!

But when you really see what is in the depths of Yuanxu!

The master of Bliss Ice Palace is still shocked!

This cave!

Should not exist outside the domain!

This cave should exist in Taixu!

This cave is the most terrible place even in Taixu!

Because this place is a place dedicated to suppressing the robbery and suppressing the Holy Emperor!

Who is the master of Yuanxu!


A figure emerged!

This is a woman!

It seems to be just the Taoist ancestor of the fifth realm!

Everyone glanced at it, knowing that this is definitely not the master of Yuanxu, this should be the disciple of the master of Yuanxu!

"Yanwu meets Chen Zu, please ask Chen Zu to see Master with Yanwu!"

The woman salutes Chen Zheng!

This daughter is no one else. It was the granddaughter of Yanchijia, the elder of the Tiangong clan in Taishi ancient land, with a very special physique.

"Let her get out!"

Chen Zheng has not yet responded, and an indifferent female voice sounded inside Chen Zheng!


The bite beast shuddered at the sound!




And the sarcophagus in the middle was suddenly agitated!

As if the creature heard this indifferent female voice!

"Master Lord of the Future, although I can't help you, but you can't beat me now, so please invite the future Lord to see you."

At this time!

A woman chuckled in the depths of the cave!

Yan Nu, Mo Xin, Master of Bliss Ice Palace, and Fairy Xueyao all stared!

And Bai Muer heard this figure trembling physically and mentally!

Master of Yuanxu!

That is the master of Yuanxu!

There can be nothing wrong!

There is absolutely nothing wrong!

"What you said makes sense."

Chen Zheng smiled and followed Yan Wu into the depths of the cave. Yan Nu and Bai Mu'er did not dare to have any movements. A female stone puppet absolutely crushed them. At the moment, they swept through the cave and their mind was shaking again!

In addition to the sarcophagus in this cave, there seem to be many torture devices, the blood marks on the torture device, the breath that exudes invisible seems to be the breath of God!

This place!

Wouldn't it be a torture chamber!

Wouldn’t it be used to detain God!

"This is a prison...specially imprisoning the robber, the holy emperor, and the prison of the gods..."The master of the Bliss Palace also swept through the torture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Incomparably white, his eyes fixed on the sarcophagus in the middle, silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "In this sarcophagus, it seems that it is the robber of the Second Age and the Holy Emperor of the Second Age! , Suppressed in the same sarcophagus!"


When the Dao Beast heard it, his eyes flicked into the arms of Xueyao Fairy!


The eyes of the celestial beast are also turned, and the body keeps going back, and the face is full of panic! It shouted wildly in his heart, this place is terrible, so I want to leave this place!


Dare not run away!

Afraid to escape!

People are gone!

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