Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2048: 2nd convicted earring

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This kid!

Does he really think he is invincible!

"Are you... looking down on Lord Hall Master, are you laughing at Lord Hall Master, do you know how many epoch-level creatures in this fairy field! You know, the creatures in this heaven and earth There are a few more people who can practice in this realm! Not to mention Lord Master, it is not the creatures of the Celestial Realm Supreme in the past that broke the era, but the native creatures of the Hongmeng Jihongtian God Realm, it is in this era that they become the era overlord! You Chen Zu are just Taoist mortal quasi-mana, what qualifications do you have to laugh at Master Lord!"

Fenghua Shenzi can't stand it, gritting his teeth!


Extremely uncomfortable!

This feeling of being tricked into the door is too unpleasant!

Fight back!

Must fight back!

This is the main hall of the Temple of Dying!

There is the Lord of the Palace Lord!

What a weird you are, a quasi-holy mana of Chen Zu magical power!

Can you really kill the Lord Lord here?

"It's crazy!"

"Young people may have a big chance for you, but here is only the Lord of the Palace Lord!"

"You haven't played against the Lord Lord!"

The rest of the elders shouted!

"One Ring Overlord is too weak."

However, Chen Zheng ignored any of them, and only said a word to the Lord of the Temple of Dying on the dark seat.


Fenghua Shenzi and other anger!

One by one, it's terrible!

But still dare not shoot!

This kid!

It's crazy!

Did he regard him as the supreme fairyland!

"You...what do you want!"

Yin Tu Long Yuan Shen didn't respond to seeing the Hall Master, took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng to ask!


Chen Zheng smiled.

"This... this is impossible!"

Yin Tulong's face sank, and then shook his head!


This is the moment!

The master has a response!

A raised hand!


Du Guqian frowned slightly!

Look down now!

The body was entangled with a series of rope-like ghosts!


Can't break free!

"Too tying Tencel!"

Fenghua Shenzi showed a happy look!


"This is also true of you, Chen Zu. It was so mad before. Now that the master of the palace master is shot, it is not imprisoned!"

"Just saw you slapped the tyrannical beast who killed the Lord Lord of the Palace, and you were shocked by you. It turns out that you are not really exaggerated! But yes, quasi-saint mana, no matter how strong it is, it can be far stronger. Is it more than one ring era dominance level!"

The rest of the elders laughed instantly!

"Master Lord, the disciple wants this woman to be an escort. Please ask Master Lord to give this woman to the disciple!"

Fenghua Shenzi saw Du Guqian bound by Tian Tiansi at the moment, his evil flash in his eyes, the Yuanshen was agitated, and he worshiped the Lord!



He just prayed!

The so-called celestial **** that bound Chen Zheng and Du Guqian was broken!


Fenghua Shenzi, a group of elders with a grimace of laughter, was replaced by surprise!


This is broken!

I didn't see how it was broken!


Yin Tulong Yuanshen opened his mouth, he felt something was wrong, that was too fettering Tencel, Lord Lord had once trapped an epoch overlord who was more tyrannical than Lord Lord, it took a few days to get rid of it!


This guy in front of me!

It doesn't seem to be taken seriously at all!

Just now!

This guy looked at the woman, and the bound woman seemed to be looking at the figure of the woman, so it was not the first time to break the tether!


Very wrong!

The magic weapon left by Tai Di seems to be of no use to this kid!

"Don't use this little trick. If you take out your biggest hole, we won't waste time. What do you think."

Chen Zheng smiled at the Lord of the Temple.



"You are so deceiving!"


Several elders gritted their teeth again and shouted!



This kid didn't take Master Lord seriously!

This kid hasn't taken Master Lord seriously since the beginning!

It's crazy!

How could there be such a guy!

Why is such a guy means so weird!


The Lord of the Temple responded!

A raised hand!

A jade box emerges!


This jade box emerged!

The appearance of Yin Tulong is all changed!


They all know!

The mysterious earrings are sealed in the jade box!

Lord Lord!

Is this yielding!


Lord Lord is such a strong character!

It is impossible to succumb to this kid!

For a while!

The look is changing!

"The gods have spirits, I think they should be chosen by the gods themselves!"

Shi Dian Dian advocates the mouth, the voice is extremely indifferent!


"The gods have spirits, they can't be forced, they should let the gods choose for themselves!"

"Dare you let that girl hand over the earrings, make the earrings a pair, and let the gods choose for themselves!"

A few elders were stunned, the flash of joy in their eyes, staring at Chen Zheng cold drink!

"Chen Zu, these earrings are very mysterious. Even if you use extreme means, you can force the earrings to recognize the Lord. I am afraid it is not that simple! Only when the gods themselves recognize the Lord can they release the real divine power, so even if they are forcibly snatched, It’s not a pair of beautiful ornaments unless it’s approved by Gods!"

A flash of joy flashed in the eyes of Fenghua Shenzi!


They all decided a bit!

That is, once the two earrings are paired together!

Will definitely choose the Lord of the Temple!

"Chen Zu, do you dare!"

Yin Tulong gritted his teeth!

"You are very confident."

Chen Zheng smiled again at the Lord of the Temple, and said that the convicted earrings on Du Guqian's right ear flew to the jade box at once!


This moment!

Everyone in the temple stared at this convicted earring!


The jade box suddenly opened!

Sure enough, there was another convicted earring in it!

Two convicted earrings have not been touched!

A dazzling divine light illuminates in an instant!

"My palm is the god!"

This is the moment!

The Lord of the Temple shouted coldly!


A huge force broke out!


The two convicted earrings linked by the Divine Light moved towards the side of the Lord of the Temple!

"It's done!"

"Haha! You hit the jackpot!"

"You don't know that Master Lord has practiced a secret technique, that is a secret technique that can control the gods between heaven and earth!"

Several elders laughed loudly!

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you lost!"

Fenghua Shenzi grinning!


Yin Tu Long Yuan Shen smiled!

"This mystery technique, although it will consume the source, but as soon as it is put on display, then it will be 100% sure." On the divine seat, the main voice of the temple hall sounded: "Chen Zu sent the second earring Let the earrings make a pair and become a true supreme god. I should thank Chen Zu. So you can leave Chen Zu, I will not kill you."


There is an absolute confidence that can't be expressed!


There is also an arrogance!

"Master Lord is invincible!"

"Chen Zu, have you heard it yet?"

"Spare your Don't get out!


Several elders showed madness!



The pair of earrings that had been biased towards the Lord of the Temple, suddenly flew towards Chen Zheng and fell into Chen Zheng's hands!


There was no sound in the main hall of this temple!

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