Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2029: 86 number

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The dragon is too strong!


Moon God Will The Moon God Clan will be wiped out!

and many more!

Billion **** thunder fell!


Didn’t the dragon hide?




Billions of gods thunder fall!

The magic dragon only raised his head at this moment!


Everyone on the scene saw it!


The dragon is extremely proud!

The dragon seems to disdain to block!


Billions of gods thundered on the dragon!



Billions of gods were swallowed instantly!

and many more!

Not gone!

The dragon opened his mouth!


A terrifying thunder column soared into the sky!


The sky dome was flushed out of a huge hole instantly!


This moment!

All avenues outside the territory shivered!

How could this dragon be so terrible!

Is this the power of the eye-catcher or the power of the dragon itself!

Or is it a combination of the two!

"Sister Zhengyue...It's terrible..."

The Dao Beast is dumbfounded, and it is all scared!

"Master's first favorite pet..."

Yan Nu also whispered.


The rest looked silent.


A flash of black light!

The dragon disappeared!

Everyone is still silent!

Just did not continue to look at the sky but all looked at Chen Zheng!

"The Master of Yuanxu has already left Yuanxu and should not be back outside the territory."

Chen Zheng casually took the people around him and left.




Jin Zun!

Divine deity!

Also left in an instant!



"I still don't know who is the owner of Yuanxu..."

The remaining avenues were stunned for a while. Look at me and see if you can't help shaking your head. The Yuanxu is no longer outside the territory. The five eye-catchers have also been swallowed. The Yuanxu can be said that there is no horror forbidden land.


Who is the master of Yuanxu!

I don’t even know the major roads outside the region!

"Master of Yuanxu..." Juetian God groaned, his brow suddenly raised, and disappeared.


Ren Qianqiu noticed the departure of Peerless God and frowned slightly, but he could only sigh with emotion. Today, I saw the means of the master of Yuanxu, and saw Chen Zu’s god-favored dragon, but I still don’t know the origin of Chen Zu. I don't know the origin of the master of Yuanxu.

of course!

In fact, there is still a clue!

About the voice of the suspected Chen Zuyi before!

I'm afraid it's related to heaven!

I'm afraid it's related to the Heavenly Palace in Taishang Heaven!


Purple Pole Holy Court.

"Emperor Zulong has swallowed, the five big eyes have been swallowed, and the girl in the first month is going to sleep for a while. Although this girl wakes up, although it is not an era overlord, it can almost maintain the level of combat power of the era overlord, but it is more than I expected. Faster, I am afraid that the progress has already exceeded the progress of the small bone. When the time comes, I will enter the Taixu and swallow the Emperor Dragon Emperor. This girl has the opportunity to impact the half-step detachment."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Small bone?"

Yan Nu showed her curiosity.

"Sister Bone is in the big dark sky, and the big dark sky has been upgraded. Sister Bone's cultivation behavior should not fall."

Dao bite thought for a moment.

"I thought the master of Yuanxu would accept you as a disciple, but she didn't have that interest anymore." Chen Zheng moved his eyes, glanced at Bai Mu'er, and then moved his eyes again to the blood-stained gun-man, Xin Xin: "You In addition to the blood of the heavens, I also devoured a trace of the real blood of the Master of the Yuanxu Master. I also thought that the Master of the Yuanxu will meet you, but in her eyes, the real blood is only the real blood, even if it is the real blood of her master. She probably won’t look at it a few more times. She only has her master’s body in her eyes."


Bai Mu'er and Mo Xin opened their mouths, not knowing how to respond for a while.

"Yuanxu Master... Where is she?"

Jin Zun asked with a deep voice.


All the people in the temple instantly raised their ears!

"Half-step detachment is basically the invincible realm in the Hongmeng universe. Even in that realm, even the Hongmeng robber cannot kill you easily. At most, some means are used to suppress you. The immortality in this Hongmeng universe is immortal. The level that can be said to be immortal is that situation. The half-step transcendence is above the level of the era overlord. The strongest era overlords in the Taixu should already be impacting that level, maybe some guys have already The impact succeeded, but it was only hidden and invisible. Outside this region, the era of the overlord of the era must not come, but if you become a true half-step transcendental creature, Heaven can only stare."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Jin Zun, Divine Deity Sage, Lihuo Ancient Sage, Immortal Immortal, etc., revealed a very amazing look!

"Then...Chen Zu is really no mana now?"

After a moment of silence, Li Shenghou could not help asking.

"The master of Yuanxu gave me a full hand with half-step detachment, and helped me to open some invisible shackles in my body. Now I really don't have a little mana in my body, but the problem is not big. The sage shackles have been opened. I already know Where to go to devour mana."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Sage shackles?"

"Half step detached from the level and give it all?"


Everyone is a little ignorant!

"My flesh is too strong. If I look at the flesh as a universe, then my flesh is already equivalent to the Hongmeng universe, and may even be more vast than the Hongmeng universe. So I used to devour the divine origin, the **** fruit and the like, seemingly majestic mana. The body, in fact, is only a small part of the entire universe, so the mana realm recovers slowly. And the power of my physical body and the primal spirit can only be driven by mana, so my combat power depends on Mana. Once you have the sage-level mana, you should be able to squeeze the creatures below the level of the three epochs."

Chen Zheng explained.


Everyone was silent again when they heard it!

Not incomprehensible!

It sounds too exaggerated!

Sage mana!

Sage mana is not worth mentioning outside the domain!

But Chen Zu, the sage mana, was able to pinch the era overlord!

This Nima!

It's really unimaginable!

"Let me see, what is the difference between this land outside the world and Daqian World." Chen Zheng looked out of the Holy Court, the seven colors of light flashed in his eyebrows, and he swept across the entire region instantly. After sweeping the region, he shook his head and smiled gently. : "If this is the case, even though this area is outside the Hongmeng universe, most of them are not Hongmeng's creations. Only when the chaotic battlefield belongs to Hongmeng's creations, my tool has been swept away and I have grown a little."


a little?

What do you mean?

What has grown a little?

Everyone is a little ignorant!

This time Chen Zheng did not explain that only a few people knew about the universe cantilever, but he was not afraid of who knew the existence of the universe cantilever to **** the universe cantilever. The detached person, even if it is a detached person who has not fallen, he does not feel that someone can steal the cantilever from the universe.

He got up and walked outside the Holy Court, and glanced toward Taishang Heaven. Although there was a slight mana through the chaotic time and space, it seemed that he still saw the heaven at the end of the 33rd Tianhe River in Taishang Heaven. palace.


He suddenly smiled.

"I've reached eighty-six, may I ask you."

The people in the temple are even more puzzled!


next moment!

A horror roar pressed down from the sky!

As if responding to Chen Zheng!

The people in the hall heard the horror roar!

One by one, the colors of horror!


That roar!

That roar is heaven!

Not a normal day!

It seemed like the sky above nine days!

The sky above nine days seems to be called too heaven!

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